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HEAD COUNT Literacy article During and Post-reading.

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1 HEAD COUNT Literacy article During and Post-reading

2 FORMAT  Before we read, we should look at the format of the article.  What’s the title?  What does the lead say (the part right under the title)?  Are there any pictures in the article? Yes, it’s okay to look at the pictures before you read.  What kinds of pictures are there? Graphs? Maps? Photographs?  What information do these visual images seem to be about?

3 READ THE ARTICLE  After we’ve looked briefly at the article’s format, we should read the article.  Read the first paragraph.  What is this paragraph about? What would you say is the main focus of this paragraph?  Read the second paragraph.  What is this paragraph about? What would you say is the main focus of this paragraph?  Read the third paragraph.  What is this paragraph about? What would you say is the main focus of this paragraph?

4 GRAPHS, CHARTS, MAPS, AND PICTURES Look at the first chart in the article. There is a number 1 next to it. It is the one with the man standing on top of the world. Let’s examine this chart.  What is this chart explaining?  What information could we learn from reading this chart? There is a LOT of information in this one chart.

5 GRAPHS, CHARTS, MAPS, AND PICTURES  Look at the sign “Welcome to TEXAS.”  What does the caption say?  What does that even mean?  Can you imagine if we lived on a planet the size of Texas? We would be really crowded.

6 VISUAL IMAGES  Look at the bottom of the page. There is a list of the ten most populated countries. Let’s look at it.  Notice that there is a symbol of a man next to the chart. One man = 15 million people on this chart.  China has 1.3 billion people.  India has 1.2 billion people.  Where do we find the other eight countries?  What are those other countries?

7 CHART NUMBER 2  Look at chart number 2  Look at the title. It says... Is being fueled by high fertility in poor regions.  What is being fueled by high fertility in poor regions? Hint: Look back at number 1  Now look at the map of the world’s countries. What do those numbers on the countries mean? Hint: look on the side at the key. (Children per women)  Now, what information can we learn from this chart?  How many children does the average woman in the U.S. have? India? Germany? Brazil? Niger?  Which country has the lowest number of children per woman being born? The highest?

8 CHART NUMBER 3  Look at chart number 3.  The title of this chart says “...and by increases in life span.”  What is the beginning of this sentence? Hint: look back at number 1.  What information is this chart giving us?  In 1950, how many working-age people were there for every person over 65?  How many working-age people will there be for every person over 65 in 2050?  Why does that matter?

9 CHART NUMBER 4  Look at chart number 4.  The title of this chart says, “So the need for development will become even more critical”  What information does this chart give us? Hint: read the words in the shaded areas.  In 1950 there were about 3 billion people in less developed countries. There were about 1 billion in developed countries.  In 2050 there will be 1.5 billion people in developed countries, while the remaining population will be in less developed countries.  Look back at the title. What does this chart show us needs to happen before 2050.  How many people lack a hygienic toilet, according to the information in this chart?

10 REPRESENT  Look at the last chart in the article.  It is titled, “The most representative example of our 7 billion…”  How much of our world population lives in China?  How much of the world is Christian?  What percentage of males are there in the world?  How many of us live in a town or city?  What is the median (middle) age of the world’s population?  How much $$ do most of the people in the world make?  How much of the world does not use the Internet?

11 QUESTIONS FOR COMPREHENSION  Answer the questions for the article. These are on a separate paper.  We already talked about most of the answers. There are a few you may have to use your brain to figure out. Don’t worry. You’ll do fine. Just take your time and think about it.

12 ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS  For the answers, click here:

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