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Suggestopedia Lecture # 11. Review of the last lecture The Silent Way GRCIFLCASNEE Goals ;self expression Role ; technician or engineer; students become.

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Presentation on theme: "Suggestopedia Lecture # 11. Review of the last lecture The Silent Way GRCIFLCASNEE Goals ;self expression Role ; technician or engineer; students become."— Presentation transcript:

1 Suggestopedia Lecture # 11

2 Review of the last lecture The Silent Way GRCIFLCASNEE Goals ;self expression Role ; technician or engineer; students become independent Characteristics: sounds; known to unknown; situational structures; practice Interaction; Feelings; Positively Language/culture Areas of language/skills of language: all four skill Native language; Errors; self correction by students Evaluation; no formal testing

3 Georgi Lozanov; originator of Suggestopedia

4 SUGGESTOPEDIA(SUG) Suggestopedia: (Super learning): psychological barriers are the main causes of failure in language learning. These barriers should be removed.

5 What is going on here?

6 SUG: These barriers are fear of bad performance, limited ability to learn, and failure, so our full mental powers are not revealed.

7 Visualization/Pseudo state

8 SUG Suggestology: how to harness and redirect mental capacity for maximum learning. It is based on Desuggestion and Suggestion

9 Suggestopeia; desuggestopedia

10 SUG: Desuggestion: unloading mental reserves of unwanted memories. Suggestion: loading the reserves with facilitating memories.

11 SUG: Basics of Suggestology: 1. Authority: the teacher’s C. V., his belief in the method and his manner are valued (the placebo effect).

12 SUG: 2. Infantalization: students take the role of a child (games, songs, gymnastic exercises, … ).

13 SUG Principles: 1.Learning is facilitated in comfort. 2.Peripheral learning is valued.

14 SUG 3. Students must respect and trust the teacher’s authority. 4. The teacher “desuggests” the barriers: L2 learning is fun.

15 Suggestopedia 5. Students’ imagination is activated (Suggestion). 6. Students’ confidence is raised (Suggestion).

16 Suggestopedia: Principles 7. Choosing new names and biographies enhances feeling of security (suggestion). 8. Easy to handle dialogs come first.

17 Suggestopedia: 9. Students’ attention is off the Form (structure) and on communication. 10. The lessons indirectly enhance positive Suggestions.

18 Suggestopedia: 11. Grammar and vocabulary are taught very superficially. 12. Mother tongue and translation are used to transfer meaning.

19 Suggestopedia: 13. Communication takes places on two planes: language message is the conscious level; music is the subconscious level. They go together. Decoration of the environment is so important.

20 Suggestopedia: 14. To overcome the barriers, a pseudo-passive state is needed. 15. Homework is done at night and in the morning. 16. Dramatization and fantasy reduce the barriers to learning. 17. The arts (music, drama, … ) should be part of the process of learning.

21 Suggestopedia 18. Novelty is the to motivation (learning activities are varied). 19. Infantalization is the key factor. A childlike attitude to learning helps a lot. 20. In some activities the conscious attention focuses on using L2, not on the structure and form. 21.Errors are tolerated and corrected indirectly later.

22 Summary Who would give me summary of today’s lecture? Suggestion Desuggestion Basic Concepts: Authority; Infantilization Comfort Peripheral Learning Teacher de-suggest the barriers and makes learning fun Student must respect the teacher and accept his authority Grammar and vocabulary are taught superficially MT and Translation are used to communicate meanings Errors are tolerated and corrected indirectly later.

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