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Prophet Messengers from God Ex. Abraham. Monotheism Worship of one god Ex. Are Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

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Presentation on theme: "Prophet Messengers from God Ex. Abraham. Monotheism Worship of one god Ex. Are Judaism, Islam, and Christianity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prophet Messengers from God Ex. Abraham

2 Monotheism Worship of one god Ex. Are Judaism, Islam, and Christianity

3 Exodus The departure from Egypt back the promised land of Canaan Israelites freedom from slavery

4 Covenant An agreement with God

5 Abraham Father of the Hebrew people God made a covenant with him

6 Torah First part of the Hebrew Bible Teachings Moses received from God

7 Moses Delivered the Israelites from Egyptian slavery Gave the Israelites God’s commandments

8 Canaan The land promised to the Israelites in the Bible Located in the Fertile Crescent between Egypt and Mesopotamia Mediterranean Sea

9 Philistines Inhabitants who lived in the land when the Israelites returned Goliath was the giant from this tribe

10 Phoenicians Seafarers from Lebanon Great trading civilization Invented the alphabet

11 Judaism Culture, social and religious beliefs and practices of the Jews

12 Exile Forced absence from one’s home

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