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Arapahoe Anatomy Class 13 October 2009 Robert E. Eilert, MD Professor Emeritus Orthopaedic Surgery and Pediatrics University of Colorado.

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Presentation on theme: "Arapahoe Anatomy Class 13 October 2009 Robert E. Eilert, MD Professor Emeritus Orthopaedic Surgery and Pediatrics University of Colorado."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arapahoe Anatomy Class 13 October 2009 Robert E. Eilert, MD Professor Emeritus Orthopaedic Surgery and Pediatrics University of Colorado

2 Discuss bone function Name the bones Bone growth X-ray Surface anatomy Questions

3 The Functions of the NeuroMusculoSkeletal System Action Expression

4 The Functions of the Skeletal System Structure: The skeletal system provides a framework of support for the body. Bones protect the internal organs. The spine and skull protect the CNS (Central Nervous System). The skeletal system is jointed to allow movement. Muscles activate the bones. Storage: Bones store calcium, phosphorus and other minerals. Blood Production: Blood cells are produced in the bone marrow.

5 Types of Bones Long bones have a tubular shaft and articular surface at each end. Flat bones are thin and have broad surfaces. Short bones are variable in size and shape. These bones are generally compact in nature and are distributed throughout the skeleton

6 Skeletal System The skeletal system consists of approximately 206 bones.

7 Skeletal System Axial Skeleton – Skull…………………………………….22 – Vertebral column…………………26 – Hyoid bone……………………………1 – Ribs and sternum…………………25 – 74



10 Bony Orbit Key to Facial Bones

11 The seven bones that articulate to form the orbit. yellow = Frontal boneFrontal bone green = Lacrimal bone brown = Ethmoid bone blue = Zygomatic bone purple = Maxillary bone aqua = Palatine bone red = Sphenoid bone teal = Nasal bone The nasal bone is illustrated but does not form part of the orbit

12 The Bones of The Ear The incus, malleus, and stapes are the bones of the middle ear. They are the smallest bones in the human body. The three bones are connected by joints and carry the vibrations collected from the eardrum to the inner ear. The mechanical advantage gained in this system increases the volume of the sound about 7 times.

13 Skeletal System Appendicular Skeleton Upper extremities……………………64 Lower extremities……………………62 126 Auditory ossicles……………………..6



16 History of Discoveries in Bone Growth 1727 Hales-Bones grow in length by addition of new tissue at their ends.

17 Proximal epiphysis Distal epiphysis Distal metaphysis Proximal metaphysis Sites of growth in length of bone Proximal epiphyseal growth plate Distal epiphyseal growth plate Diaphysis

18 width increases by Intramembranous bone formation Proliferating growth cartilage Hypertrophic calcifying cartilage Hypertrophic calcifying cartilage Proliferating growth cartilage Endochondral bone laid down on spicules of degenerating calcified cartilage



21 Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen 1895


23 7 y.o.







30 Body Proportions Vituvian man vs. Michael Phelps

31 leonardo's vitruvian man




35 Golden Ratio




39 Foramina and openings 1. Optic foramen 2. Superior orbital fissure 3. Inferior orbital fissure 4. Anterior ethmoidal foramen 5. Posterior ethmoidal foramen 6. Infraorbital foramen 7. Supraorbital foramen 8. Naso-lacrimal canal opening 9. Zygomatic orbital foramen

40 Calvarium Phalanges Ribs Femur Patella Tibia Talus Radius Humerus Phalanges Ulna Vertebae Pelvis



43 Femur Tibia Patella

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