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Where do most people live? O^R^A^L rule  O- near oceans or large bodies of water  R- near rivers  A- low altitudes ( sea level is best)  L-temperate.

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Presentation on theme: "Where do most people live? O^R^A^L rule  O- near oceans or large bodies of water  R- near rivers  A- low altitudes ( sea level is best)  L-temperate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where do most people live? O^R^A^L rule  O- near oceans or large bodies of water  R- near rivers  A- low altitudes ( sea level is best)  L-temperate zone latitudes  Temperate zone is between Tropic of Cancer and Arctic Circle and vice versa  Exception to the rule: Denver, CO and Latin American capitals

2 Where did people first civilize? Indus River- India Yellow River Nile River Tigres & Euphrates Rivers All are river valleys!!!

3 Vocabulary to know Birth Rate(BR)= # births per 1,000 people Death Rate(DR)=#Deaths per 1,000people Infant Mortality Rate(IMR)= deaths before 1 year old High Standard of Living= BR DR IMR, Stable government, technology, etc.

4 Both of these are Population density, yet look different. Why?

5 Population dot



8 Cartogram population density map

9 Cartogram- A representation of statistical data on a map.

10 Can you guess what this is showing?

11 That was illiterate women. What is being illiterate mean? What is being literate mean?

12 0 2 4 6 8 10 2 1 5 0 2 1 0 0 2 0 5 0 2 0 0 0 1 9 5 0 1 9 0 0 1 8 5 0 1 8 0 0 1 7 5 0 Less developed countries More developed countries World Population Growth, 1750-2150 Population (in billions) 2000 6.1 billion World population growth, 1750-2150 Source: United Nations, World Population Prospects, The 1998 Revision (New York: UN, 1998); and estimates by the Population Reference Bureau. Copyright © 2001 Population Reference Bureau Draw this

13 Population Pyramids What does it show? What numbers? From where? How can you use it?

14 What’s the difference? Why? High Growth, less developed, Low standard of living Wide = High BR Slow growth, developed/developing Stable, low growth, high standard of living Draw these basic shapes and add the notes on the bottom


16 The following slides are more examples of population pyramids. You don’t need to copy them down.



19 Write this down!! Draw This

20 Now lets discuss…. Stage 1 of the demographic transition model: no existing country today Stage 2: (write down what you predict) Birth rate Death rate »Population growth Stage 3 (write down what you predict) Birth rate »Death rate »Population growth Stage 4 Birth rate (write down what you predict) »Death rate »Population growth

21 Don’t copy this down


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