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Paco is in the North Pole Paco visits Canada and the USA: Paco is in the North Pole By courosa, Creative Commons.

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Presentation on theme: "Paco is in the North Pole Paco visits Canada and the USA: Paco is in the North Pole By courosa, Creative Commons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paco is in the North Pole Paco visits Canada and the USA: Paco is in the North Pole By courosa, Creative Commons.

2 Paco is in the North Pole Relative pronouns The people who live in Nunavut are Inuit Who: people Which: things That: people or things

3 Paco is in the North Pole Defining relative clauses Baffin is an island that is part of Nunavut A defining relative clause: is part of a sentenceis part of a sentence is necessary informationis necessary information describes the noun that comes just before itdescribes the noun that comes just before it

4 Paco is in the North Pole Subject and object pronouns Paco is wearing a coat he bought for this place This is the man who loves me. This is the man (who) I love. The relative pronoun can be omitted when it is the object of the relative clause; if it is the subject, it is necessary.

5 Paco is in the North Pole Compound nouns Paco needs a haircut They can be written together: crossword. They can be written as separate words: credit card. They can be joined by a hyphen: passer-by. They can be formed by different combinations of words: noun+noun, adjective+noun, verb+noun, noun+preposition, etc.

6 Paco is in the North Pole Vocabulary: animals Diphthong: / ʊ ə/ Animals: musk oxen, caribou, polar bears, walrus, wolves, seals, foxes, beavers and falcons. Other words: untamed, wildlife, fur and whiskers. Diphthong / ʊ ə/: tour, poor, sure, pure, cure…

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