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1 INTRODUCTION TO LEGAL ENGLISH II. 2 FOREWORD Welcome back to FJU and to this course “Legal English II”! In the course of this summer semester we are.

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Presentation on theme: "1 INTRODUCTION TO LEGAL ENGLISH II. 2 FOREWORD Welcome back to FJU and to this course “Legal English II”! In the course of this summer semester we are."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 FOREWORD Welcome back to FJU and to this course “Legal English II”! In the course of this summer semester we are going to discuss following topics contracts company law We will also learn how to give a presentation how to brief a case how to write a letter of advice In this class I will give you the opportunity to listen write speak watch (e.g. a movie) I hope you will learn something valuable in this class.

3 3 FOREWORD I expect you to participate in class discussions use a dictionary (vocabulary list!) do all assignments You will certainly improve your English skills if you are willing to study every day, e.g. prepare for class / review your class notes read English newspaper / magazine / book use a dictionary listen to English radio / music talk to native speakers The result of this class depends on you. Only you can learn and discover the beauty of legal English.

4 4 FINAL GRADE MIDTERM EXAM PRESENTATION CLASS NOTES FINAL EXAM I hope to give you a good grade, but you have to prove that you deserve it.

5 5 SELF INTRODUCTION Assignment 1: Introduce yourself! My name is … I am … (e.g. a 2 nd year law student). I like / I am interested in … I do not like / I am not interested in … I study law because … I chose this course because … What I would like to do in this course is … I believe I can improve my English skills by … The final grade I hope to achieve in this class is …

6 6 EXERCISES Exercise: Choose the correct alternative 1) The Road Traffic Act 1972 ________ that it is illegal to drive under the influence of drugs. a) legislatesb) amendsc) requiresd) provides 2) The exact effect is legislation is influenced by judicial ____________. a) interpretationb) customc) sovereignty d) codification 3) Parliament is a ____________ body. a) legislation b) legislaturec) legislative d) legislate 4) ____________, codes and delegated legislation are all sources of written law. a) Law reports b) Statutesc) Rules of Law d) Litigation 5) A court must follow ____________ rules of precedent. a) binding b) arbitraryc) entrenched d) absolute 6) The Chancellor asked Parliament to ____________ the existing tax on alcoholic drinks and replace it with a tax on all drinks except water. a) establish b) abolish c) dissolved) enact 7) The Minister presented the new Housing ____________ to the House of Commons for Reading and debate. a) Act b) Code c) Lawd) Bill

7 7 EXERCISES Word families: the suffix –ship The following nouns can all be used to form another noun which has a related, but slightly different meaning by adding the suffix –ship. Complete the following sentences by choosing a suitable noun in –ship from the list below. Choose from member: scholar – citizen – relation – leader – friend – partner – owner – dictator – author Some people thought that Britain was becoming a/an _________________ under Margret Thatcher’s iron rule. British ______________ can be gained by birth, adoption, registration or naturalisation. Anita Mason was extremly pleased when Smith and Jones, the owners of the company she had directed for five years, asked her to form a ______________ with them. This country needs a strong __________________ to tell people what to do and get things working again. This is an exclusive club. May I see your _______________________card, please, sir? Home _______________ is growing in Britain as more and more people are able to buy their own house. Decide what meanings –ship can give to the main noun.  The suffix –ship can be used for a condition, state or quality (e.g. citizenship = condition of being a citizen; ownership = the state of owning something); it can also be used for a group or association (e.g. leadership = group of leaders; partnership = association of partners).

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