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Learn More, Earn More, Live More with CT. ATC’s Critical Thinking QEP Topic Focus and Development Plan Team Meeting 1 PM, January 15 th, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Learn More, Earn More, Live More with CT. ATC’s Critical Thinking QEP Topic Focus and Development Plan Team Meeting 1 PM, January 15 th, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learn More, Earn More, Live More with CT. ATC’s Critical Thinking QEP Topic Focus and Development Plan Team Meeting 1 PM, January 15 th, 2010

2 Learn More, Earn More, Live More with CT. QEP Title: THINK! “…critically.” “…Think about it.” “It’s what we’re here for.” “Just do it.” “It doesn’t actually hurt.”

3 Learn More, Earn More, Live More with CT. Recommended Definition Critical thinking is the open-minded, deliberate, dynamic, and reflective process of collecting, analyzing, evaluating, and applying information in order to reach a reasonable position, decision, and/or plan of action.

4 Learn More, Earn More, Live More with CT. Recommended Student Learning Outcomes The student will be able to: 1)Recognize that alternate viewpoints exist and must be explored 2)Collect relevant information and logically analyze it. 3)Evaluate and apply information to develop a position, decision, or plan of action. 4)Defend a well-reasoned position, decision, or plan of action based on relevant criteria.

5 Learn More, Earn More, Live More with CT. “Collect relevant information and analyze it effectively.” has been revised to “Collect relevant information and logically analyze it.” Paul / Elder Intellectual Standards Definition: Logic / “logically” – The parts make sense together, no contradictions; in keeping with the principles of sound judgment and reasonability.

6 Learn More, Earn More, Live More with CT. Current Committees: 1) Assessment – Pitzer: Callahan, Cummings, Deal, Guthrie, and H. Williams. (Fr. Rogers) 2) Marketing – White: Carleton, Slizewski, and B. Williams. (Jayme Durand) 3) Professional Development – McCord: Jones and Welch. 4) Selecting our QEP Evaluator – Chairs (Need for aid from our new Members?)

7 Learn More, Earn More, Live More with CT. Pilot Program: Fall 2010 Implementers: ACC 101: S. White COL 103: (New Hire?) CPT 101: P. Callahan / M. Kierath ENG 101: P. Green / M. Kierath ENG 160: R. Mayer NUR 101: B. Ferraro / H. Williams (We will expand this to other instructors in these courses in Spring 2011, as well as adding a few new courses w/ HIS or MAT 101/102 as possible examples.)

8 Learn More, Earn More, Live More with CT. Professional Development for 2010 / 2011 Implementers and Beyond: -Michele Wells, the York Technical College CT Professional Development organizer, has offered to assist ATC in establishing its CT PD Plan. -2010-11 Implementers will participate in CT PD in late Spring 2010, giving the Fall Implementers the Summer to prepare. ‘Refresher’ PD will be offered before the Fall 2010 and Spring 2011 semesters begin. (Note: Critical Thinking Resource Center) -Once they have implemented CT in the classroom, faculty will be asked to help train and / or act as mentors for subsequent ‘classes’ of faculty in a CT Faculty Academy. -Goal: Develop a ‘Train the Trainer’ Model.

9 Learn More, Earn More, Live More with CT. Assessment Committee: Jay -Literature Review: How have other institutions assessed CT? What methods of assessment are recommended by organizations such as the Foundation for Critical Thinking (Paul / Elder)? -Designing a Generic Assessment Rubric (Stevens / Levi). -The CAAP Exam: A 40-Minute Direct Assessment. -Review of SLOs – Any problems other than ‘effectively’? -Lending Library Pamphlets. -Consider any Assessment costs. -DOCUMENT EVERYTHING!

10 Learn More, Earn More, Live More with CT. Marketing Committee: Steve -Literature Review: -The 90-Second Elevator Speech (IT COULD BE YOU!!): -Consider any Marketing costs. -DOCUMENT EVERYTHING!

11 Learn More, Earn More, Live More with CT. Review of the Strategic Plan:

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