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1 Layout and Installation MICE Collaboration Meeting, RAL, October 27-29, 2004 Elwyn Baynham, Tom Bradshaw, Paul Drumm, Matthew Hills, Yury Ivanyushenkov,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Layout and Installation MICE Collaboration Meeting, RAL, October 27-29, 2004 Elwyn Baynham, Tom Bradshaw, Paul Drumm, Matthew Hills, Yury Ivanyushenkov,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Layout and Installation MICE Collaboration Meeting, RAL, October 27-29, 2004 Elwyn Baynham, Tom Bradshaw, Paul Drumm, Matthew Hills, Yury Ivanyushenkov, James Rochford and Tony Jones RAL

2 2 Layout Beam line shielding layout Beam line infrastructure MICE support structure Scope

3 3 MICE and beam line shielding New round of consultations with ISIS Safety Officer Beam line radiation shielding: - Roofed block house; - Labyrinth –type entrance; - 1.5 m of steel + 0.75 m of concrete in the direction of the beam; - Beam stopper. MICE radiation shielding: - Shielded doors - Room for possible shielding for ISIS ion source hall; - Room for possible shielding for ISIS control room

4 4 Layout

5 5 Beam line shielding layout

6 6 Solenoid in test position

7 7 PSI solenoid infrastructure New nose peace and temporary lead shielding Cryogenics - layout - specs Site for compressor room Support structure

8 8 PSI solenoid nose piece Nose piece to be replaced New temporary lead cover to be added

9 9 PSI solenoid infrastructure: Layout

10 10 RIKEN decay solenoid compressor room PSI solenoid compressor room - an example

11 11 Site for compressor room MICE Hall ISIS Control Room

12 12 Around MICE hall (2)

13 13 Possible site for PSI solenoid compressor It seems, the only possible site BUT access for installation is very difficult. Solution: install compressor on the roof of MICE hall.

14 14 PSI solenoid compressor location

15 15 PSI solenoid support structure and shielding Concrete ISIS wall Steel shielding

16 16 MICE support structure: Specification Requirements/specification: - to move (all) MICE modules out the beam (to the side direction) for various MICE stages Accuracy/tolerances: - along the beam +/- 1 mm - across the beam +/- 1 mm Adjustment: - adjustment possibility is required. Locking mechanism: - required. Loads: - max load is 6.65 tonnes. Force transfer function: - gravity force to the floor; - module-to-module axial force to the floor ?

17 17 MICE support structure: Module weights ModuleWeight, kg AFC module1700 RF module4636 Radiation shield310 Tracker module6650 (including 1200 kg of magnetic shield)

18 18 MICE support structure: Options Concrete floor Simple slides arrangement Rails Low-friction material blocks Sliding carriages Platform HEPCO SL2 stainless steel based slide system

19 19 Forces on Modules for Flip Mode Cases in Stage 6 Case 1Case 2Case 3Case 4Case 5 Average p (MeV/c)200240200170140 Absorber beta (cm)42 25157 Force on the module (MN): Central focus pair module00000 Coupling coil module0.1422 from centre 0.2143 from centre 0.1140 from centre 0.0536 from centre 0.0070 from centre Edge focus pair module0.0693 from centre 0.0877 from centre 0.0967 from centre 0.0846 from centre 0.0631 from centre Tracker solenoid module-0.2372 towards centre -0.3343 towards centre -0.3000 towards centre -0.2284 towards centre -0.1308 towards centre

20 20 Forces on Modules for Non-Flip Mode Cases in Stage 6 Case 1Case 2Case 3Case 4Case 5 Average p (MeV/c)200240200170140 Absorber beta (cm)42 25157 Force on the module (MN): Central focus pair module00000 Coupling coil module0.1239 towards centre 0.1859 towards centre 0.1005 towards centre 0.0756 towards centre 0.0278 towards centre Edge focus pair module0.0123 towards centre 0.0372 towards centre 0.0101 from centre 0.0195 from centre 0.0814 from centre Tracker solenoid module0.3588 towards centre 0.4861 towards centre 0.4321 towards centre 0.4526 towards centre 0.3998 towards centre

21 21 Maximal Forces on Modules in Stage 6 ModuleMax force, MN Case Central focus pair module0All Coupling coil module0.2143 from centre; 0.1859 towards centre Flip mode, Case 2 Non-Flip mode, Case 2 Edge focus pair module0.0967 from centre; 0.0372 towards centre Flip mode, case 3 Non-Flip mode, Case 2 Tracker solenoid module0.4861 towards centre Non-Flip mode, Case 2

22 22 Next steps Beam line layout: - continue on the beam line shielding (elevation view, roof ?); - beam line infrastructure layout (including cryogenics); - PSI magnet support structure and shielding design. MICE layout: - add more components (RF system, hydrogen system); - continue on magnetic shielding design. MICE support structure: - finish magnetic forces analysis; - continue on force transfer scheme; - suggest conceptual design for support structure.

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