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How Have Conditions Changed 1900-2000 1.____ times as many adults are getting high school degrees. 2.____ percent of all American homes have telephones,

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Presentation on theme: "How Have Conditions Changed 1900-2000 1.____ times as many adults are getting high school degrees. 2.____ percent of all American homes have telephones,"— Presentation transcript:


2 How Have Conditions Changed 1900-2000 1.____ times as many adults are getting high school degrees. 2.____ percent of all American homes have telephones, electricity, and a flush toilet. 3.Accidental deaths have decreased by ____ percent. 4.Wages in the manufacturing sector are ____ times greater.

3 How Have Conditions Changed 1900-2000 5.Average household assets are ____ times greater. 6.The average workweek is ____ percent shorter. 7.More than ____ percent of Americans have at least one automobile, VCR, microwave, AC, cable TV, washer and dryer.

4 How Have Conditions Changed 1900-2000 The overall health, welfare and safety of Americans has increased/made positive progress. Statistics and data are critical to the science of sociology.

5 THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD Identify the problem Review the literature (that already exists) Formulate hypothesis Develop a research design Collect data Analyze data State findings and conclusions

6 ETHICS OF SOCIOLOGISTS Show objectivity (not bias information) Use approved research standards Report findings and methods truthfully Protect the rights and privacy of participants

7 1. SURVEY Questionnaires and interviews that require direct communication with people GOAL = REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLE: –A small group who represent a larger whole –PROBLEM = _______________________ –People who volunteer may offer different opinions than those who don’t.


9 2. CASE STUDY A ___________ ______________ of a particular group being studied or treated. Examples: - Kitty Genovese - Stanford Prison Experiment

10 3. FIELD RESEARCH Research that takes place in a natural, non-laboratory setting –How are natural results different from laboratory results? –Example: Justin Timberlake

11 4. PARTICIPANT OBSERVATION ► A case study where the researcher becomes a member of the group being studied. He/she may inform the group of his/her role as a sociologist or may keep that confidential. Examples: - Lars Eighner - Ray Sprigle – White man posed as Black in the South in the 1950s


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