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Training California Peace Officers. POST BASIC COURSE Module A - Aerosol (4 hours) Module B - Respirator Module C - Tactical Deployment.

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1 Training California Peace Officers

2 POST BASIC COURSE Module A - Aerosol (4 hours) Module B - Respirator Module C - Tactical Deployment

3 Excerpts From Basic Post Outline Learning Domain #35 I.INSTRUCTIONAL GOALS  An understanding of the legal aspects of using non- lethal chemical agents;  The ability to use hand-held aerosol chemical agents safely and effectively;  The ability to use a gas mask safely and effectively; and  An understanding of the effects of non-lethal chemical agents.

4 Excerpts From Basic Post Outline Learning Domain #35 III. REQUIRED LEARNING ACTIVITY A. Given a simulation the student shall be exposed to a non- lethal, riot control chemical agent. A. The simulation should involve the following: 1.Exposure to a non-lethal 1.Exposure to a non-lethal, riot control chemical agent. 2.Proper use of a gas mask including the pre- inspection, fitting and clearing of the mask.

5 Excerpts From Basic Post Outline Learning Domain #35 shall be exposed B. Given a simulation the student shall be exposed to a non-lethal, aerosol chemical agent. The simulation should involve the following:  Exposure  Exposure to a non-lethal, aerosol chemical agent.  Proper care, maintenance and deployment of a non- lethal, aerosol chemical agent.  Decontamination techniques.

6 Excerpts From Basic Post Outline Learning Domain #35 EXERCISES: 7.20.1 The student will put on, clear, and remove a gas mask. experience the effects 7.20.3 Given an exercise, the student will experience the effects of a chemical agent. (6-1-93) The exercise shall include either verbally, in writing or by individual demonstration: A.First aid treatment from chemical agent exposure. B.Decontamination techniques for chemical agent exposure. C.The best form of self-protection to be utilized when handling and/or deploying chemical agents.

7 Module A PRACTICAL APPLICATION (Learning Activity 13.35.01) A… The objectives of the field exercise are to provide students with an opportunity to: 1.Experience the effects of a non-lethal aerosol chemical agent 2.Demonstrate proper tactics for deploying a hand-held aerosol chemical agent device. 3.Demonstrate personal decontamination techniques

8 Module B: PRACTICAL APPLICATION (Learning Activity 13.35.02) A… The objectives of the field exercise are to provide students with an opportunity to: actual 1. Properly use a gas mask in an actual chemical agent environment. Experience the effects 2. Experience the effects of a non-lethal riot control agent. Demonstrate 3. Demonstrate personal decontamination techniques 4. Be oriented to the types of riot control agents, tactical agents, and deployment systems commonly utilized by the law enforcement agencies.

9 Module C: PRACTICAL APPLICATION (Learning Activity 13.35.02) A.. Objectives of the field exercise are to provide the student with: 1. An understanding of chemical agent delivery systems. experience 2. An opportunity to experience the effects of chemical agents and apply personal decontamination measures. 3. An understanding of personal decontamination concepts related as well as gross scene contamination. 4. Hands on experience in the deployment of chemical agents. 5. An understanding of inventory reconciliation.

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