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Canada. -Capital: Ottawa -Population:32.8 million -Area: 2 nd largest country in the world.

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Presentation on theme: "Canada. -Capital: Ottawa -Population:32.8 million -Area: 2 nd largest country in the world."— Presentation transcript:

1 Canada

2 -Capital: Ottawa -Population:32.8 million -Area: 2 nd largest country in the world

3 -10 provinces -3 territories in the north

4 -Life Expectancy: 80 years old

5 Age: Average: 38 years old

6 -AIDS/HIV: 56,000 people 0.02 % of pop.

7 -Per Capita: $29,800 -Literacy Rate: 97%

8 Unemployment Rate: 7.8%

9 Religion Catholic42% Protestant40% Other18%

10 Language English*59% French*23% Other18% *=official languages

11 Natural Resources: Fishing, lumber, nickel, zinc, uranium, lead, copper, silver, coal, gold, petroleum

12 HISTORY France1500s England French & Indian War

13 -1867 British North America Act - self governing

14 -Parliament and Prime Minister -each province has own parliamentary head

15 -strong ties to England -Queen Elizabeth II

16 Canadian Regions

17 Maritime Provinces Maritime Provinces E. hinterland: far away from major pop. centers E. hinterland: far away from major pop. centers

18 New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Islands, Newfoundland New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Islands, Newfoundland

19 Heartland Provinces Quebec, Ontario

20 S. Ontario and S. Quebec most densely settled and economically developed S. Ontario and S. Quebec most densely settled and economically developed

21 Quebec Quebec French Speaking French Speaking French Canadians: Quebecois French Canadians: Quebecois Ottawa: Capital, bilingual Ottawa: Capital, bilingual

22 Toronto, Ontario Toronto, Ontario British culture British culture

23 Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa lead country- belt of cities Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa lead country- belt of cities

24 Prairie Provinces Prairie Provinces

25 Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Railroads Railroads Thinly populated Thinly populated

26 British Colombia British Colombia Vancouver: 3 rd largest city Vancouver: 3 rd largest city

27 Canadian North Canadian North

28 Yukon, NW, Nunavut Yukon, NW, Nunavut 1/3 of area, but 80,000 people 1/3 of area, but 80,000 people

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