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Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 1 of 12 Dynamic.

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Presentation on theme: "Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 1 of 12 Dynamic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 1 of 12 Dynamic Strategic Planning Primitive Models Risk Recognition Decision Trees

2 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 2 of 12 Primitive Decision Models l Still widely used l Illustrate problems with intuitive approach l Provide base for appreciating advantages of decision analysis

3 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 3 of 12 Primitive Decision Models BASIS: Payoff Matrix Alternative State of “nature” S1 S2... Sm A1 A2 An Value of outcomes Onm

4 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 4 of 12 Primitive Model: Laplace l Decision Rule: a)Assume each state of nature equally probable => p m = 1/m b)Use these probabilities to calculate an “expected” value for each alternative c)Maximize “expected” value

5 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 5 of 12 Primitive Model: Laplace (cont’d) l Example S1S2“expected” value A11004070 A2 708075

6 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 6 of 12 Primitive Model: Laplace (cont’d) l Problem: Sensitivity to framing ==> “irrelevant alternatives S1aS1bS2“expected” value A11001004080 A2 70 708073.3

7 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 7 of 12 Primitive Model: Maximin or Maximax l Decision Rule: a)Identify minimum or maximum outcomes for each alternative b)Choose alternative that maximizes the global minimum or maximum

8 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 8 of 12 Primitive Model: Maximin or Maximax (cont’d) l Example: S1S2 S3maximinmaximax A110040 30 2 A2 7080 20 2 3 A3 0 0110 3 l Problems - discards most information - focuses in extremes

9 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 9 of 12 Primitive Model: Regret l Decision Rule a)Regret = (max outcome for state i) - (value for that alternative) b)Rewrite payoff matrix in terms of regret c)Minimize maximum regret (minimax)

10 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 10 of 12 Primitive Model: Regret (cont’d) l Example: S1S2 S3 A110040 30 A2 7080 20 A3 0 0 110 04080 30 090 10080 0

11 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 11 of 12 Primitive Model: Regret (cont’d) l Problem: Sensitivity to Irrelevant Alternatives A11004030 A2 708020 040 0 30 010 NOTE: Reversal of evaluation if alternative dropped Problem: Potential Intransitivities

12 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 12 of 12 Primitive Model: Weighted Index l Decision Rule a)Portray each choice with its deterministic attributed different from payoff matrix e.g. MaterialCostDensity A$5011 B$609

13 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 13 of 12 Primitive Model: Weighted Index (cont’d) b)Normalize table entries on some standard, to reduce the effect of differences in units. This could be a material (A or B); an average or extreme value, etc. e.g. MaterialCostDensity A1.001.000 B1.200.818 c)Decide according to weighted average of normalized attributes.

14 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 14 of 12 Primitive Model: Weighted Index (cont’d) l Problem 1: Sensitivity to Framing “irrelevant attributes” similar to Laplace criterion (or any other using weights) l Problem 2: Sensitivity to Normalization Example: Norm on ANorm on B Matl$Dens$Dens A1.001.0000.831.22 B1.200.8181.001.00 Weighting both equally, we have A > B (2.00 vs. 2.018)B > A (2.00 vs. 2.05)

15 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 15 of 12 Primitive Model: Weighted Index (cont’d) l Problem 3: Sensitivity to Irrelevant Alternatives As above, evident when introducing a new alternative, and thus, new normalization standards.

16 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 16 of 12 Organization of Lectures l INTRODUCTION l PHASE 1: Recognition of Risk and Complexity Reality l PHASE 2: Analysis l PHASE 3: Dynamic Strategic Planning l CASE STUDIES OF DYNAMIC STRATEGIC PLANNING: Example Applications to Different Issues and Contexts

17 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 17 of 12 Outline of Introduction l The Vision l The Problem: Inflexible Planning The Solution: Dynamic Strategic Planning

18 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 18 of 12 The Problem: Inflexible Planning l The Usual Error – Choice of a Fixed "Strategy" ; A Master Plan – "Here we are...There we'll be” – Management and Company commitment to plan -- leading to resistance to change when needed The Resulting Problem – Inflexibility and Inability to respond to actual market conditions – Losses and Lost Opportunities

19 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 19 of 12 Examples Of Inflexible Planning Nuclear Power in USA –fix on technology –Uneconomic Plants –Bankrupt Companies l Electricity in South Africa (see Case Studies) – fix on size – Huge Excess Capacity – Large Unnecessary Costs

20 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 20 of 12 The Solution: Dynamic Strategic Planning (1) l 3 PHASES 1. Recognition of Risk and Complexity as Reality of Planning 2. Analysis of Situation 3. Flexible, Dynamic Planning

21 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 21 of 12 The Solution: Dynamic Strategic Planning (2) l PHASE 1: Recognition Of Risk And Complexity Of Choices As The Reality Of Planning –Risk -- the fundamental reality to be faced in developing long-term plans –Complexity -- leading to Wide Range of Choices, especially hybrid choices, those which include elements of other alternatives and allow flexible response to events

22 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 22 of 12 The Solution: Dynamic Strategic Planning (3) l PHASE 2: Analysis –Identifying Issues u Structuring the Situation –Decision Analysis of Choices u Decision trees –Determining Satisfaction of Decision-Makers, of Customers u Utility Analysis

23 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 23 of 12 The Solution: Dynamic Strategic Planning (4) l PHASE 3: New Kind Of Decision-making -- Flexible, Dynamic –Builds INSURANCE into plans u in the form of flexibility –Commits ONE PERIOD AT A TIME, u to permit adjustment to changing conditions

24 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 24 of 12 The Solution: Dynamic Strategic Planning (5) l Doing Dynamic Strategic Planning involves –Looking ahead many periods, appreciating the many scenarios with their opportunities and threats; –Choosing Actions to create flexibility, u so you can respond to opportunities and avoid bad situations; and –Committing to Actions only one period at a time. u Maintaining the flexibility to adjust to conditions as they actually develop

25 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 25 of 12 Chess Analogy l Dynamic strategic planning is comparable to playing chess as a grand master. l Dynamic strategic planning compares to regular corporate planning as grand master chess compares to beginner play.

26 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 26 of 12 Outline of Phase 1 : Recognition of Risk and Complexity Reality l Risk: Wide Range of Futures –The forecast is "always wrong" l Complexity: Wide Range of Choices –Number of Choices is Enormous u “Pure” solutions only 1 or 2% of possibilities u Most possibilities are “hybrid”, that combine elements of “pure” solutions u “Hybrid” choices provide most flexibility

27 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 27 of 12 Recognition Of Risk (1) l The usual error –Search for correct forecast l However: the forecast is "always wrong" –What actually happens is quite far, in practically every case, from what is forecast –Examples: costs, demands, revenues and production l Need to start with a distribution of possible outcomes to any choice or decision

28 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 28 of 12 DOE Oil Price Forecasts Source: M. Lynch, MIT

29 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 29 of 12 DOE Oil Price Forecasts Source: M. Lynch, MIT

30 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 30 of 12 EMF6 Oil Price Forecasts Source: M. Lynch, MIT

31 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 31 of 12 EMF6 Oil Price Forecasts (Low Forecasts) Source: M. Lynch, MIT

32 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 32 of 12 Forecasts of 1990 Price of Oil (IEW Survey) Source: M. Lynch, MIT

33 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 33 of 12 DOE Forecasts of Non-OPEC LDC Production Source: M. Lynch, MIT

34 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 34 of 12 Recognition Of Risk (2) Reason 1 : Surprises –All forecasts are extensions of past –Past trends always interrupted by surprises, by discontinuities: u Major political changes u Economic booms and recessions u New industrial alliances or cartels l The exact details of these surprises cannot be anticipated, but it is sure surprises will exist!

35 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 35 of 12 Recognition Of Risk (3) l Reason 2 : Ambiguity –Many extrapolations possible from any set of historical data u Different explanations (independent variables) u Different forms of explanations (equations) u Different number of periods examined –Many of these extrapolations will be "good" to the extent that they satisfy usual statistical tests –Yet these extrapolations will give quite different forecasts!

36 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 36 of 12 Recognition Of Risk (4) l The Resulting Problem: Wrong Plans –Wrong Size of Plant, of Facility u Denver Airport u Boston Water Treatment Plant (See Case Studies) –Wrong type of Facility u Although "forecast" may be "reached”… u Components that make up the forecast generally not as anticipated, thus requiring u Quite different facilities or operations than anticipated

37 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 37 of 12 Range Of Choices (1) l The Usual Error –Polarized Concept –Choices Narrowly Defined around simple ideas, on a continuous path of development l Examples –Mexico City Airport: A Major New One Yes or No? –Size of Power Plants: 6 Megawatts Yes or No? (See Case Study of South African Power) –Compliance with Laws: As written? Yes or No? u Experience of Planning for Electric Vehicles for Los Angeles, California u Venezuela (See Case Study)

38 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 38 of 12 Range Of Choices (2) l The Correct View –All Possibilities must be considered –The Number of Possible Developments, considering all the ways design elements can combine, is very large l The general rule for locations, warehouses –Possible Sizes, S –Possible Locations, L –Possible Periods of Time, T –Number of Combinations: {S exponent L} exponent T l Practical Example: Mexico City Airport –Polarized View: "Texcoco" or "Zumpango" –All Combinations: {2 exp 4}exp 3 = 4000+ !!!

39 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 39 of 12 Range Of Choices (3) l The Resulting Problem – Blindness to "98%" of possible plans of action u These are the "combination" (or "hybrid") possibilities that combine different tendencies u The "combination" designs allow greatest flexibility -- because they combine different tendencies – Blindness to many possible developments u those that permit a variety of futures u because they do not shut off options – Inability to adapt to risks and opportunities – Significant losses or lost opportunities

40 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 40 of 12 Range Of Choices (4) l Practical Example: Mexico City Airport –Most of the possible developments are combinations of operations at 2 sites (instead of only 1) –The simultaneous development at 2 sites allows the mix and the level of operations to be varied over time –The development can thus follow the many possible patterns of development that may occur –There is thus great flexibility –Also ability to act economically and efficiently l Recommended Action –Option on Zumpango Site –Wait until next sexennial –Then decide next step

41 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 41 of 12 Range Of Choices (5) l The Solution –Enumeration of Possible Combinations –General: Lists, Exact Numbering of Possibilities –Detailed: Simulations l Practical Examples –General Enumeration u New Airports at Mexico City, Sydney (See Case Study) –Detailed Simulation

42 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 42 of 12 Decision Analysis l Objective l Motivation l Primitive Models l Decision Analysis Methods

43 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 43 of 12 Decision Analysis l Objective – To present a particular, effective technique for evaluating alternatives to risky situations l Three Principal conclusions brought out by Decision Analysis. Think in terms of: 1. Strategies for altering choices as unknowns become known, rather than optimal choices 2. Second best choices which offer insurance against extremes 3. Education of client especially about range of alternatives

44 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 44 of 12 Motivation l People, when acting on intuition, deal poorly with complex, uncertain situations – They process probabilistic information poorly – They simplify complexity in ways which alter reality u Focus on extremes u Focus on end states rather than process u Example: Mexico City Airports l Need for structured, efficient means to deal with situation l Decision Analysis is the way

45 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 45 of 12 Decision Tree l Representing the Analysis -- Decision Tree –Shows Wide Range of Choices –Several Periods –Permits Identification of Plans that u Exploit Opportunities u Avoid Losses l Components of Decision Tree –Structure u Choices; Possible Outcomes –Data u Risks; Value of Each Possible Outcome

46 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 46 of 12 Decision Analysis l Structure – The Decision Tree as an organized, disciplined means to present alternatives and possible states of nature l Two graphical elements 1. Decision Points 2. Chance Points (after each decision) D C C D C D C C C D C D C C

47 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 47 of 12 Rain Coat Problem l Weather Forecast: 40% Chance of Rain l Outcomes: If it rains and you don’t take a raincoat = -10 If it rains and you take a raincoat = +4 If it does not rain and you don’t take a coat = +5 If it does not rain and you take a coat = -2 l Question: Should you take your raincoat given the weather forecast (40% chance of rain)?

48 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 48 of 12

49 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 49 of 12 Decision Analysis l Calculation – Maximize Expected Value of Outcomes l For each set of alternatives – Calculate Expect Value – Choose alternative with maximum EV D Raincoat No Raincoat C Rain p=0.4 No Rain p=0.6 Rain No Rain C 5 -2 -10 4 EV (raincoat) = 2.0 - 1.2 = 0.8 EV (no raincoat = - 4.0 + 2.4 = - 1.6

50 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 50 of 12 For Sequence of Alternatives l Start at end of tree (rightmost edge) l Calculate Expected Value for last (right hand side) alternatives l Identify Best – This is the value of that decision point, and is the outcome at the end of the chance point for the next alternatives l This is also the best choice, if you ever, by chance, reach that point l Repeat, proceeding leftward until end of tree is reached l Result: A sequence of optimal choices based upon and responsive to chance outcomes - “A Strategy”

51 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 51 of 12 Structure (continued) l Two data elements 1. Probability 2. Value of each outcome l When does it become a “messy bush”? C C C C C p2 1-p1 D C D D C D C D C 1-p p p p1 1-p2 01 02. 016

52 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 52 of 12 Results Of Decision Analysis l NOT a Simple Plan –Do A in Period 1; Do B in Period 2; etc. l A DYNAMIC PLAN –Do A in Period 1, –BUT in Period 2: u If Growth, do B u If Stagnation, do C u If Loss, do D

53 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 53 of 12 Decision Analysis Consequences l Education of client, discipline of decision tree encourages perception of possibilities – A strategy as a preferred solution – NOT a single sequence or a Master Plan l In general, Second Best strategies not optimal for any one outcome, but preferable because they offer flexibility to do well in a range of outcomes I.E., It is best to buy insurance!

54 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 54 of 12 Outline Of Phase 3: Dynamic Strategic Planning l The Choice –Preferred Choice depends on Satisfaction of Decision-Makers, or Customers –Not a technical absolute l The Dynamic Strategic Plan –Buys Insurance -- by building in flexibility –Commits only to immediate First Period Decisions –Balances level of Insurance to Feelings for Risk –Maintains Understanding of Need for Flexibility l Examples -- See Case Studies

55 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 55 of 12 The Choice l Any Choice is a PORTFOLIO OF RISKS –Nothing can be guaranteed l Choices differ in two important ways –The "Average" Returns (Most Likely, Median, Expected) –Their Performance over a Range of Scenarios l In General, they either –Perform well over many scenarios (they "fail gracefully" because they lose performance gradually) –Give good returns only for specified circumstances, otherwise they do not l A Choice is for First Period Only –New Choices available later

56 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 56 of 12 The Best Choice l Permit good performance over a range of scenarios l They achieve overall best performance by –Building in Flexibility, to adjust plan to situation in later periods -- this costs money –Sacrificing Maximum Performance under some circumstances l "Buy Insurance" in the form of flexibility, the capability to adjust rapidly and easily to future situations

57 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 57 of 12 The Preferred Choice l One of the best choices, those that provide flexibility l Depends on Feelings about Risk and Performance –What are acceptable levels for company? l May not be the same for different companies, or at different times

58 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 58 of 12 Dynamic Strategic Plan (1) l Buys "INSURANCE” –Against risks –By building in flexibility l Management of Risk –Very similar to risk management for portfolios –Best strategies involve hedging of the risks

59 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 59 of 12 Dynamic Strategic Plan (2) l COMMITS ONLY TO FIRST PERIOD DECISIONS –Decisions in Second and later periods deferred –Decisions for later periods will depend on market conditions at those times l See Case Studies

60 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 60 of 12 Dynamic Strategic Plan (3) l BALANCES THE LEVEL OF INSURANCE TO THE FEELINGS ABOUT RISK AND PERFORMANCE –Amount of Insurance (Flexibility) is not fixed –Level of Insurance is a Choice –Choice must be appropriate to company –Level of Insurance thus depends on Company’s situation, its feelings about risk and performance l See Case Studies

61 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 61 of 12 Dynamic Strategic Plan (4) l CAREFULLY MAINTAINS UNDERSTANDING OF THE NEED FOR FLEXIBILITY –Often Directors, Staff or Company become fixed on plan through personal commitments -- they make it difficult to make adjustments when desirable –Organizational ability to adjust plans to actual, market conditions must be carefully maintained

62 Dynamic Strategic Planning, MITRichard de Neufville, Joel Clark, and Frank R. Field Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOverviewSlide 62 of 12 Outline Of Examples l Example of Failed Planning –Electric Vehicles for Los Angeles l Examples of Successful Dynamic Strategies –Ceramic Auto Parts –Airport Development in Australia l Examples of Improvements through DSP –Size of South African Power Plants –Choice of Technology for Water Treatment l Examples of Dynamic Strategies in Progress –Meeting Competition with Contracting Strategies –Facing New Laws -- Petroleos de Venezuela, SA

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