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1 University of Notre Dame Alumni Club of Staten Island “BE BOLD” – Organize a Bread of Life Food Drive.

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1 1 University of Notre Dame Alumni Club of Staten Island “BE BOLD” – Organize a Bread of Life Food Drive

2 2 University of Notre Dame Alumni Club of Staten Island ANNUAL BREAD OF LIFE FOOD DRIVE “19 YEARS OF CARING” University of Notre Dame Alumni Senate April 15-17, 2010

3 3 BREAD OF LIFE FOOD DRIVE Agenda Overview History & Background Planning, Execution & Operation of the Food Drive “Connecting the Dots” Eminence Building for Notre Dame & Impact on The Staten Island Community Vision for the 20 th Anniversary of Bread of Life Food Drive Contacts for B.O.L.D.

4 4 BREAD OF LIFE FOOD DRIVE Overview Bread of Life Food Drive (B.O.L.D.) began in the Spring of 1992 as a response by the ND Club of Staten Island to Father Malloy’s request to every Alumni Club to give a service to their local community ND Club of Staten Island considered several community service projects: –Paint a house –Serve in a soup kitchen –Visit Nursing Home –Do a Food Drive Club selected a Food Drive –First year, Club collected food items in the Spring from targeted schools –In 1992 B.O.L.D. collected 7,000 items of food from 11 schools for 4 not-for- profit organizations on Staten Island that served people in need

5 5 BREAD OF LIFE FOOD DRIVE Overview (continued) FAST FORWARD TO 2010 –B.O.L.D. collects 55,000-60,000 items of food, from 105 schools to help 23 not-for-profit organizations on Staten Island that serve people in need HOW DID WE GET TO THE SUCCESS OF 2010? –“Luck of Irish” & help from The Holy Spirit –Club members totally involved in one or many aspects of B.O.L.D. –As demand and need for food grew, increased participation by more schools, private businesses, labor unions, youth groups –Publicize the Food Drive – Sometimes the media will promote a great story

6 6 BREAD OF LIFE FOOD DRIVE History & Background 1992, original B.O.L.D. tied into the 150 th Anniversary of The University of Notre Dame. B.O.L.D. always complements the mission of Notre Dame to serve the people of God in the name of Our Lady’s University. Each year the number of schools which have heard about our “Spring” Food Drive wanted to become involved. Each year, local not-for-profits approached the ND Club of Staten Island to be involved in receiving much needed food for the families they served. As the Food Drive grew each year, so did the time needed to plan and execute B.O.L.D. (we will cover planning in our next slides).

7 7 BREAD OF LIFE FOOD DRIVE History & Background (continued) The success of B.O.L.D., in involving students, businesses, community volunteers, and organizations serving people in need became “good news” for the Staten Island media to cover and thus helped grow the outreach of B.O.L.D.

8 8 BREAD OF LIFE FOOD DRIVE Planning, Execution & Operation of B.O.L.D. Planning The success of B.O.L.D. was not just “Luck-of-the-Irish” and help from The Holy Spirit, it was PLANNING, PLANNING and more PLANNING!! Planning for B.O.L.D. begins in early Fall, when schools open and the ND Club of Staten Island reaches out and registers schools for our Spring Food Drive! Get B.O.L.D. on school calendar!! Establish school contacts to help with B.O.L.D. at each school. ND Club reaches out to organizations needing food. ND Club Members meet in November, December, January, twice in February/March to make final plans for pick up, sort and delivery of food to organizations.

9 9 BREAD OF LIFE FOOD DRIVE Execution After months of planning with schools, organizations, club members and volunteers, B.O.L.D. is ready to execute our plans. Order and distribute 3,000 boxes to 105 schools. Boxes to collect food at school, 2 weeks before B.O.L.D. FRIDAY, B.O.L.D. Saturday!! Distribute 35,000 items of printed material, flyers, posters to schools, churches, businesses to promote B.O.L.D. Rent 6 Ryder Pick-up Trucks to collect food. Establish a pick-up date at schools “B.O.L.D. Friday”. Sort food and distribute on “B.O.L.D. Saturday” at one location.

10 10 BREAD OF LIFE FOOD DRIVE Operation We involve as many club members as possible in the operation of B.O.L.D. Talented club members love the opportunity to showcase their management skills and organizational genius. Club members have been holding the same B.O.L.D. job for years!!! Jobs needed to be filled: –Contacts with schools –Ordering supplies and printed materials –Arranging for trucks for pick-up/delivery –Handling media and promoting Food Drive –Setting up locations with site for B.O.L.D. Saturday –Counting food for recipient organizations –Coordinating delivery and pick-up of food to organizations

11 11 BREAD OF LIFE FOOD DRIVE “Connecting The Dots” B.O.L.D. has allowed the ND Club of Staten Island to reach out to: –New club members –Establish closer ties with schools –Confirm and build our Catholic identity with Archdiocese of New York –Build closer communication with organizations of diversity within Staten Island community –Create a pool of volunteers willing to work with ND Club of Staten Island on other Club projects: 9/11 Eve of Solemn Remembrance Operation Show Box Special Olympics St. Peter’s School Christmas Toy Drive

12 12 BREAD OF LIFE FOOD DRIVE Eminence Building For Notre Dame B.O.L.D. Has Helped To Build Recognition And Appreciation of Notre Dame And The Mission of The University IMPACT ─ 900,000 items of food to people in need. ND Club has been honored for B.O.L.D. –New York City Council –Salvation Army of New York City –The American Red Cross (Staten Island) –The Catholic Youth Organization ─ Archdiocese of NY –Project Hospitality –AOH –Knights of Columbus –American Legion –SI Catholic School Assn. –Seamen’s Society for Families

13 13 BREAD OF LIFE FOOD DRIVE B.O.L.D. Vision ─ 2011 Commemorate 20 th Anniversary as a tribute to the following: –Father Malloy and The University of Notre Dame Alumni Assn. for their request 20 years ago to give a gift to the Staten Island community. –The students & schools of Staten Island who have helped us collect over 900,000 items of food for people in need. –The businesses, labor unions, civic associations, youth groups, churches and ordinary volunteers who have helped to grow and sustain B.O.L.D. Share the story of B.O.L.D. with other ND Alumni Clubs. –In Region 10, the Fairfield, CT Club has been doing B.O.L.D. for 5 years.

14 14 BREAD OF LIFE FOOD DRIVE B.O.L.D. Vision ─ 2011 (continued) Continue B.O.L.D.’s outreach to more schools and corporate donors. To help promote: “WE ARE THE FIGHTING IRISH ─ FIGHTING HUNGER IN AMERICA” BE BOLD ─ START A FOOD DRIVE IN OUR LADY’S NAME, WITH YOUR CLUB.

15 15 BREAD OF LIFE FOOD DRIVE ND B.O.L.D. Vision Contacts Christina Smith (c) 201-638-9453 (I am registered in Irish Online) Joseph Delaney

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