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Lecture 5 6/8/07 AST1001
Geology Basics Can probe the interior of a planet with seismic waves
Core of the planet is dense, made out of metals Mantle is moderate density Crust is very thin, contains low density rock
The Core The Earth’s core consists of two parts: the molten outer core and the solid inner core The Earth is almost entirely rock Other planets might be similar, but no seismic data Differentiation causes the density structure of the planets
Other Planets The lithosphere is the outer, thin layer of rocks
Mars, Mercury, the Moon have very thick lithospheres that extend almost to their cores Earth, Venus have very large mantles
How Interiors Get Hot Accretion Differentiation Radioactive Decay
Planetesimals collide, bring energy to planet Differentiation Heavy stuff moves inward, reducing potential energy Radioactive Decay Lots of radioactive elements in core, and radioactive decays produce energy
How Interiors Cool Off Convection Conduction Radiation
Hot things rise, cool things fall Examples: weather and boiling water Conduction Contact allows heat transfer Radiation Light is radiated into space
Group Work The text does a example surface area to volume calculation on page Repeat the calculation but now calculate the ratio using Mars (radius = 3402 km). What does this tell you about why Mars is no longer very geologically active?
Magnetic Fields Magnetic fields occur due moving charged particles
You need 3 things for a planetary magnetic field An interior region of electrically conduction fluid Convection in that fluid Moderately rapid rotation Earth is the only terrestrial planet to have these things
Shaping Planetary Surfaces
There are 4 ways of shaping planets surfaces Impact Cratering Volcanism Tectonics Erosion
Cratering Impacting objects typically travel at speeds of 250,000 mi/hr Collisions convert that kinetic energy into moving rock to make craters Craters can give us information about the planet’s past surface
Craters and Surface Aging
Craters should be equally spaced and equally dense on all planets if there is no weathering Craters can be erased by erosion, lava, etc We can tell where activity happened by looking at crater density Smaller planets are less geologically active
Volcanism Refers to molten lava coming to the surface
Magma rises because its less dense and is squeezed to the surface Lava creates volcanoes and volcanic plains Also creates rocks like basalt Outgassing can bring different gasses to the surface
Tectonics Refers to the stretching, compression or any other force on the lithosphere Usually occurs due to mantle convection We have massive pieces of the crust here on Earth, which leads to plate tectonics
Erosion Processes that break down or transport rock
Can also create things like sand dunes, river deltas, deposits, sedimentary rock
Small Bodies Maria have formed on the Moon due to lava outflows
Today the surface of the Moon is pretty much unchanging Mercury is very similar, but probably more volcanically active Huge feature called Caloris Basin
Mars Surface has many dramatic differences
Southern hemisphere has high elevation with lots of craters, including Hellas Basin Northern Hemisphere is low, has few craters
Volcanism on Mars Lots of volcanoes on northern plains
Towering shield volcanoes The Tharsis Bulge is a continent sized feature Valles Marineris Huge canyon Might have formed due to tectonic cracking
Water on Mars Lots of features that look like dry riverbeds
No liquid water on the surface of Mars today Water is not stable on the surface Spirit and Opportunity have found lots of minerals that would only form in water
Venus Magellan mapped the surfaces, down to features 100 meters in size Lots of volcanoes on Venus Probably active Lots of contorted features, probably formed by tectonics Virtually no erosion
Map of Venus
Tectonics on Earth Ample evidence to suggest that plates drift around
Results in a wide range of unique effects Earthquakes Hot spots Pangaea
Atmosphere Basics An atmosphere is just the gasses surrounding the solid part of a planet Atmosphere always makes up a tiny fraction of the planet’s mass Planets have a wide range of atmospheres Vary widely in composition, density
More Basics Atmospheres very thing
2/3 of air on Earth lies within 10 kilometers of surface Air pressure occurs due to particles running into things Air is held to the planet with gravity, so there is more air near surface Bars are used to measure pressure
Atmospheric Effects Creates pressure Scatters and absorbs light
Important for liquid water Scatters and absorbs light Creates wind and weather Creates magnetosphere Can cause greenhouse effect
Greenhouse Effect The greenhouse effect is a natural effect
Earth absorbs some light from the Sun, reemits it as infrared light Greenhouse gasses absorb the IR light, delay its escape Too much of the greenhouse effect is a bad thing
Atmospheric Properties and Height
The atmosphere has structure Troposphere is closest to the surface Stratosphere Thermosphere Exosphere
Magnetosphere The Sun emits a low density breeze of charged particles called the solar wind The Earth’s magnetic sphere influences the particles Particles can get trapped along magnetic field lines For Van Allen Belts If they are in the magnetosphere, then you get aurora
Mercury and the Moon Very thin atmospheres
Created by “surface ejection” of particles There might be water ice in polar craters
Mars Today Present day surface of Mars looks a lot like a desert on Earth Atmosphere is very thin: 1% of pressure as that on Earth Most UV radiation gets through the atmosphere
Martian Seasons Mars has seasons similar to those on Earth
Twice as long Eccentricity of orbit is important South has shorter, hotter summers and longer, colder winters than North Can have strong winds
Mars in the Past For its first billion years, Mars might have been wet and warm Atmosphere was probably lost once its magnetic field went away Particles left Mars and went into space Rocks could have also taken oxygen
Group Work The escape velocity on Mars is about 5 km/s. The average daytime temperature is 230K. Using this information, compare the peak thermal velocity of the atoms in Mars’s atmosphere to the escape velocity. How does this relate to potential atmosphere loss by Mars?
Venus Today Surface is searing hot, very high atmospheric pressure
Almost no wind or weather Temperature is uniform and no seasons Sulfuric acid in the atmosphere Mysterious high speed upper winds
Venus and Its Clouds Earth gets rid of its carbon dioxide with water
Where did Venus's water go? Leading theory involves UV rays breaking down the water Because Venus is slightly closer to the Sun, water evaporates more, creates runaway greenhouse effect
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