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European workshop on child poverty – Birmingham (UK) 14-17th dicember 2009 Caritas diocesana di Trieste Grundtvig project Linz (Austria) 19-2th october.

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Presentation on theme: "European workshop on child poverty – Birmingham (UK) 14-17th dicember 2009 Caritas diocesana di Trieste Grundtvig project Linz (Austria) 19-2th october."— Presentation transcript:

1 European workshop on child poverty – Birmingham (UK) 14-17th dicember 2009 Caritas diocesana di Trieste Grundtvig project Linz (Austria) 19-2th october 2010

2 European workshop on child poverty – Birmingham (UK) 14-17th dicember 2009 Population: 1.230.936 DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATIONS Immigrants with a regular permit of stay: 94.976 (7,7% of population) People 0-17: 182.022 (14,8% of population) Immigrant people 0-17: 20.280 (11,1% of children) Population: 60.045.068 People 0-17: 10.198.955 (17% of population) Immigrants with a regular permit of stay: 4.329.000 (7% of population) Immigrant people 0-17: 857.591 (8,4% of children) FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA ITALY

3 European workshop on child poverty – Birmingham (UK) 14-17th dicember 2009 FAMILY AND CHILD POVERTY IN ITALY (2008) #1 Population in poverty: 8.078.000 (13,6%) Families in poverty: 2.737.000 (11,3% of families) Poverty % of families with 3 or more children: 27,2% Children in poverty: 1.728.000 (21% of population in poverty) Age of children in poverty: 61,2% less than 11 years

4 European workshop on child poverty – Birmingham (UK) 14-17th dicember 2009 FAMILY AND CHILD POVERTY IN ITALY (2008) #2 Children at risk of poverty: 24% of children population Unaccompanied immigrant minors: 7.797 (+21,3% from 2007) Marriagies (2007): 250.000 Separations and divorces (2007): 132.025 Average duration of marriage : 14 years Children involved: 149.339 – 61,5% children 0-17

5 European workshop on child poverty – Birmingham (UK) 14-17th dicember 2009 REGIONAL PECULARITIES #1 Marriages (2007): 4.475 Separations and divorces (2007): 3.230 Children involved (2007): 2.057 Marriages (2007): 616 Separations and divorces (2007): 969 TRIESTE (regional capital city)

6 European workshop on child poverty – Birmingham (UK) 14-17th dicember 2009 REGIONAL PECULARITIES #2 Children in care of social services (2006): 9.001 (5,1% of children in the region) Immigrant children at school: 9,9% of students (7% in Italy) + 4,1 % compared to 2005 + 21,8% compared to 2004 Pordenone 13,7%

7 European workshop on child poverty – Birmingham (UK) 14-17th dicember 2009 PRINCIPAL CHILDREN PROBLEMS IN THE REGION - School drop out - Crimes (for people under 14 years) - Alcohol and drug abuse (from 11 years) - Removal from parental care due to violence and abuses - Unaccompanied immigrant minors - Increase of single parent household - Intercultural challenge at school - Eating disorders

8 European workshop on child poverty – Birmingham (UK) 14-17th dicember 2009 NATIONAL ISSUES ON CHILD POVERTY - Law n° 285/1997: Promotion of rights and opportunities for children Institution of a national fund to promote projects - Law n° 328/2000: Integrated system of social welfare Institution of a Unique National Fund for Social Policy (including the 70% of the previous national fund and based on a three-year programme) - 2001: Modification of the V title of National Constitution - 2008: Access to Unique National Fund for Social Policy only available for one-year programmes (no longer 3 years) exclusive regional competence on social issues

9 European workshop on child poverty – Birmingham (UK) 14-17th dicember 2009 REGIONAL LAWS AND ACTIONS AGAINST CHILD POVERTY - Regional Law n° 20/2005: Integrated educational system of services for young children - Regional Law n° 11/2006: Services for families and parenthood - Regional Action Plan 2008-2009 for children protection in the integrated system of services - Regional Law n° 6/2006: Integrated system of services for the social citizenship promotion and protection LACK OF PREVENTION ACTIONS

10 European workshop on child poverty – Birmingham (UK) 14-17th dicember 2009 CARITAS TRIESTE EXPERIENCES #1 1. Care house for women and mothers with children (Casa “La Madre”) Increase of children presence: +10,5% in 2008 Educational and parenthood support, orientation to services and work, healthy diet training 2. Care house for “unaccompanied immigrant minors” (Casa “Villa Verde”) Increase of family with children at Caritas dormitory (Casa “Teresiano) Professional courses for work starting (in association with a professional training school) 3. “High Autonomy” project Care house and professional courses for “age around 18 years “ males

11 European workshop on child poverty – Birmingham (UK) 14-17th dicember 2009 CARITAS TRIESTE EXPERIENCES #2 6. “World Citizens” project 5. Summer holidays for children from poor families 4. Project for young crime prevention (in association with the Justice Ministry) Social inclusion of young people into activities of parish young centers Training for work starting Opportunities for mountain leisure in an inclusive and educational envoirement Proposal of activities during the whole year Educational school training for students on poverty and intercultural issues

12 European workshop on child poverty – Birmingham (UK) 14-17th dicember 2009 NETWORK AGAINST CHILD POVERTY #1 Caritas Trieste is part of a network of 5 associations working on social and educational services with children Aims: - Analyzing the condition of child poverty in Trieste - Monitoring laws and public/private responses to child poverty - Proposing educational actions to prevent child poverty

13 European workshop on child poverty – Birmingham (UK) 14-17th dicember 2009 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Marco Aliotta

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