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NEWPORT HIGH SCHOOL SOPHOMORES 2015-2016 Counselors: Laura Klein A – C Heather Erickson D - I Diane Lindsay J - Lo Heather Smith Lu - Ni Karen Schulz No.

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Presentation on theme: "NEWPORT HIGH SCHOOL SOPHOMORES 2015-2016 Counselors: Laura Klein A – C Heather Erickson D - I Diane Lindsay J - Lo Heather Smith Lu - Ni Karen Schulz No."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEWPORT HIGH SCHOOL SOPHOMORES 2015-2016 Counselors: Laura Klein A – C Heather Erickson D - I Diane Lindsay J - Lo Heather Smith Lu - Ni Karen Schulz No - St John VanderMolen Su - Z * this Power Point will be available on the Counseling Website

2 PLAN for Today  Overview of 10 th Grade  Graduation Requirements  Briefly Look Forward to 11 th and 12 th Grades  College Information  Practice ACT  Questions?

3 Overview of 10 th Grade  Not Freshmen anymore!  Sense of empowerment and ownership of school  More aware of class expectations and school culture  Starting to build study skills and ability to keep up with homework in rigorous classes  Some are thinking of future, others are not yet  Goal – empower and equip them to set and work toward post high school goals.

4 10 th Grade Overview (con’t)  Challenging & balanced curriculum  Strengthen study skills and advocacy skills  Get involved!! (clubs, sports, etc.)  Practice ACT  State Graduation Exams (EOC & ELA or Smarter Balance)  Naviance  Community Service!!

5 Graduation Requirements 4 years English 3.5 Years Social Studies 3 years Math 2 years Science 1 year Fine Art 1 year Career Tech 2 years PE (9 th grade plus 2 semester electives).5 Health 6.5 Elective Credits 40 hours Community Service 2.0 GPA State Tests 23.5 credits

6 State Tests  Current 10 th graders need to pass:  New 10 th grade ELA Exit exam or 11 th grade ELA Test  Algebra1 or Geometry EOC or 11 th grade Smarter Balanced Comprehensive Math Test  EOC Biology  Other State Graduation Requirements  High School and Beyond Plan (Naviance)

7 What is Naviance? Our web-based tool for students & parents We use Naviance for career and college research. It helps students…  Set personalized goals  Explore career options  Search for colleges  Apply for scholarships  Track their admissions status  Find info about upcoming news & events

8 Naviance

9 11 th Grade  Continue in rigorous and balanced program  PSAT October – all juniors take at school  Start researching colleges  College rep visits (Fall), National College Fair (Nov), BSD College Conference (Feb.)  SAT/ACT/SAT Subject tests – student signs up in winter/spring on-line  Continue Community Service, Extra-curricular and Leadership opportunities  Access Career Center resources--- Ms. Worden  Visit! Visit! Visit!

10 12 th Grade  Set yourself up for a rigorous, balanced and strong senior year  Senior Blitz with focus on post-high school planning  College rep visits (Fall), National College Fair (Nov), BSD College Conference (Feb.)  College applications starting in the fall  Retake SAT/ACT if needed in the fall (no more than three)  Access Career Center resources – Ms. Worden  Celebrate Graduation!

11 What are colleges looking for?  Rigorous and realistic coursework  Extra curricular/leadership activities  GPA  SAT/ACT scores  Personal essay  Community Service  Demonstrated interest  Ability to work through adversity  Letters of Rec (private schools only)  Unique and Interesting Individuals!

12 College Entrance Test Comparisons SATACT Areas coveredReading, Writing, Math English, Math, Science, Reading *Writing (optional but Recommended) Time3 hours, 45 mins3 hours, 25 mins Math levelUp to Geometry and Algebra 2 Up to Trigonometry  Free SAT test prep with Khan Academy through – USE IT!!

13 Practice ACT  All 10 th graders will take the Practice ACT on Super Wednesday, 10/14  Students bring calculator, pencils, erasers, water, and light snack for break

14 NHS Student Support Services  Tutorial Period  Peer Tutors (sign up w/Mr. Brown)  Academic Coaches in the classroom  BrightSpace websites  Outside Counseling Services  Ms. Worden in the Career Center

15 Anonymous Reporting

16 Thank You For Attending Tonight QUESTIONS? Power Point available on the Counseling Center Website

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