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Introduction to Computers. GUI Graphical User Interface, the visual environment you work in when using something like Windows 95, or Windows 98.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Computers. GUI Graphical User Interface, the visual environment you work in when using something like Windows 95, or Windows 98."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Computers

2 GUI Graphical User Interface, the visual environment you work in when using something like Windows 95, or Windows 98

3 WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get, what is visible on the screen is what you will have printed or visible

4 File Size Terminology KB-Kilo-byte, one thousand bytes of data, 1,024 MB-Mega-byte, one million bytes of data, 1,048576 bytes or 1,024 2 GB-Giga-byte, one billion bytes of data, 1,073,741,824 or 1,024 3 TB-Tera-byte, one trillion bytes of data, 1,099,511,627,776 or 1,024 4

5 Networks LAN-Local Area Network, a network that is connected to a central file server WAN-Wide Area Network, a network that is connected to multiple computers in multiple Locations, uses Ma Bell to connect remote locations

6 Mouse Controls Click-Press the left mouse button once Double Click-Press the left mouse button twice in rapid succession Drag-Hold the left mouse button down while moving the mouse Right Click-Press the right mouse button once

7 Difference between software and files… Software-A program that controls a computer and/or attached machines. File-A specific document that controls nothing, holds information

8 File Controls File-A specific document that controls nothing, holds information Open-To access a file or program that is needed. Close-To leave or exit a file or program that is in use. Save-To preserve or record a file or document for future use. Save As-To save a file where the name or storage site need to be changed

9 Hardware Hardware-A device or machine pertaining to a computer, it may be located inside or outside the machine. Peripheral-A device or machine pertaining to a computer, cannot be located inside the machine.

10 Screen Controls Scroll Box-A menu that only shows some of the possible choices. By “scrolling” up or down more of the choices can be visible. To select an item click on the name. Pull Down Menu-A menu that appears from the Main Menu when one of the options is selected. Drop Down Menu-A menu that appears out of a selection of another menu. Icon-A graphical representation of a program. Maximize-To make the program fill the screen. Minimize-To make the program shrink to an icon, but not really closed. Toggle-To switch between two choices. Next Slide

11 Scroll Box Next Slide

12 Pull Down Menu Next Slide

13 Drop Down Menu Next Slide

14 Icon Next Slide

15 Maximize Next Slide

16 Minimize Next Slide

17 Toggle Next Slide

18 THE END!!!!!!

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