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Southeast Michigan Watersheds SEMCOG Office February 10, 2015 Detroit, MI Green Infrastructure Target Setting Pilot Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Southeast Michigan Watersheds SEMCOG Office February 10, 2015 Detroit, MI Green Infrastructure Target Setting Pilot Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Southeast Michigan Watersheds SEMCOG Office February 10, 2015 Detroit, MI Green Infrastructure Target Setting Pilot Project

2 MDNR MDOT Partners in the Application MDEQ SEMCOG EPA Technical Assistance Funding ► “Southeast Michigan Watersheds Green Infrastructure Target Setting, will develop stormwater runoff volume reduction targets in the SEM region to achieve identified biological communities. Given these targets, alternatives for green infrastructure implementation will be explored and evaluated. “

3 Green Infrastructure Targeting Identify & Evaluate GI O PPORTUNITIES Outcome-based Areas of Opportunity Project Feasibility Strategic Framework Subwatershed Analysis Pre-planning

4 Pre-planning Task 1 Baseline Curves Pilot Areas Green Infrastructure Targeting

5 Pre-planning Task 2: Stormwater Runoff Volume Targets Green Infrastructure Targeting Richards-Baker Flashiness Index = 0.35 to 0.45

6 Task 2: Stormwater Targets Flashiness related to: Pre-planning Biology

7 Task 2: Stormwater Targets Flashiness also related to: Pre-planning Impervious Cover Key hydrologic metrics (e.g., volume, peak rate)

8 Can include: Alternatives to Achieve Targets Managing effective impervious cover Improving soil health Increasing tree canopy Implementing volume / peak flow BMPs

9 GI Vision: Red Run Areas of Opportunity

10 Plumbrook Drain in Red Run Subwatershed

11 Green Infrastructure Vision

12 Areas of Opportunity Public property Parking Lots Planned projects Road right-of-way Green Infrastructure Vision Partnerships

13 School Parcels Areas of Opportunity

14 Constructed Practices Cost-effective Options Range of assumptions Screening Analysis Constraints Maintenance considerations Design alternatives - Sizing - Placement Field verification Areas of Opportunity

15 Land Cover

16 Areas of Opportunity Examine both impervious and pervious areas

17 Pervious Area Opportunities Green Infrastructure Vision Screening Analyses Improving soil health Increasing tree canopy

18 Report Format ► Description of Subshed ► Land Use & Land Cover by Catchment  Priority land use type(s) & land cover ► Stormwater Runoff Reduction Targets  Richards-Baker Flashiness Index  Natural GI and Constructed GI work towards target ► Areas of Opportunity  Institutional Properties (state, county, local)  Roadways  Parking Lots  Other identified projects or opportunities

19 Feedback Discussion Next Steps Green Infrastructure Targeting

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