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Warm Up You will be given 5 minutes to answer the following; What are some ways that Egypt experiences change during the Middle and New Kingdom?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up You will be given 5 minutes to answer the following; What are some ways that Egypt experiences change during the Middle and New Kingdom?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up You will be given 5 minutes to answer the following; What are some ways that Egypt experiences change during the Middle and New Kingdom?

2 Objective: Students will be able to understand how two unusual Pharaohs changed Ancient Egypt

3 King Tut Video! YQ YQ Record 5 facts from the video

4 Religion was very important to Ancient Egyptians, can someone explain Egyptian religion to the class?

5 This is Amenhotep IV, the Pharaoh who came into power in 1370 B.C.. Amenhotep felt that Egypt’s priests had gained too much power and he felt threatened- so he started a new religion.

6 Take a few minutes to research on your Ipads the type of religion that Amenhotep tried to enact in Egypt.

7 Monotheism- the belief in only one God. Who was the God that the new religion worshipped?

8 Aton- the Sun God. How do you think the Egyptian people reacted to this change (They rejected Aton and continued to worship many Gods).

9 While Amenhotep tried to remove many of the priests from their jobs and strip them of their land, he was still met with resistance. Amenhotep’s army believed he was neglecting his duties as a Pharaoh, and that this lead to Egyptian land being conquered by invaders.

10 Guided Practice Lets read a passage form page 125 in the textbook detailing the reign of King Tutankhamen. After the reading we will have discussion on the differences between Amenhotep and King Tut.

11 Independent Work In a 5-7 sentence paragraph, Infer why people in Ancient Egypt denied the changes Amenhotep made to Egyptian religion.

12 Group Work Students will be broken up into groups- Each group will either be assigned Amenhotep or Tut. You will use your iPads to research more information about each Pharaoh. You will then share the information they have found to the class.

13 Closure Lets call on a few students to summarize the differences between Amenhotep and King Tut.

14 Homework Complete a reading on the decline of the Egyptian Empire.

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