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The Suspended Sediment Regime of the Waipaoa River Murray Hicks NIWA, Christchurch NIWA Taihoro Nukurangi.

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Presentation on theme: "The Suspended Sediment Regime of the Waipaoa River Murray Hicks NIWA, Christchurch NIWA Taihoro Nukurangi."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Suspended Sediment Regime of the Waipaoa River Murray Hicks NIWA, Christchurch NIWA Taihoro Nukurangi

2 Thanks to …. Landcare Research –Noel Trustrum –Ted Pinkney Basil Gomez Gisborne District Council –Dave Peacock Hydro-Technologies –Bruce Walpole –Ingrid Pak –Ross Bannister

3 NZ total: 211 Mt/y (~ 1% global yield) Context

4 15 Mt/y (~0.1%) 35 Mt/y

5 Content NZ and global context Datasets SS rating characteristics C-Q hysteresis behaviour Event yields Hyperpycnal discharge potential Summary

6 Datasets Mangatu (1999..) Waihora (1999..) Te Arai (2001..) Waipaoa at Kanakanaia (1997..)

7 Continuous monitoring Data-logger Auto- sampler Mangatu at Omapere Turbidity sensor(s) 0-50,000 mg/l (0-5,000 mg/l) Stage sensor Sampler intake

8 SSC vs Discharge Relationship: Waipaoa at Kanakanaia No gaugings301 Maximum C (mg/l) 36814 Max gauged flow (m 3 /s) 1826 Maximum recorded flow (m 3 /s) Mean annual flood (m 3 /s) SS yield (t/km 2 /yr) Average d 50 (microns) 5286 1346 6750 13 Bias-corrected LOWESS curve Qmaf Qmax Qmean

9 Annual yields at Kanakanaia Mean: 10.7 Mt/yr Maximum: 32 Mt (1988, Cyclone Bola) Minimum: 2.5 Mt Std deviation: 6.7 Mt/yr

10 Hysteresis behaviour

11 Example storm: 2-12 July 2000 Waipaoa 25000 SSC (mg/l) 0 Q (m 3 /s) Waihora 25000 SSC (mg/l) 0 Q (m 3 /s) Mangatu 25000 SSC (mg/l) 0 Q (m 3 /s)

12 Example storm: 2-12 July 2000 Loop of loops

13 Event peak SS Concentration R 2 = 0.07

14 Effect of large events: Cyclone bola x2

15 Event-yield magnitude-frequency relationships 1-yr1-mo

16 Shallow landslip (e.g. Waihora, Te Arai) Gullied (e.g. Mangatu) Characteristic erosion terrains

17 Event-yield magnitude-frequency relationships Gullied Landslip Mixed

18 Event effectiveness 50% 2 yr 1.1 yr

19 Waipaoa River Basin

20 Hyperpycnal discharge potential

21 Hyperpycnal discharge threshold concentration C r > (  o0 -  r0 ) / (1 -  0 /  s ) River SS concentration Ocean water Density (clear) River water density (clear) Sediment mineral density Reference water density

22 Waipaoa/Poverty Bay Conditions River temp ( o C)1016 10 16 River density (gcm -3 )1.000130.99965 1.00013 0.99965 Ocean density (gcm -3 )1.025 1.023 LocationOuter Poverty Bay River plume* SeasonWinterSummer Winter Summer C r (mgl -1 )3994640705 36733 37494 37,000-41,000 mg/l * Stephens et al., 2002

23 Hyperpycnal threshold exceedences ~40,000 mg/l

24 37,000-41,000 mg/l Hyperpycnal threshold exceedences 1-several exceedences in last 40 years?? Need continuous monitoring

25 Summary East Cape Region supplies ~ 0.3% sediment flux to global ocean –Waipaoa supplies ~ 15 Mt/yr SSC vs Q ratings –top-end curvature –clockwise hysteresis during flood events, over individual peaks and overall, reflecting sediment supply effects –event peak SSC poorly correlated with peak discharge –maximum sampled SSC ~ 37,000 mg/l

26 Summary continued … Event-yield magnitude-frequency distributions –Show hillslope erosion-process signatures –Rarer, larger events more important at delivering long-term sediment yield from landslip terrain, common events more important for gullied terrain –Waipaoa mainstem shows “mixed” behaviour Threshold SSC for hyperpycnal river discharges –~ 40,000 mg/l –exceeded 1-several times over last 40 years, but very uncertain –Recommend maintaining continuous monitoring, ideally at Matawhero, nearer coast

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