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ST STEPHEN’S INFANT SCHOOL “Together we shine” New National Curriculum 2014.

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1 ST STEPHEN’S INFANT SCHOOL “Together we shine” New National Curriculum 2014

2 ST STEPHEN’S INFANT SCHOOL “Together we shine” In September 2014 a new National Curriculum was introduced. The old curriculum was outdated. Schools had been adapting it for sometime. The new curriculum is stripped back in KS1 to ensure children are KS2 ready.

3 ST STEPHEN’S INFANT SCHOOL “Together we shine” At Stephen’s Infants we have rolled out the new National Curriculum. This year’s Year One pupils have experienced the new curriculum. This year’s Year Two pupils completed the old curriculum.

4 ST STEPHEN’S INFANT SCHOOL “Together we shine” In September 2015 all Year One and Two pupils will be working from the new National Curriculum. The teachers have worked hard to familiarise themselves with the changes and are fully prepared.

5 ST STEPHEN’S INFANT SCHOOL “Together we shine” English – KS1  Only phonic reading strategies required  No specific mention of group work or drama strategies  References to ICT/typing removed  Learning of poetry (including reciting poetry) introduced  Specific spellings, e.g. days of the week  Joined writing expected in Year 2  Proof-reading of own writing

6 ST STEPHEN’S INFANT SCHOOL “Together we shine” Mathematics – KS1  Rounding to nearest 10 removed from KS1  Y1: No data handling required  Y1: Counting & writing numbers to 100  Y1: Write numbers words to 20  Y1: Number bonds to 20  Y2: Finding fractions of quantities  Y2: Adding two-digit numbers  Y2: Telling the time to nearest 5 minutes  Y2: Make comparisons using = symbols  Y2: Solve simple money problems using £/p

7 ST STEPHEN’S INFANT SCHOOL “Together we shine” Science – KS1  Some physics topics moved to KS2 only: Light & Dark; Sound; Forces; Electricity  Reduce requirement to know life processes  No requirement to make predictions or fair tests  Drugs as medicines removed  Care for animals/others/environment removed  Changing materials with heat moves to KS2  Y1: Naming of plants and animals added  Y1: Seasonable changes & weather added  Y2: Introduce simple food chains  Y2: Some study of movement on different surfaces



10 ST STEPHEN’S INFANT SCHOOL “Together we shine” What does this mean as a parent? Your child will continue to receive quality first teaching. Your child will continue to receive support where needed. The relevant changes have been made, the teachers have done the hard work!

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