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Religion Overview. Definition of Religion: Set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature,and purpose of the universe. Religious symbols, Left to right:

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Presentation on theme: "Religion Overview. Definition of Religion: Set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature,and purpose of the universe. Religious symbols, Left to right:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Religion Overview

2 Definition of Religion: Set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature,and purpose of the universe. Religious symbols, Left to right: Row 1. Christian, Jewish, Hindu Row 2. Islamic, Buddhist, Shinto Row 3. Sikh, Baha'i, JainChristianJewishHinduIslamicBuddhistShintoSikhBaha'iJain

3 Theism = the belief that at least one higher being exists Monotheism = belief in one god Polytheism = belief in many gods Democracy = rule by many Theocracy = government where religious law is above civil law

4 3 Major World Religions Judaism –established 2000 BCE –traces its heritage to a covenant God made with Abraham and his people –God would make them a sacred people and give them a holy land Christianity –began in 1st century AD as a Jewish sect –founded upon the belief that Jesus was the Messiah (the son of god) Islam –began in 7 th century Arabia with Muhammad's first recitations of the Qur'an sacred text of Islam contains the teachings of the prophet that were revealed to him from Allah

5 Religions of the World


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