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Mars B y G a b r i e l a D e L a F u e n t e Fun Facts Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. Mars name comes from the Roman god of war. Mars has 2.

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2 Mars B y G a b r i e l a D e L a F u e n t e

3 Fun Facts Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. Mars name comes from the Roman god of war. Mars has 2 moons named Phobos [Foe-bos]and Deimos[die-mos] The color comes from iron rich dust. They will send people to Mars in 2020!! They will sent in special pod there is a diagram of a pod they will send to Mars.

4 Mars is home to Olympus Mons the biggest volcano. It is the size of Arizona!!!! Valles Marines is the biggest canyon discovered on the planets.

5 This planet cannot support life, but they have sent rovers to Mars to discover. Length of a day[to rotate once]1 day 37 minutes and 23 seconds. It is a inner planet. The picture is a midnight sun on Mars.

6 Rovers NASA has sent many rovers to Mars. Phoenix the rover has found proof of life on Mars. The rover found fossils. Spirit the rover found proof of a hot springs on Mars. It’s twin Opportunity drove a record more than 20 kilometers! Curiosity has also found fossils on Mars! The top pictures are Phoenix & Spirit. The bottom is Yung Huo.

7 Facts



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