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Unit 9 What do you think of game shows?. What TV shows do you know?

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 9 What do you think of game shows?. What TV shows do you know?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 9 What do you think of game shows?

2 What TV shows do you know?

3 sitcoms soap operas talks shows game shows sports shows Diana Alan’s father my teacher Leo’s Mother Free talk

4 sitcoms soap operas talk shows game shows sports shows Diana Alan’s father my teacher Leo’s mother 1.Diana likes________ and _________,but she doesn’t like ___________. 2. Alan’s father can’t stand __________ but he loves __________. sitcoms game shows sports shows soap operas sports shows

5 sitcoms soap operas talk shows game shows sports shows Diana Alan’s father my teacher Leo’s mother 3.My teacher _________ soap operas,but he _____ talk shows and sports shows. 4.Leo’s mother ____ sitcoms and soap operas,but she _________ game shows. likes doesn’t like likes can’t stand

6 English Today Sports News Healthy Living Culture China Chinese Cooking Animal World Host : What do you think of English Today? : What do you think of English Today? You : I ______ it. Host: I do, too. How about Chinese Cooking? Host : I do, too. How about Chinese Cooking? You: I ______ _______ it. You : I ______ _______ it.… Now you are a host, please interview your partner. love can’t stand

7 Ask and answer in pairs. Student A looks at page 51. Student B looks at page 69. What do Yang Lin and Alan think of these CCTV shows? Ask and answer questions and then fill in the blanks in your books. (3a) Pairwork

8 Yang LinAlan English Today loves Sports News likes Healthy Living doesn’t like Culture China likes Chinese Cooking can’t stand Animal World doesn’t mind loves likes doesn’t like likes can’t stand doesn’t like

9 3b Use the information in activity 3a. Fill in the blanks. (1) Yes, I do. (2) I like it. (3) I don’t like it. (4) English Today (5) I like it.

10 Host: Welcome to 9 o’clock Weekend Talk. We’re talking to Alan, a thirteen- year-old boy. Welcome to the show, Alan. Alan: Thank you. Host: Do you like to watch TV? Alan: __________. Host: What do you think of Sports News? Alan: ________. Fill in the blanks. (3b) Yes, I do I like it

11 Host: I do, too! How about Healthy Living? Alan: ____________. Host: Really? What do you think of _______________? Alan: I love it. Host: And Culture China? Alan: _______. Host: How about Chinese Cooking? Alan: Oh, I can’t stand it. Cooking is for moms! Host: OK! Thanks for joining us, Alan! Next we’re talking to…… I don’t like it English Today I like it


13 1.Welcome to 9 o’clock Weekend Talk. Welcome to sp. 欢迎来到某地 Welcome back to sp. 欢迎回到某地 Welcome home 欢迎回家 Notes:

14 2. We’re talking to Alan, a thirteen- year -old boy. 一个十三岁的男孩 一个五个月大的婴儿 a five-month-old baby 一个八岁的女孩 an eight-year-old girl

15 试比较: Alan is a thirteen-year-old boy. Alan is thirteen years old. 翻译: 这个男孩十二岁了。 她是个十八岁的女孩。 The boy is twelve years old. She is an eighteen-year-old girl.

16 3. I do, too. / I don’t, either. 我也 …... 。 / 我也不 …... 。 too 与 either 的区别 : too“ 也 ”, 表示肯定意 义, 与肯定的表达方法连用 ; 而 either “ 也不 ”, 表示否定意义, 与否定的表达方法连用。 - My brother likes to play soccer. - I do, too. - My brother doesn’t like to play soccer. - I don’t, either.

17 cooking 在这是动名词作主语, cooking 在这是动名词作主语, 表示 “ 做饭 ” 这件事, 表示 “ 做饭 ” 这件事, 学习是学生的事。 学习是学生的事。 Studying is for students. Studying is for students. 看访谈节目很无聊。 看访谈节目很无聊。 Watching talk shows is very boring. Watching talk shows is very boring. 每天练习说英语很重要。 每天练习说英语很重要。 Practicing speaking English every day is very important. Practicing speaking English every day is very important. 4.Cooking is for moms! 做饭是妈妈们的事!

18 5. Thanks for joining us. 多谢加入我们。 Thanks for/ Thank you for 后面接名 词、代词或动名词, 表示感谢的原因。 Thanks for helping me with my English. Thank you for inviting us to your party.


20 TV shows What I think Students who agree with me Tell it like it is!I love it.Lin Peng Write the names of more TV shows below. Fill in the blanks with what you think. Find students who agree with you.

21 1. Tell it like it is 2. Legal Report 3. CCTV News 4. News in 30 Minutes 5. Man and Nature 6. Chinese Cooking 7. Around China 8. Sports news 9. Lucky52 10. Animal World 11. Culture China 12. Healthy Living A. 人与自然 B. 中国饮食 C. 新闻联播 D. 今日说法 E. 中国各地 F. 新闻 30 分 G. 实话实说 H. 幸运 52 I. 动物世界 J. 中国文化 K. 体育新闻 L. 健康生活 Look, match and talk. GDCFABEKHIJL


23 1. Lily read an interesting book yesterday. (改为一般疑问句) Lily an interesting book yesterday? 2. His father can’t stand soap operas. (对画线部分提问) his father soap operas? 3. My best friend is a boy. He is eleven years old. (合并为一句) My best friend is boy. 一、根据要求完成句子,每空一词。 Did read What does think of an eleven-year-old

24 二、翻译句子。 1. - 你认为情景喜剧怎么样? - 我非常喜欢它们。 2. - 他认为肥皂剧怎么样? - 他无法忍受它们。 - What does he think of soap operas? - He can’t stand them. - What do you think of sitcoms? - I love them.

25 3. 欢迎参加我们的访谈节目。 4. 他们都喜欢情景喜剧,你呢? 5. 你同意他的看法吗? They all like sitcoms. How about you? Do you agree with him? Welcome to our talk show.

26 在班级内调查中央电视台节目的收视率 1)What do you think of …? Why? 2) Do you like …? Why? 3) How about …? Homework: 选出最受本组欢迎的 CCTV programs, 最后在全班排出前三位的电视节目。

27 Thank you !

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