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New Nation Common Assessment March 2015. First Secretary of the Treasury of the U.S. Answer: Alexander Hamilton.

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Presentation on theme: "New Nation Common Assessment March 2015. First Secretary of the Treasury of the U.S. Answer: Alexander Hamilton."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Nation Common Assessment March 2015

2 First Secretary of the Treasury of the U.S. Answer: Alexander Hamilton

3 First Secretary of War of the U.S. Answer: Henry Knox

4 Spoke against Political Parties Answer: George Washington

5 First Vice-President of the U.S. Answer: John Adams

6 First Secretary of State of the U.S. Answer: Thomas Jefferson

7 Created Judicial Review Answer: John Marshall

8 Architect/Planner of Washington, D.C. Answer: Pierre L’Enfant

9 African American that helped plan capital Answer: Benjamin Banneker

10 Explored the Louisiana Territory Answer: William Clark

11 First Attorney General of the U.S. Answer: Edmund Randolph

12 Hamilton or Jefferson? wanted a STRONG federal government (not so much state power) Answer: Hamilton

13 Hamilton or Jefferson? Wanted government to be guided by the MASSES (not just the aristocrats) Answer: Jefferson

14 Hamilton or Jefferson? Thought government should ENCOURAGE BUSINESS (not agriculture) Answer: Hamilton

15 Hamilton or Jefferson? Thought the new government should NOT pay old debt Answer: Jefferson

16 Laws that made it a crime to criticize the government or those working in it under penalty of fines or imprisonment Answer: Sedition Acts

17 Argument written by Thomas Jefferson that the Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional Answer: Kentucky Resolution

18 Argument written by James Madison that the Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional Answer: Virginia Resolution

19 Three laws that allowed the president to expel foreigners from the U.S. if he believed they were dangerous to the nation's peace and security Answer: Alien Acts

20 A political ideal that favors civil liberties, democratic reform, and the use of government to solve social problems Answer: Liberal

21 Term used to describe a political ideal that tends to support old institutions and oppose change Answer: Conservative

22 Person who buys at a low price to sell later at a higher price Answer: Speculator

23 Government takes a "hands off" approach, little economic regulation Answer: Laissez-Faire

24 Economic system based on individual or company ownership of goods and services in a free market Answer: Capitalism

25 The right to bear arms Answer: 2 nd Amendment

26 Trial by jury Answer: 7 th Amendment

27 Speedy Trial Answer: 6 th Amendment

28 Freedom of Speech, Press, Religion, and Petition Answer: 1 st Amendment

29 Power to the People Answer: 9 th Amendment

30 The right to remain silent Answer: 5 th Amendment

31 Power to the states Answer: 10 th Amendment

32 No quartering (or housing of) soldiers Answer: 3 rd Amendment

33 No cruel and unusual punishment Answer: 8 th Amendment

34 No illegal search and seizure Answer: 4 th Amendment

35 Legislative, Executive or Judicial? This branch makes the laws Answer: Legislative

36 Legislative, Executive or Judicial? Terms of service can last no longer than 10 years Answer: Executive

37 Legislative, Executive or Judicial? The branch can declare a law or action as unconstitutional Answer: Judicial

38 Legislative, Executive or Judicial? Has the ability to declare war Answer: Legislative

39 Legislative, Executive or Judicial? There are no specifically mentioned qualifications to serve in this branch Answer: Judicial

40 Legislative, Executive or Judicial? Has the ability to impeach judges or the President Answer: Legislative

41 Legislative, Executive or Judicial? Has the ability to carry out, or enforce, the laws Answer: Executive

42 Legislative, Executive or Judicial? Terms last a lifetime, as long as there is no misbehavior Answer: Judicial

43 Legislative, Executive or Judicial? This branch can veto laws Answer: Executive

44 Legislative, Executive or Judicial? The President is the head of this branch Answer: Executive

45 a diplomatic disagreement between the French and the U.S. A.Alien and Sedition Acts B.XYZ Affair C.ABC Affair

46 John Marshall was part of this branch of government A.Executive B.Legislative C.Judicial

47 First President to live in our capital, Washington A.Barack Obama B.Thomas Jefferson C.John Adams

48 Believed in a strong state government A.Democratic-Republican Party B.Federalist C.Republican

49 River President Washington chose as the new capital A.Alleghany B.Potomac C.York

50 Year of the Louisiana Purchase A.1803 B.1800 C.1804

51 The Constitution can only be changed by this A.Law B.Veto C.Amendment

52 Known as the Father of the Constitution A. James Madison B. George Washington C. Benjamin Franklin

53 In this type of system, the power is divided between a central government and state governments. A. Confederation B. Federation C. Monarchy

54 The _______ Plan said that the number of congressmen each state would have should be decided by population. A.New York B.Washington C.Virginia

55 Year Articles of Confederation were ratified A.1781 B.1776 C.1783

56 man that proposed the Great Compromise A.James Madison B.Roger Sherman C.Benjamin Franklin

57 Who was the guide to Lewis and Clark? Answer: Sacajawea

58 The 3/5 Compromise focused on this group A.Women B.Children C.Enslaved Persons

59 This is taken every 10 years in our country A.poll B.census C.survey

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