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The Bible is the Word of God: Internal Evidence… Man’s tendency is to be wordy and verbose – a document that is not so indicates a difference in origin.

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Presentation on theme: "The Bible is the Word of God: Internal Evidence… Man’s tendency is to be wordy and verbose – a document that is not so indicates a difference in origin."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Bible is the Word of God: Internal Evidence… Man’s tendency is to be wordy and verbose – a document that is not so indicates a difference in origin – the Bible is written “in brief” Paul wrote of his conversion (Eph. 3:3) – “that is, the mystery made known to me by revelation, as I have already written briefly.” The Style of the Bible:Brevity

2 The Bible is the Word of God: Internal Evidence… Event: Record: The first 2500 (?) years of history 50 chapters of Genesis The Creation (Gen. 1) 34 verses Flood 3 chapters Jesus’ life 4 Gospels (~1500 pages) His baptism 10 vss. (Matt. 3:13-17) Transfiguration 24 vss. (Matt. 17:1-8) Death 8 Chapters Resurrection/Ascension 6 chapters History of the Early Church Acts (~750 pages) The Style of the Bible:Brevity

3 The Bible is the Word of God: Internal Evidence… Consider John 20:30-31; 21:25… Jesus’ life totaled over 12000 days (over 1200 days of “ministry” …the gospels record only 31-34 days of His life 1/3 of the Gospel of John covers only 1 day (John 13-19) The entire Gospel of John covers only 20 days Neither Mark or John say anything about the first 30 years of Jesus’ life We have no record of most of the actions of most of the apostles The Style of the Bible:Omissions

4 The Bible is the Word of God: Internal Evidence… Both virtues and follies are mentioned… Abraham’s deception (Gen. 12:10-20; 20:1-12), yet Jas. 2:23! David’s adultery, etc. (2 Sam. 11-12), yet Acts 13:22! Peter’s denial (Matt. 26:69-75), yet Matt. 16:16-17! Judas’ betrayal, yet no vindictive reproaches! …facts, not editorials. The Style of the Bible:Impartiality

5 The Bible is the Word of God: Internal Evidence… A lack of emotional excitement… Buying Food & Feeding 5000 (Mark 6:35-44) A Boat Ride & Walking on Water (Mark 6:45, 48) Absence of adjectives (amazing, astounding, etc.) Absence of human tendencies (anger, vanity, etc.) Christ’s betrayal told without malice (Matt. 26:14-16, 47-56) John’s murder without hatred (Matt. 14:6-12) James’ death without hatred (Acts 12:1-2) Transfiguration without pride (2 Pet. 1:16-18) The Style of the Bible:Simplicity Which is more logical? A)40+ men, separated by time, geography, language, and background all happened to write in the same manner. B)God, through the Holy Spirit, inspired them in what to say, preserving human flaws and astounding faith and events in the same style (2 Timothy 3:16). Which is more logical? A)40+ men, separated by time, geography, language, and background all happened to write in the same manner. B)God, through the Holy Spirit, inspired them in what to say, preserving human flaws and astounding faith and events in the same style (2 Timothy 3:16).

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