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History Round Ultimate QuestionWashingtonLincolnRoosevelt.

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3 History Round Ultimate QuestionWashingtonLincolnRoosevelt

4 Presiden- tial Years tial Years Amend- ments More Amend- ments $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $300 $400 $500 President Grab Bag Grab Bag Who’s the Who’s the President? $300 $100 Colonies $200 $300 $400 $500

5 $100 ScoreboardAnswer This president served between 1801 and 1809.

6 Thomas Jefferson Who is Thomas Jefferson? $100 Scoreboard

7 $200 Answer This president served between 1829 and 1837.

8 Andrew Jackson Who is Andrew Jackson? $200 Scoreboard

9 $300 Answer This president served between 1933 and 1945.

10 Franklin D. Roosevelt Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt? $300 Scoreboard

11 $400 Answer This president served between 1981 and 1989.

12 Ronald Reagan Who is Ronald Reagan? $400 Scoreboard

13 $500 Answer This president served between 1845 and 1849.

14 James K. Polk Who is James K. Polk? $500 Scoreboard

15 $100 Answer George Washington served during these years.

16 What are1789-1797? $100 Scoreboard

17 $200 Answer Abraham Lincoln served during these years.

18 What are 1861-1865 1861-1865? $200 Scoreboard

19 $300 Answer James Monroe served during these years.

20 What are 1817-1825 1817-1825? (Era of Good Feelings) $300 Scoreboard

21 $400 Answer Theodore Roosevelt served during these years.

22 $400 Scoreboard What are 1901-1909 1901-1909?

23 $500 ScoreboardAnswer Lyndon Johnson served during these years.

24 What are 1963-1969 1963-1969? $500 Scoreboard

25 $100 Answer John Adams was president during these years.

26 What are1797-1801? $100 Scoreboard

27 $200 Answer This Virginian was president during the War of 1812.

28 Who is James Madison James Madison? $200 Scoreboard

29 Place a bet between $100 to $1000 (or higher if you have more money) Question

30 $300 ScoreboardAnswer This progressive was president during World War I.

31 Woodrow Wilson Who is Woodrow Wilson? $300 Scoreboard

32 $400 Answer This southerner served as president between 1993- 2001.

33 Who is Bill Clinton Bill Clinton? $400 Scoreboard

34 $500 Answer Harry Truman served during these years.

35 What are 1945-1953 1945-1953? $500 Scoreboard

36 $100 Answer This amendment states that powers not mentioned in the Constitution belong to the states.

37 Tenth Amendment What is the Tenth Amendment? $100 Scoreboard

38 $200 Answer This amendment states that vice presidential candidates cannot receive electoral votes for president.

39 Twelfth Amendment What is the Twelfth Amendment? $200 Scoreboard

40 .$300 Answer This amendment gave African Americans citizenship.

41 Fourteenth Amendment What is the Fourteenth Amendment? $300 Scoreboard

42 $400 Answer This amendment gave women the right to vote.

43 Nineteenth Amendment What is the Nineteenth Amendment? $400 Scoreboard

44 $500 Answer This amendment lowered the voting age to eighteen.

45 $500 Scoreboard Twenty-Sixth Amendment? What is the Twenty-Sixth Amendment?

46 $100 ScoreboardAnswer The Thirteenth Amendment did this.

47 abolish slavery What is abolish slavery? $100 Scoreboard

48 $200 Answer The Fifth Amendment protected this.

49 life, liberty, and property What is life, liberty, and property? $200 Scoreboard

50 $300 Answer The Eighteenth Amendment did this.

51 outlaw alcohol? What is outlaw alcohol? $300 Scoreboard

52 $400 Answer The Sixth Amendment provided this.

53 right to a fair and speedy trial in criminal cases? What is right to a fair and speedy trial in criminal cases? $400 Scoreboard

54 $500 This amendment provided the right for a citizen to sue another in civil cases. ScoreboardAnswer

55 Seventh Amendment What is the Seventh Amendment? $500 Scoreboard

56 $100 Answer This was the first permanent British colony in North America, founded in 1607.

57 Jamestown (Virginia) What is Jamestown (Virginia)? $100 Scoreboard

58 $200 Answer This was the third permanent colony founded, in 1629.

59 Massachusetts Bay Colony What is the Massachusetts Bay Colony? $200 Scoreboard

60 $300 Answer Maryland is located in this colonial region.

61 southern colonies What is the southern colonies? $300 Scoreboard

62 $400 Answer This was the last of the thirteen original colonies to be founded.

63 Georgia What is Georgia? $400 Scoreboard

64 $500 Answer New York is located in this colonial region

65 Middle Colonies (Mid-Atlantic Colonies) What is the Middle Colonies (Mid-Atlantic Colonies)? $500 Scoreboard

66 Make your wager! Category: Periods ScoreboardQuestion

67 Ultimate Question ScoreboardAnswer Identify the period between 1865 and 1877.

68 What isReconstruction? Ultimate Question ScoreboardBack to Question

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