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Biomes A Primer. Biome: a definition A biome is a large region characterized by a specific type of climate and certain types of plant and animal communities.

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Presentation on theme: "Biomes A Primer. Biome: a definition A biome is a large region characterized by a specific type of climate and certain types of plant and animal communities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biomes A Primer

2 Biome: a definition A biome is a large region characterized by a specific type of climate and certain types of plant and animal communities. – Biomes are described by their type of vegetation. As we take a look at the various biomes, note the adaptations of the organisms to their very different environments.

3 Biodiversity The word biodiversity literally means the diversity or variation of life. Biodiversity is used to measure “species richness” in ecosystems. An ecosystem is said to have more biodiversity than another ecosystem if it has more species than the other one. – Example: tropical rainforests have more biodiversity, more species, than temperate deciduous forests.

4 Where are the biomes with the most biodiversity found? How does energy affect the distribution of biomes and biodiversity?

5 World’s Biomes (Which have the most biodiversity?)

6 Biodiversity in major world biomes. Note: not only is biodiversity highest in tropical rain forests but the number of “endemic” species, species that are found only in that biome, is also highest. 6

7 The Relationship of Biomes to Altitude How should biomes change with change in altitude? 7

8 Biomes: Effects of Latitude and Altitude 8

9 Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta 9 From sea level to almost 19,000 feet. One can pass through all of Earth’s major biomes climbing to its summit.

10 Temperature and Precipitation How do changes in temperature and precipitation affect biome? 10

11 Biomes: Effects of Temperature and Precipitation 11

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