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DRUG CLASSIFICATIONS We will classify drugs according to their effects on the body.

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Presentation on theme: "DRUG CLASSIFICATIONS We will classify drugs according to their effects on the body."— Presentation transcript:

1 DRUG CLASSIFICATIONS We will classify drugs according to their effects on the body.

2 STIMULANTS Speed up the Central Nervous System –Heart rate increases, respiration rate increases –Metabolism is increased –Insomnia (difficulty sleeping) –Highly addictive –Change brain chemistry

3 EXAMPLES OF STIMULANTS Amphetamines Methamphetamines Cocaine, crack Ritalin Caffeine –SLANG TERMS Speed Ice Rock Uppers Meth Crystal Glass Coke

4 DEPRESSANTS Slow down the Central Nervous System –Heart rate decreases, respiration rate decreases –Relaxes muscles, lack of coordination –Metabolism decreases –Sleepy all the time, no energy –Relieves anxiety –Mood depression –Addictive –Changes brain chemistry

5 EXAMPLES Alcohol Sedatives Tranquilizers Barbiturates Slang Terms Rainbows Ludes Red Devils Yellow Jackets

6 HALLUCINOGENS AND PSYCHEDELICS Distort Reality –Increase heart rate and blood pressure –Change how your brain perceives time, reality and space –Affects how you think, hear, see, move, and react –Change the way you feel emotionally, depression, anxiety,delusions and panic –May cause you to be confused and disoriented –Memory loss –May cause flashbacks

7 EXAMPLES Marijuana LSD Peyote Mescaline PCP Psilocybin SLANG TERMS Angel dust Weed, grass, maryjane Acid, blotter Shrooms, magic mushrooms

8 OPIATES AND NARCOTICS Kill pain –Euphoria –Drowsiness, passive –Slow breathing –Nausea –Brain: Changes the way brain cells work, causes increased feelings of pleasure, stops pain, and stops coughing, diarrhea and slows breathing –addictive

9 EXAMPLES Morphine Codeine Heroin Opium Oxycodone Methadone SLANG TERMS H, Horse,Junk Smack, scag School Boy

10 INHALANTS Kill brain cells –Brain damage –Heart muscle damage –Kidney and liver failure –Seizures and sudden death –Short term memory loss and motor skill impairment

11 EXAMPLES Glue Paint thinner Propane CO2 propellants Things with vapors Slang Terms Huffing Sniffing Bagging whippets

12 CLUB DRUGS Loss of Control and Euphoria –Effects on the body are different depending on the drug used Euphoria and sedation Euphoria and hyperactivity

13 EXAMPLES Ecstasy Methamphetamines LSD Rohypnol Ketamine GHB PCP Slang Terms X MDMA, ADAM Special K Crystal, ice Acid, Roofies, Georgia Home Boy

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