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Context: Connect 10 Specialised Unit for disengaged Year 9 and 10 students Lots of professional development around literacy and behaviour management.

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3 Context: Connect 10 Specialised Unit for disengaged Year 9 and 10 students Lots of professional development around literacy and behaviour management which provided me with a lot of evidence Lots of engagement with community welfare organisations which provided me with a lot of evidence

4 Professional Learning Personal Professional Learning (6 hours) ( please include evidence e.g. date & time, registration or receipt if applicable) Total: 23 days 3 days big Picture 3 days college compulsory 28.07.2011Tactical Teaching9 hours (own time) 10.08.2011Learn By Design (LBD)45 hours 08.09.2011LBD 28.09.2011LBD 13.10.2011LBD 01.11.2012LBD 14.12.2012LBD 26.02.2012LBD 20.03.2012LBD 26.03.2012LBD 15.05.2012LBD 12.09.2012LBD 29.02.2012ACTATE Digital Literacy2 hours (own time) 26.03.2012Patterned Partner Reading1.5 hours 30.03.2012Cooperative Reading1 day 29.03.2012First Aid2 days (own time) 09.03.2012NESP1 day 01.06.2012NESP1 day 07.08.2012Induction1 day 13.08.2012English Moderation facilitation2 hours 24.08.2012NESP (ICT)1 day 05.09.2012Protective Behaviours1 day 17.09.2012Lesson Observations1 hour 20.09.2012Turnitin/Zotero1 hour

5 Utilising many hours of Professional Development with Rita Van Haren, I write curriculum using the ‘Learn By Design’ method. Such an approach ensures that TQI principles are followed. My curriculum ensures that students are engaged using prior knowledge, are scaffolded via meta language and cognition, are immersed at a conceptual level focusing on deep understanding and higher order thinking, and then apply their learning in creative ways. Threaded throughout my curriculum is explicit literacy teaching. I have undertaken ‘Tactical Teaching’ Professional Development that has provided many tools that enhance literacy learning in my classroom. This has been complimented by Professional Development using Cooperative Reading strategies.

6 But…….. By far, volunteering for the National Professional Standards Lesson Observation Programme provided me with the most

7 Evidence 1: Lesson Observations using NPS Sit down with Mentor and Deputy and discuss NPS Work with TQI Lesson Observation Documents Discuss which NPS you would like to focus on for that lesson (do not try and cover too many like I did) Prior to lesson, provide observers with Lesson plan and TQI sheet (NPS focus)

8 Standards 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 2.5, 2.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3

9 Classroom Observation Document

10 Lesson Planning using NPS

11 Lesson Study Documents

12 Evidence 2: Lesson Observations with different focus Standards covered 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, 3.3, 3.6, 5.1, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 7.4

13 Observation Lesson 2

14 More NPS observation evidence

15 More…..

16 Evidence 8: Behaviour Management, Cultural Awareness, Parent Relations

17 Visit from Behaviour Management Specialist, covers many standards

18 3 pages of notes describing quality behaviour management strategies

19 Behaviour Management Specialist notes


21 Professional Development Behaviour Management

22 2.4 Understand and Respect Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander people….

23 Lots of work with Indigenous Community I created a relationship with the ANU Indigenous Equity Team and Gugan Gulwan (Aboriginal Youth Support) Through these wonderful people, I was able to forge close relationships with all of my Aboriginal students (except one who hated these people, but luckily loved me)

24 Evidence of Parental engagement

25 Writing Unit Outlines Utilising: National Professional Standards Learn By Design ‘First Steps’ (Tactical Teaching) and ‘Cooperative Reading’ strategies

26 Learn By Design

27 Standards Covered in Unit



30 Evidence 6: Collaborating with staff from other High Schools and Colleges I ran a Moderation Day in an effort to ascertain my student’s literacy abilities Utilising student work samples, marking rubrics, BSSS and AC, I was able to work out exactly where my kids were up to and what they needed to do to make it at College

31 Moderation Day


33 BSSS Rubric

34 Evidence 5: Student Work Samples and Feedback I utilised John Hattie’s approach and offered continuous explicit feedback ensuring that the students had every chance to develop. I used ‘First Steps’ and the ‘AC’ to develop the rubrics.

35 Student Work Sample


37 Explicit Instructions/expectations/rubrics

38 Explicit feedback

39 Utilising ‘First Steps’ as diagnostic and formative assessment

40 Evidence 4: Reference, covers many standards I gave a list of the National Professional Standards to a colleague who had observed a lot of my teaching He wrote me the following reference

41 Reference against NPS


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