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Angels in Art From Assyria 850 BCE to Brighton 1912.

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Presentation on theme: "Angels in Art From Assyria 850 BCE to Brighton 1912."— Presentation transcript:

1 Angels in Art From Assyria 850 BCE to Brighton 1912

2 From the palace of the Assyrian king 850BCE

3 From a Victoria Christmas card

4 Assyrian angels?

5 The Ark of the Covenant


7 After 2500 year Harrison Ford finds the lost Ark of the Covenant

8 A modern artist’s drawing of the cherub from Ezekiel chapter 1

9 Ezekiel’s cherubim from the Winchester Bible 1160

10 The Victorian cherub

11 The prophet Muhammad visiting paradise

12 Muhammad, Gabriel and Abraham

13 Muhammad riding his steed Buraq on his night journey

14 The Assumption of the Virgin by Francesco Botticini shows three hierarchies and nine orders of angels

15 The Wilton Diptych 1396 – Richard II, John the Baptist, St Edward, St Edmund, Virgin and Child and angels (unusually depicted as female)

16 An angel dancing on a pin

17 Possibly the first “cupid” angels - Raphael 1513

18 The “Penitent” Mary Magdalene – Reni 1630

19 The Martyrdom of St Thomas – Caravaggio 1599

20 St Matthew writing his gospel – Caravaggio 1600

21 The Peace Angel 1912 Brighton Promenade

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