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Social Theories & Social Change Conflict Theory & Functionalism.

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1 Social Theories & Social Change Conflict Theory & Functionalism

2 Conflict Theory All societies have underlying conflict between social groups Change is a result of such conflicts being played out Conflict between the classes determines social change Power goes to the winning group in the conflict Social Consensus is an illusion Conflict is inevitable A Big Picture (Macro World) Theory

3 Karl Marx (German) (1818-1883) Founded the conflict perspective Father of Communism Wrote the Communist Manifesto “Workers of the world unite you have nothing to loose but your chains You have a world to win” –(1848)

4 Hegel’s Dialectic Conflict Theory was developed by Karl Marx from the ideas of Hegel a German philosopher. The Dialectic sees a state of conflict in constant operation between old and new ideas. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel -Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel -

5 MARXIST DIALECTIC Marx applied Hegel’s idea to human society. He came up with a future prediction model Communism would be the result of the conflict between the workers and big business

6 Conflict Theory Today The habit of early 20 th century Conflict Theorists to make their philosophy a religion led to massive failures in social planning (eg Communism in Russia 1917 -1992) Marx however does give us some excellent sociological tools which helps the observer understand social conflict and social change

7 Conflict Theory’s Uses Shows how people operate in classes. Explains that these classes have an ECONOMIC base. Describes how classes will use violence when given no other options. Explains the importance of Alienation among social groups. Alienation China town torched in Honiara 2006 – looks like a “race riot” Conflict Theory explains that this has an economic cause!

8 Fiji a case study in Conflict Fiji is a small Pacific Island nation population 800,000 There are two distinct cultural groups. (Islander 51% and Indian 44%) Since 1987 this has been serious and has resulted in two Coups. Tensions are visible in the towns

9 The Superficial View Conflict looks like the result of deep social, cultural and religious divisions. There is very little non commercial contact between both groups Each group retains its own language and customs – made easy because English is used for commerce and education. Intermarriage is almost unheard of.

10 Conflict Theory Analysis All conflict is economic Indians have benefited the Global economy. They are educated, English speaking and engage in business Islanders have provided much of the cheap labour for Fiji’s industry – notably textiles This is the core cause of the Conflict The image opposite says it all. A semi clothed Islander with a stick hitting a car (some thing that an average wage earner could never hope to own) driven by an Indian.

11 Functionalism On the other side of the social fence to the Conflict theorists are the Functionalists. Emile Durkheim in the 1890s proposed that Society functions like a biological organism. Functionalism stresses consensus and equilibrium.

12 Social Change vs Social Order Functionalists see society as made up of inter-dependent sections which work together to fulfill the needs for the survival of society as a whole. People are socialised into roles and behaviours which fulfill the needs of society. Social Change disrupts social equilibrium but changes in social roles and functions quickly adapt to restore social order.

13 An example New technologies dislocate operators of the old technologies. However many new occupations ( functions) are created by the more complex nature of the new syatems. The small scale operation of the bullock cart supports up to three occupations A railway system creates thousands Social stability is maintained.

14 Functionalism in Vanuatu In traditional niVanuatu society power was held by the local tribal chiefs. In the 1980s Vanuatu became a representative Democracy. The Chiefs were given roles as members of the Upper house. New roles = change with minimal conflict.

15 Links and Citations nd_Hegel.htm nd_Hegel.htm pacific/1007930.stm pacific/1007930.stm m m /wiki/Image:Emile_Durkheim.jpg

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