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Author : Ramakrishnan Kandhan, Nikhil Teletia & Jignesh M. Patel Publisher : International Conference on Very Large Data Bases 2010 Presenter : Zong-Lin.

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Presentation on theme: "Author : Ramakrishnan Kandhan, Nikhil Teletia & Jignesh M. Patel Publisher : International Conference on Very Large Data Bases 2010 Presenter : Zong-Lin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Author : Ramakrishnan Kandhan, Nikhil Teletia & Jignesh M. Patel Publisher : International Conference on Very Large Data Bases 2010 Presenter : Zong-Lin Sie Date : 2010/11/10 1

2  Multi-pattern matching involves matching a data item against a large database of “signature” patterns.  Existing algorithms for multi-pattern matching do not scale well as the size of the signature database increases.  In this paper, we present sigMatch – a fast, versatile, and scalable technique for multi-pattern signature matching. 2

3  The sigMatch method is a generic filtering technique that can be plugged in as a pre-processing step for any existing multi-pattern matching system.  SigMatch organizes the signature database into a (processor) cache-efficient q-gram index structure, called the sigTree.  The sigTree groups patterns based on common sub-patterns such that signatures that don’t match can be quickly eliminated from the matching process. 3

4  A high-level overview of the sigMatch system  Note that the sigMatch module does not send any other information to the verification unit regarding the patterns that may or may not be present in the data. 4

5  The sigMatch technique is also designed to exploit processor caches effectively.  The size of previous index structures ( [15, 20, 21]) increases rapidly as the size of the signature database increases.  These structures quickly become larger than the processor (L2) caches.  Since in many multi-pattern matching applications the “no- match” cases are common, sigMatch uses a largely L2 cache-resident q-gram index structure to quickly discard these no-match cases. 5

6  A Bloom filter is a bit array of m bits that is used to check if an element belongs to a set.  Initially all bits in this array are set to zero.  When an element is added to the Bloom filter, a set of k predefined hash functions are applied to the element to obtain k values.  The bit positions corresponding to these values are then set to 1 in the array.  To ascertain whether an element belongs to a set, the same set of k hash functions are applied to the element to obtain k values. 6

7  In any q-gram based filtering technique, a substring from each signature in the pattern database is indexed in a trie, or a Bloom filter.  Tries are generally faster but memory requirement are greater.  Bloom filters are slower(hash cause false positive) but memory requirement are less.  The sigTree combines the benefits of both these approaches. 7

8  If we pick short substrings, then the index will not be very effective as a filter.  On the other hand, if we pick substrings that are very long, then the index size will be large. It is unlikely to fit into the processor caches.  The sigTree addresses these tradeoffs by intelligently picking discriminative short substrings, part of which is indexed in a trie and the remaining part is indexed using a Bloom filter. 8

9  At a high-level, the sigTree is essentially a truncated trie with a Bloom filter/bitmap at the leaf level of the trie.  Each sigTree node is a lookup array of size 256.  Non-leaf node has 256 pointers to child  Leaf could point to a linked list or bloom filter. 9

10  Definition 1 : A string str is a Representative Substring (RS) of a signature sig in a sigTree T with parameters b, β if it satisfies the following conditions : (1) The string str is a substring of the signature sig. (2) The string str has a length b and contains no wildcard characters. (3) The string str has at least β bytes following the b bytes without any wildcard characters in sig (4) If sig has no substring satisfying the third condition, then the first b bytes of the longest substring without wildcard characters in sig is its only representative substring. Such signatures are called short signatures. 10

11  Definition 2 : The frequency of a string str, w.r.t. a signature set Sig, is defined as the number of signatures in Sig for which str is a RS.  Definition 3 : A set of strings S = {s1, s2,..., sn}, each of length b, is a b-gram cover of signature set Sig, if every signature in Sig has at least one RS in S.  Definition 4 : Let γ be some positive integer. A set of strings S = {s1, s2,..., sn}, each of length b, is defined to be a γb-gram cover of signature set Sig, if every signature in Sig has at least γ or all of its RSs (if it doesn’t have RSs) in S. 11

12  Preprocessing : To construct a sigTree on a signature database, we require that each signature in the database have at least b consecutive bytes without any wildcard characters.  For signatures that does not satisfy the condition, we use simple rewrite rules to convert them into equivalent signatures that have at least b consecutive character bytes.  example : [A|a]b[C|c] equivalent to Abc,AbC,abC,abc  Ensure each pattern has at least one substring in sigTree 12

13  Index construction (4 steps) : 1. Construct a b-gram cover S for the signature set. 2. An empty sigTree structure is created using the b-gram cover S, where each leaf node with a candidate string in S is assigned an empty linked list and a Bloom filter, while all other leaf nodes point to null. 3. Allocate signatures amongst these nodes. 4. Fill the Bloom filter and the linked list at each non-empty leaf node with the strings from the signature database allocated to that leaf node. 13

14  Construct a b-gram whose cardinality is minimal over all possible cover sets.  Suggest a greedy approach : (1) the b-gram that has the highest frequency for the signature set Sig is added to S, the b-gram cover. And all signatures that have this string as a RS are then removed from the signature set. (2) second highest frequency is picked next, and this process is repeated. (3) This process continues until all signatures have at least one RS in S. (4) Refine this set by removing any “redundant” strings. 14

15  Assign each signature in the signature set Sig to exactly one leaf node in the sigTree.  For improved performance,two simple rules : (1) A signature is assigned to a node only after all signatures with fewer candidate nodes have been allocated. (2) Given a set of candidate nodes for a signature, we always pick the node with the least number of signatures allocated to it so far.  Once a signature is allocated to a node N, the next β bytes following the candidate string in the signature is stored in an array V N corresponding to the node N. 15

16  Populate the Bloom filter and linked list at each sigTree leaf node N with the strings from the array V N corresponding to that node.  Overloading a node with a large cluster of signatures increases the number of false positives generated, which adversely impacts performance.  Construct a b-gram cover S for the signature set Sig such that each signature in Sig has at least γ RSs in S, where γ is a positive integer greater than 1. 16

17  Drawback of constructing γb-gram cover : cardinality of the b-gram cover that we find is likely to be larger.  Use the following alternate approach : Each non-empty leaf node N that has more than a certain number of patterns allocated to it (higher than a threshold MAX), is split, and the strings in V N are indexed in its children.  The first byte of each string in V N determines the child node where it is indexed. The remaining bytes of each string are hashed in the Bloom filter or stored in the linked list at the appropriate child node. 17

18  let the sigTree parameters be b = 2 and β = 4 bytes. Sig 1: 10cd21eff85a59b4406606e81902b440cd21 Sig 2: 41cd21efff0b788ffbd46606245d97373 Sig 3: 305145d691*3430abacd214?767692efffc278 Sig 4: 6606cd213478710b126578*a789 Sig 5: 617476766e20636fefff670757465210ca204e Sig 6: 88ffea4b41 Sig 7: 7666abddb1*6606ab??ccca*c777888  S = 18 { 6606,efff, 7676, 88ff,7666 } Frequency 66063 cd213 efff2 76762 88ff2 76661

19  Refine S by removing the redundant strings.  S = Sig 1: 10cd21eff85a59b4406606e81902b440cd21 Sig 2: 41cd21efff0b788ffbd46606245d97373 Sig 3: 305145d691*3430abacd214?767692efffc278 Sig 4: 6606cd213478710b126578*a789 Sig 5: 617476766e20636fefff670757465210ca204e Sig 6: 88ffea4b41 Sig 7: 7666abddb1*6606ab??ccca*c777888  Refined S = { 6606,7676,88ff,7666 } 19 { 6606,efff,7676,88ff,7666 }

20  Signature allocation : we first sort the signature set Sig based on the number of candidate nodes that they have, and then allocate them in that order.  Signatures 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and 1 have exactly one candidate node each and are allocated to the nodes. Signature 2 has two candidate nodes – 88ff and 6606. The node 88ff is picked as it has fewer signatures allocated to it.  The last step is to populate the Bloom filter and linked list at the leaf nodes. 20

21  Test sigMatch by integrating it with 3 real-world systems. Bro – a network IDS ClamAV – an anti-virus system DBLife – an IE system that focuses on content of interest to the database community.  We focus on three metrics: Throughput : the amount of data scanned per second Speedup : throughput achieved by the system after integration with sigMatch divided by the throughput Filter rate : the fraction of the data items thrown out by sigMatch  Run on a 2.00 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor with 3 GB RAM with Ubuntu 8.04 OS, 32 KB L1 cache and 2 MB L2 cache. 21

22  4 corpuses : exe-windows executables pdf-conference papers html-contain html data from top 100 website random-randomly generated files 22

23  The scans were performed on real world TCP packet traces obtained from the DARPA dataset provided by MIT Lincoln Laboratory [3]  TCP payload captured for each day during a particular week (05/03/98 – 09/03/98) 23

24  Scalability : developed a synthetic signature generator to create larger signature databases that emulate the characteristics of the real signature database. 24

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