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Inflating Padding Antifracture Girdle ET 493-01 Senior Project Design Fall 2014 Stephen T. Calvert Advisor Dr. Patrick McDowell.

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Presentation on theme: "Inflating Padding Antifracture Girdle ET 493-01 Senior Project Design Fall 2014 Stephen T. Calvert Advisor Dr. Patrick McDowell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inflating Padding Antifracture Girdle ET 493-01 Senior Project Design Fall 2014 Stephen T. Calvert Advisor Dr. Patrick McDowell

2 Trochanteric(hip) Padding Currently existing models available Used for Elderly, Sportswear, similar situations Most currently use foam for padding, which is minimally effective.

3 Cartridge & Trigger  Accepts signal from fall detector  Releases cartridge gases when signal received  Cartridge contains 6 liters of gas to inflate padding

4 Fall Detector Three accelerometer design discussed Use of Gyro’s discussed Settled on a design using one accelerometer together with a distance detector Arduino used due to greater familiarity

5 Tasks  Obtain appropriate sensors(accelerometers, gyros, etc)(in transit)  Build experimental setup for fall detector.  Test fall detector, modify as necessary  Determine appropriate trigger mechanism(purchase if modifiable version is available)  Test and modify  Build girdle with CO2 bladders  Assemble all parts  Test prototype  Make modifications as necessary  Write up on device

6 Schedule OctoberNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMay Select remaining components Build experimental setup Assemble the fall detector Write fall detection code Add trigger to device Add Girdle Final modifications

7 Questions??

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