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Welcome to RFSU!. “ "I dream of the day when every new born child is welcome, when men and women are equal, and when sexuality is an expression of intimacy,

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to RFSU!. “ "I dream of the day when every new born child is welcome, when men and women are equal, and when sexuality is an expression of intimacy,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to RFSU!

2 “ "I dream of the day when every new born child is welcome, when men and women are equal, and when sexuality is an expression of intimacy, joy and tenderness."Elise Ottesen-Jensen, Ottar The Swedish Association for Sexuality Education

3 History RFSU is the Swedish member association of IPPF RFSU was founded in 1933 by progressive medical doctors, social workers and journalists In the first program the association demanded Available contraceptives and information Sexuality Education in schools Right to abortion Decriminalization of homosexuality

4 Development 1938 Abortion possible on medical and humanitarian grounds 1938 Permitted to promote contraceptives in public 1944 Homosexuality decriminalized 1955 Sexuality education became compulsory in Swedish schools

5 Development continued 1970 Condoms could be sold without special permission 1974 New abortion law that gave women the right to decide 1995 Registered Partnership

6 Development continued 2003 Same-sex couples get the right to adoption 2005 Lesbians couples get the right to inseminate 2007 Foreign women get the right to abortion 2009 Gender-neutral marriage

7 RFSU today - Vision The freedom to be oneself The freedom to choose The freedom to enjoy

8 Strategies Information/Education Advocacy Councelling/clinical service

9 Information –

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