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HIV & VCT Campaign: Role of Medical Schemes. 8m lives 3.4m members (employed and pensioners) Closed (employer based schemes) and open schemes Medical.

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Presentation on theme: "HIV & VCT Campaign: Role of Medical Schemes. 8m lives 3.4m members (employed and pensioners) Closed (employer based schemes) and open schemes Medical."— Presentation transcript:

1 HIV & VCT Campaign: Role of Medical Schemes

2 8m lives 3.4m members (employed and pensioners) Closed (employer based schemes) and open schemes Medical schemes pick up its liability –PMB

3 HIV prevalence % 2007 CMS Report: Registration when in advanced phase of disease True prevalence: –+300%

4 HIV & PMB: largely curative focus VCT Co-trimoxazole as preventative therapy Screening and preventative therapy for TB Diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections Pain management in palliative care Treatment of opportunistic infections Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV Post-exposure prophylaxis following occupational exposure or sexual assault ARVs

5 Campaign benefits that are not included in PMB HGT testing Hb testing BP Condoms Some not really screening tests! Engage with CMS

6 VCT & PMB No guide to minimum benefits –At least one a year –Preferably two a year –Price proposal? NDoH/Clicks initiative: R80 –Supported by the BHF Longer term VCT service for all providers

7 Codes for VCT Diagnosis code (ICD10) –Z11.4 Special screening examination for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) –Data collection: Concern about quality of diagnosis coding Procedure code –Non existent (industry using dummy or consult codes) –NDoH to introduce code/s (including cost of materials) VCT including 2 nd test and materials –Monetary value for the service

8 Prevention Gap in SA High STI & High HIV –Chlamydia screening (17-24y): 0% (HQA 2009 Report) –70-75% of infected women asymptomatic –Less in men For prevention of STI/HIV spread (7% pick up in US) USPSTF recommendation Price of POC kit –Retail list price: (R8.50 to R26 + Vat) + markup –Tariff 3906 cannot be used (Lab) Nappi –495111 –533492 –626745 –453634

9 Recruitment Medical schemes to actively recruit beneficiaries to present themselves for VCT/STI screening –Message on statements –Advertising –Member communiqués –Provider communiqués –Press –…

10 Healthcare Quality *MAG conference 2002 2008

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