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Published byBrooke Williams Modified over 9 years ago
First Courses Workshop Day 4 Mark Guzdial College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology
Workshop Plan-Day 4 9-10:00 am: Introducing data structures (in Java) in a Media Computation approach MIDI notes, then linked lists of MIDI. 10:00-10:15: Break 10:15-11:15: Linked lists and trees of pictures A "scene graph" as a first tree. 11:15-12:15: Simulations. Using Turtles from the Wednesday lecture Creating the wildebeests and villagers: Making movies from simulations 12:15-1:15: Lunch 1:15-2:30: Tackling a homework assignment in Media Computation with Java. Creating linked list music or Making a movie with sound or Modifying a Simulation. 2:30-2:45: Break 2:45-3:15: Introducing Computing in an Engineering Context with MATLAB 3:15-4:30: Tackling a homework assignment in MATLAB Engineering Computing: Analyzing live Internet data
Multimedia CS2 in Java Driving question: “How did the wildebeests stampede in The Lion King?” Spring 2005: 31 students, 75% female, 91% success rate.
Connecting to the Wildebeests It’s all about data structures
Syllabus Introduction to Java and Media Computation Manipulating turtles, images, MIDI, sampled sounds. Insertion and deletion (with shifting) of sampled sounds (arrays). Structuring Music Goal: A structure for flexible music composition Put MIDI phrases into linked list nodes. Use Weave and Repeat to create repeating motifs as found in Western Music At very end, create a two-branched list to start on trees. Canon Swan Bells Fur Elise
HW2: Create a collage, but must use turtles
Syllabus (Continued) Structuring Images Using linearity in linked list to represent ordering (e.g., left to right) Using linearity in linked list to represent layering (as in PowerPoint) Mixing positioned and layered in one structure, using abstract super classes. Structuring a scene in terms of branches—introducing a scene graph (first tree) (We’ll see these slides as an example later.)
Syllabus (Cont’d) Structuring Sound Collecting sampled sounds into linked lists and trees, as with images. But all traversals are recursive. Use different traversals of same tree to generate different sounds. Replace a sound in- place Original Scale the children Scale the next
Syllabus (cont’d) Generalizing lists and trees Create an abstract class “Linked List Node” (LLNode) on top of the sound and image class hierarchies Make all image and sound examples work the same abstract LLNode Knows next Knows how to do all basic list operations
Syllabus (Cont’d) GUIs as trees We introduce construction of a Swing frame as construction of a tree. Different layout managers are then different renderers of the same tree. Traditional (binary) trees as a specialization Can we make trees that are faster to search? JFrame JPanel JLabel “This is panel1!” JPanel JButton “Make a sound” JButton “Make a picture”
Syllabus (cont’d) Lists that Loop Introduce circular linked lists as a way of create Mario-Brothers’ style cel animations. Introduce trees that loop as a way of introducing graphs. gal1- rightface.jpg gal1- right2.jpg gal1- right1.jpg gal1- rightface.jpg
Syllabus (cont’d) Introducing Simulations Introduce continuous and discrete event simulations, and Normal and uniform probability distributions We do wolves and deer, disease propagation, political influence. Create a set of classes for simulation, then re-write our simulations for those classes. Writing results to a file for later analysis Finally, Making the Wildebeests and Villagers Mapping from positions of our turtles to an animation frame. Creating an animation from a simulation.
HW7: Simulate European emigration to America Students are required to try several different scenarios, aiming for historical accuracy. Counts of Europeans, Americans, and in- transit per year are written to a file for graphing in Excel
Syllabus (cont’d) Introduction to Discrete Event Simulations Create a discrete event simulation of trucks, factories, salespeople, and markets. Use turtles to create an animated display. Now, the real focus is the simulation, and the animation is just a mapping from the simulation. Animation becomes yet another medium in which we can review results, like data in an Excel spreadsheet, music, or sound.
A selection of data structures First, structuring music: Notes, Phrases, Parts, and Scores as a nice example of objects and modeling. Then linked lists of images Is it about layering (as in Photoshop) or positioning (as in Lord of the Rings)? Then trees of images A Scene Graph
Telling DrJava where to find files
Parts of DrJava Text of your class file (.java) Where you interact with Java List of class files that you have open
An example with Music > import jm.util.*; > import*; > Note n1; > n1 = new Note(60,0.5); > // Create an eighth note at C octave 4 JMusic pieces need to be imported first to use them.
An example with Music > import jm.util.*; > import*; > Note n1; > n1 = new Note(60,0.5); > // Create an eighth note at C octave 4 Declare a Note variable.
An example with Music > import jm.util.*; > import*; > Note n1; > n1 = new Note(60,0.5); > // Create an eighth note at C octave 4 Note instances have nothing to do with filenames. To create a note, you need to know which note, and a duration Starting a line with // creates a comment—ignored by Java
MIDI notes
Making more notes > Note n2=new Note(64,0.5); > View.notate(n1); Error: No 'notate' method in 'jm.util.View' with arguments: ( > Phrase phr = new Phrase(); > phr.addNote(n1); > phr.addNote(n2); > View.notate(phr); -- Constructing MIDI file from'Untitled Score'... Playing with JavaSound... Completed MIDI playback ------- -
What’s going on here? > Note n2=new Note(64,0.5); > View.notate(n1); Error: No 'notate' method in 'jm.util.View' with arguments: ( We’ll make another Note (at E4, another eighth note) There is an object named View that knows how to notate parts of music, but not an individual note.
What’s going on here? > Phrase phr = new Phrase(); > phr.addNote(n1); > phr.addNote(n2); > View.notate(phr); -- Constructing MIDI file from'Untitled Score'... Playing with JavaSound... Completed MIDI playback -------- We’ll create a new Phrase instance and make a variable phr to refer to it. (phr has to be declared to be a Phrase.) Phrase instances know how to addNote notes to them. These are methods that take an argument—a Note instance. The View object does know how to notate an input Phrase instance. It generates this cool window where you see the notes and can play them (or save them as MIDI.)
Playing a different Phrase > Phrase nuphr = new Phrase(0.0,JMC.FLUTE); > nuphr.addNote(n2); > nuphr.addNote(n1); > View.notate(nuphr); We can specify when a phrase starts and with what instrument. We can add notes (even the same notes!) in different orders
Modeling Music The JMusic package is really modeling music. Notes have tones and durations. Musical Phrases are collections of notes. We can play (and View) a musical phrase. A phrase doesn’t have to start when other phrases do, and a phrase can have its own instrument.
Objects know things and can do things What instances of this class know What instances of this class can do Note A musical note and a duration Phrase The notes in the phrase addNote(aNote)
Amazing Grace import*; import jm.JMC; import jm.util.*; import*; public class AmazingGraceSong { private Score myScore = new Score("Amazing Grace"); public void fillMeUp(){ myScore.setTimeSignature(3,4); double[] phrase1data = {JMC.G4, JMC.QN, JMC.C5, JMC.HN, JMC.E5,JMC.EN, JMC.C5,JMC.EN, JMC.E5,JMC.HN,JMC.D5,JMC.QN, JMC.C5,JMC.HN,JMC.A4,JMC.QN, JMC.G4,JMC.HN,JMC.G4,JMC.EN,JMC.A4,JMC.EN, JMC.C5,JMC.HN,JMC.E5,JMC.EN,JMC.C5,JMC.EN, JMC.E5,JMC.HN,JMC.D5,JMC.EN,JMC.E5,JMC.EN, JMC.G5,JMC.DHN}; double[] phrase2data = {JMC.G5,JMC.HN,JMC.E5,JMC.EN,JMC.G5,JMC.EN, JMC.G5,JMC.HN,JMC.E5,JMC.EN,JMC.C5,JMC.EN, JMC.E5,JMC.HN,JMC.D5,JMC.QN, JMC.C5,JMC.HN,JMC.A4,JMC.QN, JMC.G4,JMC.HN,JMC.G4,JMC.EN,JMC.A4,JMC.EN, JMC.C5,JMC.HN,JMC.E5,JMC.EN,JMC.C5,JMC.EN, JMC.E5,JMC.HN,JMC.D5,JMC.QN, JMC.C5,JMC.DHN }; Phrase myPhrase = new Phrase(); myPhrase.addNoteList(phrase1data); myPhrase.addNoteList(phrase2data); // create a new part and add the phrase to it Part aPart = new Part("Parts", JMC.FLUTE, 1); aPart.addPhrase(myPhrase); // add the part to the score myScore.addPart(aPart); }; public void showMe(){ View.notate(myScore); }; } > AmazingGraceSong song1 = new AmazingGraceSong(); > song1.fillMeUp(); > song1.showMe();
Imports and some private data import*; import jm.JMC; import jm.util.*; import*; public class AmazingGraceSong { private Score myScore = new Score("Amazing Grace"); myScore is private instance data
Filling the Score public void fillMeUp(){ myScore.setTimeSignature(3,4); double[] phrase1data = {JMC.G4, JMC.QN, JMC.C5, JMC.HN, JMC.E5,JMC.EN, JMC.C5,JMC.EN, JMC.E5,JMC.HN,JMC.D5,JMC.QN, JMC.C5,JMC.HN,JMC.A4,JMC.QN, JMC.G4,JMC.HN,JMC.G4,JMC.EN,JMC.A4,JMC.EN, JMC.C5,JMC.HN,JMC.E5,JMC.EN,JMC.C5,JMC.EN, JMC.E5,JMC.HN,JMC.D5,JMC.EN,JMC.E5,JMC.EN, JMC.G5,JMC.DHN}; double[] phrase2data = {JMC.G5,JMC.HN,JMC.E5,JMC.EN,JMC.G5,JMC.EN, JMC.G5,JMC.HN,JMC.E5,JMC.EN,JMC.C5,JMC.EN, JMC.E5,JMC.HN,JMC.D5,JMC.QN, JMC.C5,JMC.HN,JMC.A4,JMC.QN, JMC.G4,JMC.HN,JMC.G4,JMC.EN,JMC.A4,JMC.EN, JMC.C5,JMC.HN,JMC.E5,JMC.EN,JMC.C5,JMC.EN, JMC.E5,JMC.HN,JMC.D5,JMC.QN, JMC.C5,JMC.DHN }; Phrase myPhrase = new Phrase(); myPhrase.addNoteList(phrase1data); myPhrase.addNoteList(phrase2data); // create a new part and add the phrase to it Part aPart = new Part("Parts", JMC.FLUTE, 1); aPart.addPhrase(myPhrase); // add the part to the score myScore.addPart(aPart); }; Each array is note, duration, note, duration, note, duration, etc. I broke it roughly into halves.
Showing the Score public void showMe(){ View.notate(myScore); };
Part: Instrument & Phrase: startingTime & The Organization of JMusic Objects Phrase: startingTime & Note (pitch,duration) Part: Instrument & Score: timeSignature, tempo, &
Thought Experiment How are they doing that? How can there be any number of Notes in a Phrase, Phrases in a Part, and Parts in a Score? (Hint: They ain’t usin’ arrays!)
How do we explore composition here? We want to quickly and easily throw together notes in different groupings and see how they sound. The current JMusic structure models music. Let’s try to create a structure that models thinking about music as bunches of riffs/SongElements that we want to combine in different ways. Then comes notes in arrays, linked lists of segments of AmazingGrace, then real and flexible linked lists…
Version 3: SongNode and SongPhrase SongNode instances will hold pieces (phrases) from SongPhrase. SongNode instances will be the nodes in the linked list Each one will know its next. Ordering will encode the order in the Part. Each one will get appended after the last.
Using SongNode and SongPhrase Welcome to DrJava. > import jm.JMC; > SongNode node1 = new SongNode(); > node1.setPhrase(SongPhrase.riff1()); > SongNode node2 = new SongNode(); > node2.setPhrase(SongPhrase.riff2()); > SongNode node3 = new SongNode(); > node3.setPhrase(SongPhrase.riff1()); > node1.setNext(node2); > node2.setNext(node3); > node1.showFromMeOn(JMC.SAX);
All three SongNodes in one Part
How to think about it node1 myPhrase: riff1 next: node2 node2 myPhrase: riff2 next: node3 node3 myPhrase: riff1 next: null
Declarations for SongNode import*; import jm.JMC; import jm.util.*; import*; public class SongNode { /** * the next SongNode in the list */ private SongNode next; /** * the Phrase containing the notes and durations associated with this node */ private Phrase myPhrase; SongNode’s know their Phrase and the next node in the list
Constructor for SongNode /** * When we make a new element, the next part is empty, and ours is a blank new part */ public SongNode(){ = null; this.myPhrase = new Phrase(); }
Setting the phrase /** * setPhrase takes a Phrase and makes it the one for this node * @param thisPhrase the phrase for this node */ public void setPhrase(Phrase thisPhrase){ this.myPhrase = thisPhrase; }
Linked list methods /** * Creates a link between the current node and the input node * @param nextOne the node to link to */ public void setNext(SongNode nextOne){ = nextOne; } /** * Provides public access to the next node. * @return a SongNode instance (or null) */ public SongNode next(){ return; }
insertAfter /** * Insert the input SongNode AFTER this node, * and make whatever node comes NEXT become the next of the input node. * @param nextOne SongNode to insert after this one */ public void insertAfter(SongNode nextOne) { SongNode oldNext =; // Save its next this.setNext(nextOne); // Insert the copy nextOne.setNext(oldNext); // Make the copy point on to the rest }
Using and tracing insertAfter() > SongNode nodeA = new SongNode(); > SongNode nodeB = new SongNode(); > nodeA.setNext(nodeB); > SongNode nodeC = new SongNode() > nodeA.insertAfter(nodeC); public void insertAfter(SongNode nextOne) { SongNode oldNext =; // Save its next this.setNext(nextOne); // Insert the copy nextOne.setNext(oldNext); // Make the copy point on to the rest }
Traversing the list /** * Collect all the notes from this node on * in an part (then a score) and open it up for viewing. * @param instrument MIDI instrument (program) to be used in playing this list */ public void showFromMeOn(int instrument){ // Make the Score that we'll assemble the elements into // We'll set it up with a default time signature and tempo we like // (Should probably make it possible to change these -- maybe with inputs?) Score myScore = new Score("My Song"); myScore.setTimeSignature(3,4); myScore.setTempo(120.0); // Make the Part that we'll assemble things into Part myPart = new Part(instrument); // Make a new Phrase that will contain the notes from all the phrases Phrase collector = new Phrase(); // Start from this element (this) SongNode current = this; // While we're not through... while (current != null) { collector.addNoteList(current.getNotes()); // Now, move on to the next element current =; }; // Now, construct the part and the score. myPart.addPhrase(collector); myScore.addPart(myPart); // At the end, let's see it! View.notate(myScore); }
The Core of the Traversal // Make a new Phrase that will contain the notes from all the phrases Phrase collector = new Phrase(); // Start from this element (this) SongNode current = this; // While we're not through... while (current != null) { collector.addNoteList(current.getNotes()); // Now, move on to the next element current =; };
Then return what you collected // Now, construct the part and the score. myPart.addPhrase(collector); myScore.addPart(myPart); // At the end, let's see it! View.notate(myScore); }
getNotes() just pulls the notes back out /** * Accessor for the notes inside the node's phrase * @return array of notes and durations inside the phrase */ private Note [] getNotes(){ return this.myPhrase.getNoteArray(); }
SongPhrase SongPhrase is a collection of static methods. We don’t ever need an instance of SongPhrase. Instead, we use it to store methods that return phrases. It’s not very object-oriented, but it’s useful here.
SongPhrase.riff1() import*; import jm.JMC; import jm.util.*; import*; public class SongPhrase { //Little Riff1 static public Phrase riff1() { double[] phrasedata = {JMC.G3,JMC.EN,JMC.B3,JMC.EN,JMC.C4,JMC.EN,JMC.D4,JMC.EN}; Phrase myPhrase = new Phrase(); myPhrase.addNoteList(phrasedata); return myPhrase;
SongPhrase.riff2() //Little Riff2 static public Phrase riff2() { double[] phrasedata = {JMC.D4,JMC.EN,JMC.C4,JMC.EN,JMC.E4,JMC.EN,JMC.G4,JMC. EN}; Phrase myPhrase = new Phrase(); myPhrase.addNoteList(phrasedata); return myPhrase; }
Computing a phrase //Larger Riff1 static public Phrase pattern1() { double[] riff1data = {JMC.G3,JMC.EN,JMC.B3,JMC.EN,JMC.C4,JMC.EN,JMC.D4,JMC.EN}; double[] riff2data = {JMC.D4,JMC.EN,JMC.C4,JMC.EN,JMC.E4,JMC.EN,JMC.G4,JMC.EN}; Phrase myPhrase = new Phrase(); // 3 of riff1, 1 of riff2, and repeat all of it 3 times for (int counter1 = 1; counter1 <= 3; counter1++) {for (int counter2 = 1; counter2 <= 3; counter2++) myPhrase.addNoteList(riff1data); myPhrase.addNoteList(riff2data); }; return myPhrase; }
As long as it’s a phrase… The way that we use SongNote and SongPhrase, any method that returns a phrase is perfectly valid SongPhrase method.
10 Random Notes (Could be less random…) /* * 10 random notes **/ static public Phrase random() { Phrase ranPhrase = new Phrase(); Note n = null; for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) { n = new Note((int) (128*Math.random()),0.1); ranPhrase.addNote(n); } return ranPhrase; }
10 Slightly Less Random Notes /* * 10 random notes above middle C **/ static public Phrase randomAboveC() { Phrase ranPhrase = new Phrase(); Note n = null; for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) { n = new Note((int) (60+(5*Math.random())),0.25); ranPhrase.addNote(n); } return ranPhrase; }
Going beyond connecting nodes So far, we’ve just created nodes and connected them up. What else can we do? Well, music is about repetition and interleaving of themes. Let’s create those abilities for SongNodes.
Repeating a Phrase Welcome to DrJava. > SongNode node = new SongNode(); > node.setPhrase(SongPhrase.randomAboveC()); > SongNode node1 = new SongNode(); > node1.setPhrase(SongPhrase.riff1()); > node.repeatNext(node1,10); > import jm.JMC; > node.showFromMeOn(JMC.PIANO);
What it looks like node node1 …
Repeating /** * Repeat the input phrase for the number of times specified. * It always appends to the current node, NOT insert. * @param nextOne node to be copied in to list * @param count number of times to copy it in. */ public void repeatNext(SongNode nextOne,int count) { SongNode current = this; // Start from here SongNode copy; // Where we keep the current copy for (int i=1; i <= count; i++) { copy = nextOne.copyNode(); // Make a copy current.setNext(copy); // Set as next current = copy; // Now append to copy } Note! What happens to this’s next? How would you create a looong repeat chain of several types of phrases with this?
Really useful: Do this with people as nodes! We give people pieces of paper with “notes” on them. Nodes point to their “next”
Here’s making a copy /** * copyNode returns a copy of this node * @return another song node with the same notes */ public SongNode copyNode(){ SongNode returnMe = new SongNode(); returnMe.setPhrase(this.getPhrase()); return returnMe; }
Step 1: public void repeatNext(SongNode nextOne,int count) { SongNode current = this; // Start from here SongNode copy; // Where we keep the current copy node phrase: 10 random notes next: null current node1 phrase: riff1() next: null nextOne
Step 2: copy = nextOne.copyNode(); // Make a copy node phrase: 10 random notes next: null current node1 phrase: riff1() next: null phrase: riff1() next: null copy nextOne
Step 3: current.setNext(copy); // Set as next node phrase: 10 random notes next: current node1 phrase: riff1() next: null phrase: riff1() next: null copy nextOne
Step 4: current = copy; // Now append to copy node phrase: 10 random notes next: current node1 phrase: riff1() next: null phrase: riff1() next: null copy nextOne
Step 5 & 6: copy = nextOne.copyNode(); // Make a copy current.setNext(copy); // Set as next node phrase: 10 random notes next: current node1 phrase: riff1() next: null phrase: riff1() next: copy phrase: riff1() next: null nextOne
Step 7 (and so on): current = copy; // Now append to copy node phrase: 10 random notes next: current node1 phrase: riff1() next: null phrase: riff1() next: copy phrase: riff1() next: null nextOne
What happens if the node already points to something? Consider repeatNext and how it inserts: It simply sets the next value. What if the node already had a next? repeatNext will erase whatever used to come next. How can we fix it?
repeatNextInserting /** * Repeat the input phrase for the number of times specified. * But do an insertion, to save the rest of the list. * @param nextOne node to be copied into the list * @param count number of times to copy it in. **/ public void repeatNextInserting(SongNode nextOne, int count){ SongNode current = this; // Start from here SongNode copy; // Where we keep the current copy for (int i=1; i <= count; i++) { copy = nextOne.copyNode(); // Make a copy current.insertAfter(copy); // INSERT after current current = copy; // Now append to copy }
Weaving /** * Weave the input phrase count times every skipAmount nodes * @param nextOne node to be copied into the list * @param count how many times to copy * @param skipAmount how many nodes to skip per weave */ public void weave(SongNode nextOne, int count, int skipAmount) { SongNode current = this; // Start from here SongNode copy; // Where we keep the one to be weaved in SongNode oldNext; // Need this to insert properly int skipped; // Number skipped currently for (int i=1; i <= count; i++) { copy = nextOne.copyNode(); // Make a copy //Skip skipAmount nodes skipped = 1; while (( != null) && (skipped < skipAmount)) { current =; skipped++; }; oldNext =; // Save its next current.insertAfter(copy); // Insert the copy after this one current = oldNext; // Continue on with the rest if ( == null) // Did we actually get to the end early? break; // Leave the loop } Should we break before the last insert (when we get to the end) or after?
Creating a node to weave > SongNode node2 = new SongNode(); > node2.setPhrase(SongPhrase.riff2()); > node2.showFromMeOn(JMC.PIANO);
Doing a weave > node.weave(node2,4,2); > node.showFromMeOn(JMC.PIANO);
Weave Results Before: After
Walking the Weave public void weave(SongNode nextOne, int count, int skipAmount) { SongNode current = this; // Start from here SongNode copy; // Where we keep the one to be weaved in SongNode oldNext; // Need this to insert properly int skipped; // Number skipped currently
Skip forward for (int i=1; i <= count; i++) { copy = nextOne.copyNode(); // Make a copy //Skip skipAmount nodes skipped = 1; while (( != null) && (skipped < skipAmount)) { current =; skipped++; };
Then do an insert if ( == null) // Did we actually get to the end early? break; // Leave the loop oldNext =; // Save its next current.insertAfter(copy); // Insert the copy after this one current = oldNext; // Continue on with the rest }
Shifting to Images Now that we’ve introduced linked lists with MIDI, we shift to images. Briefly, two kinds of linked lists. Then scene graphs
Building a Scene Computer graphics professionals work at two levels: They define individual characters and effects on characters in terms of pixels. But then most of their work is in terms of the scene: Combinations of images (characters, effects on characters). To describe scenes, they often use linked lists and trees in order to assemble the pieces.
> FileChooser.setMediaPath("D:/cs1316/MediaSources/"); > PositionedSceneElement tree1 = new PositionedSceneElement(new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("tree-blue.jpg"))); > PositionedSceneElement tree2 = new PositionedSceneElement(new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("tree-blue.jpg"))); > PositionedSceneElement tree3 = new PositionedSceneElement(new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("tree-blue.jpg"))); > PositionedSceneElement doggy = new PositionedSceneElement(new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("dog-blue.jpg"))); > PositionedSceneElement house = new PositionedSceneElement(new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("house-blue.jpg"))); > Picture bg = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("jungle.jpg")); > tree1.setNext(tree2); tree2.setNext(tree3); tree3.setNext(doggy); doggy.setNext(house); > tree1.drawFromMeOn(bg); >; Version 1: PositionedSceneElement In this example, using chromakey to compose..just for the fun of it.
What this looks like:
Slightly different ordering: Put the doggy between tree2 and tree3 > tree3.setNext(house); tree2.setNext(doggy); doggy.setNext(tree3); > bg = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("jungle.jpg")); > tree1.drawFromMeOn(bg); >; Yes, we can put multiple statements in one line.
Slightly different picture
Removing the doggy > tree1.setNext(tree2); tree2.setNext(tree3); tree3.setNext(doggy); doggy.setNext(house); > tree1.remove(doggy); > tree1.drawFromMeOn(bg);
Putting the mutt back > bg = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPa th("jungle.jpg")); > tree1.insertAfter(doggy); > tree1.drawFromMeOn(bg);
Animation = (Changing a structure + rendering) * n We can use what we just did to create animation. Rather than think about animation as “a series of frames,” Think about it as: Repeatedly: Change a data structure Render (draw while traversing) the data structure to create a frame
AnimatedPositionedScene public class AnimatedPositionedScene { /** * A FrameSequence for storing the frames **/ FrameSequence frames; /** * We'll need to keep track * of the elements of the scene **/ PositionedSceneElement tree1, tree2, tree3, house, doggy, doggyflip;
Setting up the animation public void setUp(){ frames = new FrameSequence("D:/Temp/"); FileChooser.setMediaPath("D:/cs1316/mediasource s/"); Picture p = null; // Use this to fill elements p = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("tree- blue.jpg")); tree1 = new PositionedSceneElement(p); p = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("tree- blue.jpg")); tree2 = new PositionedSceneElement(p); p = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("tree- blue.jpg")); tree3 = new PositionedSceneElement(p); p = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("house- blue.jpg")); house = new PositionedSceneElement(p); p = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("dog- blue.jpg")); doggy = new PositionedSceneElement(p); doggyflip = new PositionedSceneElement(p.flip()); }
Render the first frame public void make(){; // First frame Picture bg = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("jungle.jpg")); tree1.setNext(doggy); doggy.setNext(tree2); tree2.setNext(tree3); tree3.setNext(house); tree1.drawFromMeOn(bg); frames.addFrame(bg);
Render the doggy moving right // Dog moving right bg = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("jungle.jpg")); tree1.remove(doggy); tree2.insertAfter(doggy); tree1.drawFromMeOn(bg); frames.addFrame(bg); bg = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("jungle.jpg")); tree1.remove(doggy); tree3.insertAfter(doggy); tree1.drawFromMeOn(bg); frames.addFrame(bg); bg = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("jungle.jpg")); tree1.remove(doggy); house.insertAfter(doggy); tree1.drawFromMeOn(bg); frames.addFrame(bg);
Moving left //Dog moving left bg = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("jungle.jpg")); tree1.remove(doggy); house.insertAfter(doggyflip); tree1.drawFromMeOn(bg); frames.addFrame(bg); bg = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("jungle.jpg")); tree1.remove(doggyflip); tree3.insertAfter(doggyflip); tree1.drawFromMeOn(bg); frames.addFrame(bg); bg = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("jungle.jpg")); tree1.remove(doggyflip); tree2.insertAfter(doggyflip); tree1.drawFromMeOn(bg); frames.addFrame(bg); bg = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("jungle.jpg")); tree1.remove(doggyflip); tree1.insertAfter(doggyflip); tree1.drawFromMeOn(bg); frames.addFrame(bg); }
Version 2: Layering > Picture bg = new Picture(400,400); > LayeredSceneElement tree1 = new LayeredSceneElement( new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("tree-blue.jpg")),10,10); > LayeredSceneElement tree2 = new LayeredSceneElement( new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("tree-blue.jpg")),100,10); > LayeredSceneElement tree3 = new LayeredSceneElement( new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("tree-blue.jpg")),200,100); > LayeredSceneElement house = new LayeredSceneElement( new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("house-blue.jpg")),175,175); > LayeredSceneElement doggy = new LayeredSceneElement( new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("dog-blue.jpg")),150,325); > tree1.setNext(tree2); tree2.setNext(tree3); tree3.setNext(doggy); doggy.setNext(house); > tree1.drawFromMeOn(bg); >;
First version of Layered Scene
Reordering the layering > house.setNext(doggy); doggy.setNext(tree3); tree3.setNext(tree2); tree2.setNext(tree1); > tree1.setNext(null); > bg = new Picture(400,400); > house.drawFromMeOn(bg); >; Basically, we’re reversing the list
Reordered (relayered) scene Think about what’s involved in creating a method to reverse() a list…
What’s the difference? If we were in PowerPoint or Visio, you’d say that we changed the layering. “Bring to front” “Send to back” “Bring forward” “Send backward” These commands are actually changing the ordering of the layers in the list of things to be redrawn. Change the ordering in the list. Render the scene Now it’s a different layering!
Version 3: A List with Both Problem 1: Why should we have only layered scene elements or positioned scene elements? Can we have both? SURE! If each element knows how to draw itself! But they took different parameters! Layered got their (x,y) passed in. It works if we always pass in a turtle that’s set to the right place to draw if it’s positioned (and let the layered ones do whatever they want!) Problem 2: Why is there so much duplicated code? Why do only layered elements know last() and add()?
Using Superclasses What we really want is to define a class SceneElement That knows most of being a picture element. It would be an abstract class because we don’t actually mean to ever create instances of THAT class. Then create subclasses: SceneElementPositioned and SceneElementLayered We’d actually use these.
Class Structure Abstract Class SceneElement It knows its Picture myPic and its next (SceneElement). It knows how to get/set next, to reverse() and insertAfter(), and to drawFromMeOn(). It defines drawWith(turtle), but leaves it for its subclasses do complete. An abstract class defines structure and behavior that subclasses will inherit.
Class Structure Abstract Class SceneElement It knows its Picture myPic and its next. It knows how to get/set next, to reverse() and insertAfter(), and to drawFromMeOn() and drawWith(turtle) Class SceneElementPositioned It knows how to drawWith(turtle) Class SceneElementLayered It knows its position (x,y). It knows how to drawWith(turtle) by moving to (x,y) then dropping. We say that the subclasses extend the superclass. The subclasses inherit data and methods from superclass.
Using the new structure public class MultiElementScene { public static void main(String[] args){ FileChooser.setMediaPath("D:/cs1316/mediasources/"); // We'll use this for filling the nodes Picture p = null; p = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("swan.jpg")); SceneElement node1 = new SceneElementPositioned(p.scale(0.25)); p = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("horse.jpg")); SceneElement node2 = new SceneElementPositioned(p.scale(0.25)); p = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("dog.jpg")); SceneElement node3 = new SceneElementLayered(p.scale(0.5),10,50); p = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("flower1.jpg")); SceneElement node4 = new SceneElementLayered(p.scale(0.5),10,30); p = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("graves.jpg")); SceneElement node5 = new SceneElementPositioned(p.scale(0.25));
Rendering the scene node1.setNext(node2); node2.setNext(node3); node3.setNext(node4); node4.setNext(node5); // Now, let's see it! Picture bg = new Picture(600,600); node1.drawFromMeOn(bg);; }
Rendered scene
New Version: Trees for defining scenes Not everything in a scene is a single list. Think about a pack of fierce doggies, er, wolves attacking the quiet village in the forest. Real scenes cluster. Is it the responsibility of the elements to know about layering and position? Is that the right place to put that know how? How do we structure operations to perform to sets of nodes? For example, moving a set of them at once?
The Attack of the Nasty Wolvies
Then the Hero Appears!
And the Wolvies retreat
What’s underlying this This scene is described by a tree Each picture is a BlueScreenNode in this tree. Groups of pictures are organized in HBranch or VBranch (Horizontal or Vertical branches) The root of the tree is just a Branch. The branches are positioned using a MoveBranch.
Labeling the Pieces VBranch with BlueScreenNode wolves MoveBranch to (10,50) Branch (root) HBranch with BSN trees HBranch with 3 BSN houses and a VBranch with 3 BSN houses MoveBranch to (10,400) MoveBranch to (300,450)
It’s a Tree VBranch with BlueScreenNode wolves MoveBranch to (10,50) Branch (root) HBranch with BSN trees HBranch with 3 BSN houses and a VBranch with 3 BSN houses MoveBranch to (10,400) MoveBranch to (300,450)
The Class Structure DrawableNode knows only next, but knows how to do everything that our picture linked lists do (insertAfter, remove, last, drawOn(picture)). Everything else is a subclass of that. PictNode knows it’s Picture myPict and knows how to drawWith(turtle) (by dropping a picture) BlueScreenNode doesn’t know new from PictNode but knows how to drawWith(turtle) by using bluescreen.
Branch Class Structure Branch knows its children—a linked list of other nodes to draw. It knows how to drawWith by: (1) telling all its children to draw. (2) then telling all its children to draw. A HBranch draws its children by spacing them out horizontally. A VBranch draws its children by spacing them out vertically.
The Class Structure Diagram DrawableNode Knows: next Branch Knows: children HBranch Knows how to drawWith horizontally VBranch Knows how to drawWith vertically PictNode Knows: myPict Knows how to drawWith BlueScreenNode Knows how to drawWith as bluescreen Note: This is not the same as the scene (object) structure!
Using these Classes: When doggies go bad! public class WolfAttackMovie { /** * The root of the scene data structure **/ Branch sceneRoot; /** * FrameSequence where the animation * is created **/ FrameSequence frames; /** * The nodes we need to track between methods **/ MoveBranch wolfentry, wolfretreat, hero; These are the nodes that change during the animation, so must be available outside the local method context
Setting up the pieces /** * Set up all the pieces of the tree. **/ public void setUp(){ Picture wolf = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("dog- blue.jpg")); Picture house = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("house- blue.jpg")); Picture tree = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("tree- blue.jpg")); Picture monster = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("monster- face3.jpg"));
Making a Forest //Make the forest MoveBranch forest = new MoveBranch(10,400); // forest on the bottom HBranch trees = new HBranch(50); // Spaced out 50 pixels between BlueScreenNode treenode; for (int i=0; i < 8; i++) // insert 8 trees {treenode = new BlueScreenNode(tree.scale(0.5)); trees.addChild(treenode);} forest.addChild(trees);
Make attacking wolves // Make the cluster of attacking "wolves" wolfentry = new MoveBranch(10,50); // starting position VBranch wolves = new VBranch(20); // space out by 20 pixels between BlueScreenNode wolf1 = new BlueScreenNode(wolf.scale(0.5)); BlueScreenNode wolf2 = new BlueScreenNode(wolf.scale(0.5)); BlueScreenNode wolf3 = new BlueScreenNode(wolf.scale(0.5)); wolves.addChild(wolf1);wolves.addChild(wolf2); wolves.addChild(wolf3); wolfentry.addChild(wolves);
Make retreating wolves // Make the cluster of retreating "wolves" wolfretreat = new MoveBranch(400,50); // starting position wolves = new VBranch(20); // space them out by 20 pixels between wolf1 = new BlueScreenNode(wolf.scale(0.5).flip()); wolf2 = new BlueScreenNode(wolf.scale(0.5).flip()); wolf3 = new BlueScreenNode(wolf.scale(0.5).flip()); wolves.addChild(wolf1);wolves.addChild(wolf2); wolves.addChild(wolf3); wolfretreat.addChild(wolves);
It takes a Village… // Make the village MoveBranch village = new MoveBranch(300,450); // Village on bottom HBranch hhouses = new HBranch(40); // Houses are 40 pixels apart across BlueScreenNode house1 = new BlueScreenNode(house.scale(0.25)); BlueScreenNode house2 = new BlueScreenNode(house.scale(0.25)); BlueScreenNode house3 = new BlueScreenNode(house.scale(0.25)); VBranch vhouses = new VBranch(-50); // Houses move UP, 50 pixels apart BlueScreenNode house4 = new BlueScreenNode(house.scale(0.25)); BlueScreenNode house5 = new BlueScreenNode(house.scale(0.25)); BlueScreenNode house6 = new BlueScreenNode(house.scale(0.25)); vhouses.addChild(house4); vhouses.addChild(house5); vhouses.addChild(house6); hhouses.addChild(house1); hhouses.addChild(house2); hhouses.addChild(house3); hhouses.addChild(vhouses); // Yes, a VBranch can be a child of an HBranch! village.addChild(hhouses);
Making the village’s hero // Make the monster hero = new MoveBranch(400,300); BlueScreenNode heronode = new BlueScreenNode(monster.scale(0.75).flip()); hero.addChild(heronode);
Assembling the Scene //Assemble the base scene sceneRoot = new Branch(); sceneRoot.addChild(forest); sceneRoot.addChild(village); sceneRoot.addChild(wolfentry); } Want the forest on top of the village? Put the village in BEFORE the forest! Then it will get rendered first Where’s the wolfretreat and monster? They’ll get inserted into the scene in the middle of the movie
Trying out one scene: Very important for testing! /** * Render just the first scene **/ public void renderScene() { Picture bg = new Picture(500,500); sceneRoot.drawOn(bg);; }
Okay that works
Rendering the whole movie /** * Render the whole animation **/ public void renderAnimation() { frames = new FrameSequence("D:/Temp/");; Picture bg;
Wolvies attack! (for 25 frames) // First, the nasty wolvies come closer to the poor village // Cue the scary music for (int i=0; i<25; i++) { // Render the frame bg = new Picture(500,500); sceneRoot.drawOn(bg); frames.addFrame(bg); // Tweak the data structure wolfentry.moveTo(wolfentry.getXPos()+5,wolfentry.getYPos()+10); } Inch-by-inch, er, 5-pixels by 10 pixels, they creep closer.
Our hero arrives! (In frame 26) // Now, our hero arrives! this.root().addChild(hero); // Render the frame bg = new Picture(500,500); sceneRoot.drawOn(bg); frames.addFrame(bg);
Exit the threatening wolves, enter the retreating wolves // Remove the wolves entering, and insert the wolves retreating this.root().children.remove(wolfentry); this.root().addChild(wolfretreat); // Make sure that they retreat from the same place that they were at wolfretreat.moveTo(wolfentry.getXPos(), wolfentry.getYPos()); // Render the frame bg = new Picture(500,500); sceneRoot.drawOn(bg); frames.addFrame(bg);
The wolves retreat (more quickly) // Now, the cowardly wolves hightail it out of there! // Cue the triumphant music for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { // Render the frame bg = new Picture(500,500); sceneRoot.drawOn(bg); frames.addFrame(bg); // Tweak the data structure wolfretreat.moveTo(wolfretreat.getXPos()-10, wolfretreat.getYPos()-20); }
Making the Movie Welcome to DrJava. > WolfAttackMovie wam = new WolfAttackMovie(); wam.setUp(); wam.renderScene(); > wam.renderAnimation(); There are no frames to show yet. When you add a frame it will be shown > wam.replay();
The Completed Movie
Homework Assignment! Option 1: Create linked list music Create music with at least five calls to repeatInserting or weave It must be at least 20 nodes long. Make one new riff yourself and use it. Draw the resultant sound structure Option 2: Make a movie—with sound! Use a scene graph for the visuals, and a linked list for the sound. Maybe play one node per frame? Can use play() for background sounds, blockingPlay() for foreground sounds Only rule: During rendering, cannot create any new sounds. Must be in the linked list of sounds already. Example: HW4 and HW6 at
Simulations We build a simulation “from scratch”: Wolves and deer Based on Anne Fleury’s work about students avoiding abstraction and preferring duplicating/explicit code. We’re trying to make it easier to understand, and then introduce abstraction. Then we build a simulation package that makes it all easier.
Real programmers don’t make data structures…often Programmers almost never make arrays. Most programmers don’t make linked lists or trees or graphs, either! Or hashtables/dictionaries, or heaps, or stacks and queues. These core, general, abstract data structures are typically provided in some form through libraries for the language. That’s true for both Python/Jython and Java.
Real programmers make models…often The basic processes of modeling is something that every object-oriented programmer does all the time. Aggregation: connecting objects together through references Generalization and Specialization Learning how data structures work is learning about modeling.
Real programmers make data structures…sometimes Sometimes you do make data structures. If you need a specialized structure. If you want just the methods you want in the way that you want them. For example, Java’s LinkedList has no insertAfter()! If you need it to work faster.
Real programmers make data structures choices! You choose between different data structures all the time. Often the choice is based on running time. Arrays are faster than linked lists for some things (like accessing element i), while linked lists are faster for other things (like insertion and deletion). Sometimes the choice is for particular properties. Use trees for clustering, Use graphs for cycles, Use hashtables for lookup by String, not index number
Building a Simulation Package Let’s make it much easier to build simulations. We’ll use Java’s data structures, rather than build our own. We’ll create Simulation and Agent as a general simulation, so that we only subclass them to create our specific simulations. A classic “real programmer” challenge: Making code designed to be reused (by us, but could be anyone) later.
WDSimulation with new package
Design of the Package
How we use the package Subclass Simulation to define your general simulation. Override the methods that you want to change. Feel free to call super.method() to reuse the general functionality. Subclass Agent to define your simulation agents/actors. Override the methods that you want to change. Feel free to call super.method() to reuse the general functionality.
What Simulation provides getAgents(), add(), remove(): Manipulate the list of all agents setUp(): Open a world openFile(): Write data to a file openFrames(): Write frames to a FrameSequence run(): Run the simulation—for a number of timesteps, tell each agent to act() endStep(): Print the timestep and write to the file. lineForFile(): Define what to print to the file. closeFile(): End the file writing
What Agent provides setSpeed(), getSpeed(): Change/get speed init(): Add to simulation agents list die(): Make body red and remove from simulation agents list getClosest(): Get the closest agent from a list within a range. countInRange(): Count the agents within a range that are on a list. act(): By default, wander aimlessly
Redefining WDSimulation
WDSimulation /** * WDSimulation -- using the Simulation class **/ public class WDSimulation extends Simulation { /** * Fill the world with wolves and deer **/ public void setUp(){ // Let the world be set up super.setUp(); // Just for storing the new deer and wolves DeerAgent deer; WolfAgent wolf; // create some deer int numDeer = 20; for (int i = 0; i < numDeer; i++) { deer = new DeerAgent(world,this); } // create some wolves int numWolves = 5; for (int i = 0; i < numWolves; i++) { wolf = new WolfAgent(world,this); } We need setUp() to define the world (let super.setUp() do that), then fill it with our agents.
Writing out our counts in WDSimulation /** * lineForFile -- write out number of wolves and deer **/ public String lineForFile(){ // Get the size (an int), make it an Integer, // in order to turn it into a string. (Whew!) return (new Integer(DeerAgent.allDeer.size())).toString()+"/t"+ (new Integer(WolfAgent.allWolves.size())).toString(); } It’s not easy to convert an integer (size() of the list) to a string.
Defining our Deer import java.awt.Color; // Color for colorizing import java.util.LinkedList; /** * DeerAgent -- Deer as a subclass of Agent **/ public class DeerAgent extends Agent { /** class constant for the color */ private static final Color brown = new Color(116,64,35); /** class constant for how far deer can smell */ private static final double SMELL_RANGE = 50; /** Collection of all Deer */ public static LinkedList allDeer = new LinkedList(); Notice allDeer! It’s a LinkedList— for free! It’s static—there’s one list shared by all instances of the class. It’s the list of all DeerAgents, and there’s only one of these lists.
DeerAgent initialization /** * Initialize, by adding to Deer list **/ public void init(Simulation thisSim){ // Do the normal initializations super.init(thisSim); // Make it brown setColor(brown); // Add to list of Deer allDeer.add(this); }
DeerAgent’s way of dying /** * To die, do normal stuff, but * also remove from deer list **/ public void die(){ super.die(); allDeer.remove(this); System.out.println("Deer left: "+allDeer.size()); }
DeerAgent’s actions /** * How a DeerAgent acts **/ public void act() { // get the closest wolf within the smell range WolfAgent closeWolf = (WolfAgent) getClosest(SMELL_RANGE, WolfAgent.allWolves); if (closeWolf != null) { // Turn to face the wolf this.turnToFace(closeWolf); // Now directly in the opposite direction this.turn(180); // How far to run? How about half of current speed?? this.forward((int) (speed/2)); } else { // Run the normal act() -- wander aimlessly super.act(); } This is it folks! It’s all that we have to write to make DeerAgents work!
Constructors ////////////////////////////// Constructors //////////////////////// // Copy this section AS-IS into subclasses, but rename Agent to // Your class. /** * Constructor that takes the model display (the original * position will be randomly assigned) * @param modelDisplayer thing that displays the model * @param thisSim my simulation */ public DeerAgent (ModelDisplay modelDisplayer,Simulation thisSim) { super(randNumGen.nextInt(modelDisplayer.getWidth()), randNumGen.nextInt(modelDisplayer.getHeight()), modelDisplayer, thisSim); } /** Constructor that takes the x and y and a model * display to draw it on * @param x the starting x position * @param y the starting y position * @param modelDisplayer the thing that displays the model * @param thisSim my simulation */ public DeerAgent (int x, int y, ModelDisplay modelDisplayer, Simulation thisSim) { // let the parent constructor handle it super(x,y,modelDisplayer,thisSim); } DON’T care about this! Copy it in as-is, and make the names match your class. That’s it. Period.
WolfAgent import java.awt.Color; import java.util.LinkedList; /** * WolfAgent -- Wolf as a subclass of Agent **/ public class WolfAgent extends Agent { /** class constant for how far wolf can smell */ private static final double SMELL_RANGE = 50; /** class constant for how close before wolf can attack */ private static final double ATTACK_RANGE = 30; /** Collection of all Wolves */ public static LinkedList allWolves = new LinkedList();
WolfAgent initializations /** * Initialize, by adding to Wolf list **/ public void init(Simulation thisSim){ // Do the normal initializations super.init(thisSim); // Make it brown setColor(Color.gray); // Add to list of Wolves allWolves.add(this); }
WolfAgent act() /** * Chase and eat the deer **/ /** * Method to act during a time step * pick a random direction and move some random amount up to top speed */ public void act() { // get the closest deer within smelling range DeerAgent closeDeer = (DeerAgent) getClosest(SMELL_RANGE, DeerAgent.allDeer); if (closeDeer != null) { // Turn torward deer this.turnToFace(closeDeer); // How much to move? How about minimum of maxSpeed // or distance to deer? this.forward((int) Math.min(speed, closeDeer.getDistance(this.getXPos(),this.getYPos()))); } // get the closest deer within the attack distance closeDeer = (DeerAgent) getClosest(ATTACK_RANGE, DeerAgent.allDeer); if (closeDeer != null) { this.moveTo(closeDeer.getXPos(), closeDeer.getYPos()); closeDeer.die(); } else // Otherwise, wander aimlessly { super.act(); } // end else } // end act() The same constructors are there, but let’s ignore those.
Running the WDSimulation Welcome to DrJava. > WDSimulation wd = new WDSimulation(); > wd.openFrames("D:/temp/"); // If you want an animation > wd.openFile(“D:/cs1316/wds-data1.txt”); // If you want an output file. >; If you just want to run it: > WDSimulation wd = new WDSimulation(); >;
What happens in a DiseaseSimulation We create a bunch of PersonAgents. One of them is sick. While running: They wander aimlessly. If a Person gets close (within 10? 20?) of an infected person, that Person gets infected, too.
DiseaseSimulation /** * DiseaseSimulation -- using the Simulation class **/ public class DiseaseSimulation extends Simulation { /** * Fill the world with 60 persons, one sick **/ public void setUp(){ // Let the world be set up //super.setUp(); // Or set it up with a smaller world world = new World(300,300); world.setAutoRepaint(false); PersonAgent moi; // 60 people for (int num = 0; num < 60; num++) { moi = new PersonAgent(world,this); } // Infect the first one moi = (PersonAgent) getAgents().get(0); moi.infect(); } setUp() just creates 60 people, and the first one becomes infected.
Deciding what to store in a file /** * lineForFile -- write out number of infected **/ public String lineForFile(){ PersonAgent first; first = (PersonAgent) agents.get(0); return (new Integer(first.infected())).toString(); } infected() is an instance method that returns the number of infected persons. It doesn’t matter which person we ask it of, so we just grab the first one.
Defining a PersonAgent import java.awt.Color; // Color for colorizing import java.util.LinkedList; /** * PersonAgent -- Person as a subclass of Agent **/ public class PersonAgent extends Agent { public boolean infection;
PersonAgent initialization /** * Initialize, by setting color and making move fast **/ public void init(Simulation thisSim){ // Do the normal initializations super.init(thisSim); // Make it lightGray setColor(Color.lightGray); // Don't need to see the trail setPenDown(false); // Start out uninfected infection = false; // Make the speed large speed = 100; }
PersonAgent act() /** * How a Person acts **/ public void act() { // Is there a person within infection range of me? PersonAgent closePerson = (PersonAgent) getClosest(10, simulation.getAgents()); if (closePerson != null) { // If this person is infected, and I'm not infected if (closePerson.infection && !this.infection) { // I become infected this.infect(); } // Run the normal act() -- wander aimlessly super.act(); }
Getting sick /** * Become infected **/ public void infect(){ this.infection = true; this.setColor(; // Print out count of number infected System.out.println("Number infected: "+infected()); }
Counting the infected /** * Count infected **/ public int infected() { int count = 0; LinkedList agents = simulation.getAgents(); PersonAgent check; for (int i = 0; i<agents.size(); i++){ check = (PersonAgent) agents.get(i); if (check.infection) {count++;} } return count; } We could have added them to an infected list and just checked the size(), too. There are constructors here, too, but we’re ignoring them now.
Running a DiseaseSimulation DiseaseSimulation ds2 = new DiseaseSimulation(); ds2.openFile(“D:/cs1316/disease-fullsize.txt”);;
Comparing Small and Large Worlds for Disease Propagation public void setUp(){ // Let the world be set up super.setUp(); // Or set it up with a smaller world //world = new World(300,300); //world.setAutoRepaint(false); A common activity in this class: Generate data for Excel and analyze it there.
Small world DiseaseSimulation public void setUp(){ // Let the world be set up //super.setUp(); // Or set it up with a smaller world world = new World(300,300); world.setAutoRepaint(false);
How it works There are two sets of PoliticalAgents: Red and Blue Both wander aimlessly, but within constraints. Blue is only to the right, red only to the left. Overlap for 200 pixels in the middle. If a Blue gets surrounded (argued down?) by more Red supporters than Blue supporters, the Blue turns Red. And vice-versa. But there is a problem with getting converted mid-timestep!
Political Simulation import java.awt.Color; /** * PoliticalSimulation -- using the Simulation class **/ public class PoliticalSimulation extends Simulation { /** * Fill the world with 60 persons **/ public void setUp(){ // Let the world be set up super.setUp(); PoliticalAgent moi; // 60 people for (int num = 0; num < 60; num++) { moi = new PoliticalAgent(world,this); // First 30 are red if (num < 30) { moi.politics =; moi.moveTo(100,100); PoliticalAgent.redParty.add(moi); } else { moi.politics =; moi.moveTo(500,100); PoliticalAgent.blueParty.add(moi); } moi.setColor(moi.politics); } // for loop } // setUp()
Tracking the PoliticalSimulation /** * lineForFile -- write out number of each party **/ public String lineForFile(){ return (new Integer(PoliticalAgent.redParty.size())).toString()+"\t"+ (new Integer(PoliticalAgent.blueParty.size())).toString(); } /** * EndStep, count the number of each **/ public void endStep(int t){ super.endStep(t); System.out.println("Red: "+PoliticalAgent.redParty.size()+" Blue: "+ PoliticalAgent.blueParty.size()); } We’re accessing here the static variables that track the redParty and blueParty.
PoliticalAgent import java.awt.Color; // Color for colorizing import java.util.LinkedList; /** * PoliticalAgent -- Red or Blue Stater as a subclass of Agent **/ public class PoliticalAgent extends Agent { // Red or Blue public Color politics; public static LinkedList redParty = new LinkedList(); public static LinkedList blueParty = new LinkedList();
Initializing our PoliticalAgents /** * Initialize **/ public void init(Simulation thisSim){ // Do the normal initializations super.init(thisSim); // Don't need to see the trail setPenDown(false); // Speed is 100 speed = 100; }
Converting political preference /** * Set politics **/ public void setPolitics(Color pref){ System.out.println("I am "+politics+" converting to "+pref); if (pref == { blueParty.remove(this); redParty.add(this); this.politics = pref;} else { blueParty.add(this); redParty.remove(this); this.politics = pref; } this.setColor(pref); }
PoliticalAgent act() /** * How a PoliticalAgent acts **/ public void act() { // What are the number of blues and red near me? int numBlue = countInRange(30,blueParty); int numRed = countInRange(30,redParty); if ({ // If I'm red, and there are more blue than red near me, convert if (numBlue > numRed){ setPolitics(;} } if ({ // If I'm blue, and there are more red than blue near me, convert if (numRed > numBlue) { setPolitics(;} }
PoliticalAgent act(), cont’d // Run the normal act() -- wander aimlessly super.act(); // But don't let them wander too far! // Let them mix only in the middle if ( { if (this.getXPos() > 400) { // Did I go too far right? this.moveTo(200,this.getYPos());} } if ( { if (this.getXPos() < 200) { // Did I go too far left? this.moveTo(400,this.getYPos());} } }
How the Simulation Package works There are lots of calls to this this.setUp(), for example. This will call the instance’s method. Typically, the subclass! If the subclass doesn’t have the method, it will inherit the method from the superclass. The subclass can still call the superclass version using super.
Let’s trace the DiseaseSimulation DiseaseSimulation ds2 = new DiseaseSimulation();; public Simulation() { // By default, don't write to a file. output = null; // And there is no FrameSequence frames = null; } Here’s how a Simulation class instance gets constructed.
181; /** * Run for a default of 50 steps **/ public void run(){; this.closeFile(); } Both methods are in Simulation /** * Ask all agents to run for the number of input * steps **/ public void run(int timeRange) { // A frame, if we're making an animation Picture frame; // For storing the current agent Agent current = null; // Set up the simulation this.setUp(); Does ds2 have a setUp() method?
this.setUp() in DiseaseSimulation /** * Fill the world with 60 persons, one sick **/ public void setUp(){ // Let the world be set up super.setUp(); PersonAgent moi; // 60 people for (int num = 0; num < 60; num++) { moi = new PersonAgent(world,this); } // Infect the first one moi = (PersonAgent) getAgents().get(0); moi.infect(); } public void setUp(){ // Set up the World world = new World(); world.setAutoRepaint(false); } Back to Simulation just for a moment, to set up the world, then back again.
Back to public void run(int timeRange) in Simulation // Set up the simulation this.setUp(); // loop for a set number of timesteps for (int t = 0; t < timeRange; t++) { // loop through all the agents, and have them // act() for (int index=0; index < agents.size(); index++) { current = (Agent) agents.get(index); current.act(); } Do PersonAgents have act()’s? You bet!
PersonAgent act() to Agent act() public void act () { // Is there a person within infection range of me? PersonAgent closePerson = (PersonAgent) getClosest(20, simulation.getAgents()); if (closePerson != null) { // If this person is infected, and I'm not infected if (closePerson.infection && !this.infection) { // I become infected this.infect(); } // Run the normal act() -- wander aimlessly super.act(); } public void act () { // Default action: wander aimlessly // if the random number is > prob of NOT turning then turn if (randNumGen.nextFloat() > PROB_OF_STAY) { this.turn(randNumGen.nextInt(360)); } // go forward some random amount forward(randNumGen.nextInt(speed)); } // end act()
Finishing Simulation run() // repaint the world to show the movement world.repaint(); if (frames != null){ // Make a frame from the world, then // add the frame to the sequence frame = new Picture(world.getWidth(),world.getHeight()); world.drawOn(frame); frames.addFrame(frame); } // Do the end of step processing this.endStep(t); // Wait for one second //Thread.sleep(1000); } Hang on! Not done yet!
endStep() calls lineForFile() (in DiseaseSimulation) public void endStep(int t){ // Let's figure out where we stand... System.out.println(">>> Timestep: "+t); // If we have an open file, write the counts to it if (output != null) { // Try it try{ output.write(lineForFile()); output.newLine(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Couldn't write the data!"); System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); // Make output null so that we don't keep trying output = null; } } // endStep() public String lineForFile(){ PersonAgent first; first = (PersonAgent) agents.get(0); return (new Integer(first.infected())).toString(); }
How much do you have to know? Do you have to know what Simulation run() does? Or Agent act()? Not in any detail! You need to know what it roughly does, so you can decide if you need it via super You need to know when your code will be called, so that you can do what you need to, at the right point in the simulation.
Finally! Making Wildebeests We simply copy characters to frames wherever the turtles are.
Story: The Curious Birds The turtle-like curious bird things wander, slowly, toward the mysterious egg. As they get up close to it—it opens its eyes and shows its fangs! They scamper away while the monster shifts around and looks to the left and right.
The Movie
“What’s the big deal?” “Isn’t this darn similar to the wolves attacking the village movie?” Yes. But we didn’t have to build a scene graph and define every frame here. We simply built a simulation and said “Go.” Each time that we run this simulation, it’ll be slightly different. We can have as many “takes” as we want, and tweak the rules of behavior as we want.
A Mapping We move Agents (turtles) in a simulation And once a timestep, we map these to images and draw them.
BirdSimulation /** * BirdSimulation * A flock of 10 birds investigate a mysterious egg, * which suddenly shows itself to be a monster! **/ public class BirdSimulation extends Simulation { public EggAgent egg; // We'll need to get this later in BirdAgent FrameSequence myFrames; // Need a separate one from Simulations
Setting up the Simulation /** * Set up the world with 10 birds and the mysterious egg **/ public void setUp (){ // Set up the world super.setUp(); // We'll need frames for the animation myFrames = new FrameSequence("D:/Temp/");; BirdAgent tweetie; // 10 of 'em for (int num = 0; num < 10; num++) { tweetie = new BirdAgent(world,this);} // And the egg egg = new EggAgent(world,this); }
Creating the Animation public void endStep (int t) { // Do the normal file processing (if any) super.endStep(t); // But now, make a 640x480 frame, and copy // in pictures from all the agents Picture frame = new Picture(640,480); Agent drawMe = null; for (int index=0; index<this.getAgents().size(); index++) { drawMe = (Agent) this.getAgents().get(index); drawMe.myPict.bluescreen(frame,drawMe.getXPos(), drawMe.getYPos()); } myFrames.addFrame(frame); }
Explaining the key lines We get our Agent (BirdAgent or EggAgent). Get the picture myPict then bluescreen it onto the frame at the current position of the agent’s turtle. drawMe = (Agent) this.getAgents().get(index); drawMe.myPict.bluescreen(frame, drawMe.getXPos(), drawMe.getYPos());
Getting the timestep Since we want something to happen at certain timesteps, we need act() to have the timestep. We need Simulation to pass us the timestep. We need Agent’s act() to catch the timestep and pass it on as no timestep, so that all the old simulations continue to work.
Simulation change // loop through all the agents, and have them // act() for (int index=0; index < agents.size(); index++) { current = (Agent) agents.get(index); current.act(t); // NEW -- pass in timestep }
Addition to Agent /** * act() with a timestep **/ public void act(int t){ // By default, don't act on it this.act(); } Think through why we need this. Simulation is now calling act(timestep). Our other simulations don’t have act(int t)…
BirdAgent /** * BirdAgents use the bird character JPEGs **/ public class BirdAgent extends Agent{ public static Picture bird1, bird2, bird3, bird4, bird5, bird6; Why static? Would it work without static? Yes, but more resource intensive.
Setting up birds /** * Set up the birds **/ public void init(Simulation thisSim){ if (bird1 == null) { // Do we have the bird characters defined yet? // CHANGE ME! FileChooser.setMediaPath("D:/cs1316/MediaSources/"); bird1 = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("bird1.jpg")); bird2 = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("bird2.jpg")); bird3 = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("bird3.jpg")); bird4 = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("bird4.jpg")); bird5 = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("bird5.jpg")); bird6 = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("bird6.jpg")); } Setting up a bunch of static variables to hold the bird pictures
Finishing BirdAgent init() // Start out with myPict as bird1 myPict = bird1; // Do the normal initializations super.init(thisSim); // Move all the birds to the far right corner this.setPenDown(false); this.moveTo(600,400); // Set speed to relatively slow this.setSpeed(40); }
What Birds do /** * act(t) For first 20 steps, walk toward the egg, * +/- 30 degrees. * Then walk AWAY from the egg, and with MORE wandering (panic). **/ public void act (int t){ // First, handle motion if (t <= 20) { // Tell it that this really is a BirdSimulation BirdSimulation mySim = (BirdSimulation) simulation; // which has an egg this.turnToFace(mySim.egg); this.turn(randNumGen.nextInt(60)-30); forward(randNumGen.nextInt(speed)); } else { // Run away!! this.turnToFace(640,480); // Far right corner this.turn(randNumGen.nextInt(80)-40); forward(randNumGen.nextInt(speed)); } What’s going on with this math is getting +/-. 0 to 60, minus 30, gives you - 30 to 30
Birds also change character look (cell animation) // Next, set a new character int cell = randNumGen.nextInt(6)+1; // 0 to 5, + 1 => 1 to 6 switch (cell) { case 1: myPict = bird1; // this.drop(bird1); break; case 2: myPict = bird2; //this.drop(bird2); break; case 3: myPict = bird3; //this.drop(bird3); break; case 4: myPict = bird4; //this.drop(bird4); break; case 5: myPict = bird5; //this.drop(bird5); break; case 6: myPict = bird6; //this.drop(bird6); break; } // end switch } // end act What’s this? It’s called a switch or case statement. Instead of 6 if’s, we have one big case. Consider drop vs. chromakey? Think about resources and mapping to other media
Zooming in on the switch We compute a random integer between 1 and 6. We announce that we’re going to choose between options (switch) depending on the value of cell. We identify each value we’re checking with a case statement. Java executes the one that matches the switch. Execution ends and jumps to the end of the switch on break. int cell = randNumGen.nextInt(6)+1; // 0 to 5, + 1 => 1 to 6 switch (cell) { case 1: myPict = bird1; break; case 2: myPict = bird2; break;
EggAgent /** * EggAgent -- big scary egg that sits there until t=15, * then emerges as a monster! **/ public class EggAgent extends Agent { public static Picture egg1, egg2, egg3, egg4;
Init() for an EggAgent /** * To initialize, set it up as the Egg in the upper lefthand corner **/ public void init(Simulation thisSim){ if (egg1 == null) { //Initialize //CHANGE ME! FileChooser.setMediaPath("D:/cs1316/MediaSources/"); egg1 = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("egg1.jpg")); egg2 = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("egg2.jpg")); egg3 = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("egg3.jpg")); egg4 = new Picture(FileChooser.getMediaPath("egg4.jpg")); } // Start out as egg1 myPict = egg1;
Meet the Eggs
The rest of EggAgent init() // Normal initialization super.init(thisSim); // Make the turtle disappear //this.hide(); // Not really necessary this.setPenDown(false); // Move the egg up to the left hand corner this.moveTo(10,10); }
Eggs don’t move in act(int t) /** * To act, just drop the Egg for 15 steps, * then be the eyes opened for five steps, * then be the eyes switching back-and-forth **/ public void act(int t) { if (t < 19) { myPict = egg1;} //this.drop(egg1);} if (t>19 && t<24) { myPict = egg2;} //this.drop(egg2);}
Even when they’re looking scary if (t>23) { int choose=randNumGen.nextInt(2); if (choose == 1) { myPict = egg3;} //this.drop(egg3);} else { myPict = egg4;} //this.drop(egg4);} } } // end act()
To Explore Start the birds out all over the screen So that we can see them wave, etc. better. Have the birds react to a state of the egg For example: “egg.scary()==true”, so that we’re not tied to a particular timestep (frame #) Have the birds react to one another. “I’m crowded, I’m going to move that way.” Big idea! An animation is only one kind of representation to make from a simulation. How about playing certain sounds or MIDI phrases from different characters at different times?
CS1 for Engineering in MATLAB Syllabus Sample lessons on getting started
Syllabus Getting started with MATLAB Introduction to Vectors, the main MATLAB data type Conditionals, iteration, and functions Cell arrays (mini-databases) Structures Problem solving General arrays Graphing (MATLAB does professional quality graphics) Bodies of Rotation and Matrices File I/O Multimedia: Image and sound manipulation Serious CS: Numerical methods, Big O, Sorting, Queues, and Graphs
Objectives – the MATLAB User Interface ■ How to use the Command window to explore single commands interactively and how to recall earlier commands to be repeated or changed ■ Where to examine the variables and files created in MATLAB ■ How to view and edit data tables created in MATLAB ■ How MATLAB presents graphical data in separate windows ■ How to create scripts to solve simple arithmetic problems
The Default Window File menu Close icon Current directory Command window Workspace window Command history
Array Editor New variable icon
If you don’t have MATLAB, Octave!
2.4 Scripts Create a script derived from the Pythagorean theorem to compute the hypotenuse of a right triangle: H 2 = A 2 + B 2 where A and B are the sides adjacent to the right angle, and H is the hypotenuse opposite. clear clc A = 3; % the first side of a triangle B = 4; % the second side of a triangle hypSq = A^2 + B^2; % the square of the % hypotenuse H = sqrt(hypSq) % the answer
Store these in your working directory to access cd W:/home/guzdial/Documents/
2.5 Engineering Example—Spacecraft Launch clear clc cmPerInch = 2.54; % general knowledge inchesPerFt = 12; % general knowledge metersPerCm = 1/100; % general knowledge MetersPerFt = metersPerCm * cmPerInch * inchesPerFt; startFt = 25000; % ft - given startM = startFt * MetersPerFt; g = 9.81; % m/sec^2 top = 100; % km - given s = (top*1000) - startM; % m initial_v = (2*g*s)^0.5 % the final answer
Passing in parameters, return values function retval = avg (v) if (isvector (v)) retval = sum (v) / length (v); endif endfunction Saved as avg.m
3.1 Concept: Using Built-in Functions In this chapter we will see the use of some of the functions built into MATLAB. At the end of each chapter that uses built-in functions, you will find a summary table listing the function specifications. For help on a specific function, you can type the following: >> help For example: >> help sqrt SQRT Square root. SQRT(X) is the square root of the elements of X. Complex results are produced if X is not positive.
3.2 Concept: Data Collections This section considers two very common ways to group data: in arrays and in vectors. Data Abstraction allows us to refer to groups of data collectively: “all the temperature readings for May” or “all the purchases from Wal-Mart.” We can not only move these items around as a group, but also perform mathematical or logical operations on these groups, e.g.: compute the average, maximum, or minimum temperatures for a month A Homogeneous Collection is constrained to accept only items of the same data type – in this case, they will all be numbers
3.3 MATLAB Vectors Individual items in a vector are usually referred to as its elements. Vector elements have two separate and distinct attributes that make them unique in a specific vector: their numerical value and their position in that vector. For example, the individual number 66 is the third element in this vector. Its value is 66 and its index is 3. There may be other items in the vector with the value of 66, but no other item will be located in this vector at position 3.
Vector Manipulation We consider the following basic operations on vectors: Creating a Vector Determining the size of a Vector Extracting data from a vector by indexing Shortening a Vector Mathematical and logical operations on Vectors
Creating a Vector – Constant Values Entering the values directly, e.g. A = [2, 5, 7, 1, 3] Entering the values as a range of numbers e.g., B = 1:3:20 Using the linspace(...) function e.g. C = linspace (0, 20, 11) Using the functions zeros(1,n), ones(1,n), rand(1,n) and randn(1,n) to create vectors filled with 0, 1, or random values between 0 and 1
Size of Vectors and Arrays MATLAB provides two functions to determine the size of arrays in general (a vector is an array with one row): the function size(A) when applied to the array A returns vector containing two quantities: the number of rows and the number of columns The function length(A) returns the maximum value in the size of an array; for a vector, this is its length.
Indexing a Vector The process of extracting values from a vector, or inserting values into a vector Syntax: v(index) returns the element(s) at the location(s) specified by the vector index. v(index) = value replaces the elements at the location(s) specified by the vector index. The indexing vector may contain either numerical or logical values
Indexing examples octave:10> a = [1,12,43,25,34] a = 1 12 43 25 34 octave:14> a a = 1 12 43 25 34 octave:15> a<12 ans = 1 0 0 0 0 octave:16> a(1) ans = 1 octave:17> a(a < 12) ans = 1 octave:18> a < 20 ans = 1 1 0 0 0 octave:19> a(a < 20) ans = 1 12
Numerical Indexing The indexing vector may be of any length It should contain integer (non-fractional) numbers The values in the indexing vector are constrained by the following rules: For reading elements, all index values must be 1 <= element <= length(vector) For replacing elements, all index values must be 1 <= element
Replacement Rules 1. Either: All dimensions of the blocks on either side of the replacement instruction must be equal, or There must be a single element on the RHS of the replacement 2. If you replace beyond the end of the existing vector, the vector length is automatically increased. Any element not specifically replaced remains unchanged. Elements beyond the existing length not replaced are set to 0.
Replacement examples octave:20> a(3)=567 a = 1 12 567 25 34 octave:21> a a = 1 12 567 25 34 octave:22> a(a < 20) = [12,34] a = 12 34 567 25 34
Logical Indexing The indexing vector length must be less than or equal to the original vector length It must contain logical values (true or false) Access to the vector elements is by their relative position in the logical vector When reading elements, only the elements corresponding to true index values are returned When replacing elements, the elements corresponding to true index values are replaced Beware – logical vectors in Matlab echo in the Command window as 1 or 0, but they are not the same thing.
Shortening an Array Never actually necessary. It is advisable to extract what you want by indexing rather than removing what you don’t want. Can lead to logic problems when changing the length of a vector Accomplished by assigning the empty vector ( [] ) to elements of a vector, or to complete rows or columns of an array.
Operating on Vectors Three techniques extend directly from operations on scalar values: ■ Arithmetic operations ■ Logical operations ■ Applying library functions Two techniques are unique to arrays in general, and to vectors in particular: ■ Concatenation ■ Slicing (generalized indexing)
Arithmetic operations In the Command window, enter the following: >> A = [2 5 7 1 3]; >> A + 5 ans = 7 10 12 6 8 >> A.* 2 ans = 4 10 14 2 6 >> B = -1:1:3 B = -1 0 1 2 3
Arithmetic operations (continued) >> A.* B % element-by-element multiplication ans = -2 0 7 2 9 >> A * B % matrix multiplication!! ??? Error using ==> mtimes Inner matrix dimensions must agree. >> C = [1 2 3] C = 1 2 3 >> A.* C % A and C must have the same length ??? Error using ==> times Matrix dimensions must agree.
Logical operations >> A = [2 5 7 1 3]; >> B = [0 6 5 3 2]; >> A >= 5 ans = 0 1 1 0 0 >> A >= B ans = 1 0 1 0 1 >> C = [1 2 3] >> A > C ??? Error using ==> gt Matrix dimensions must agree.
Logical operations (continued) >> A = [true true false false]; >> B = [true false true false]; >> A & B ans = 1 0 0 0 >> A | B ans = 1 1 1 0 >> C = [1 0 0]; % NOT a logical vector >> A(C) % yes, you can index logical vectors, but... ??? Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.
A Footnote: the find function Continuing the code above: >> C = find(B) ans = [1 3] The find(...) function consumes a logical vector and returns the numerical indices of the elements of that vector that are true. Example: octave:23> a > 20 ans = 0 1 1 1 1 octave:24> c = find(a > 20) c = 2 3 4 5
Applying library functions All MATLAB functions accept vectors of numbers rather than single values and return a vector of the same length. Special Functions: ■ sum(v) and mean(v) consume a vector and return a number ■ min(v) and max(v) return two quantities: the minimum or maximum value in a vector, plus the position in that vector where that value occurred. ■ round(v), ceil(v), floor(v), and fix(v) remove the fractional part of the numbers in a vector by conventional rounding, rounding up, rounding down, and rounding toward zero, respectively. Exercise: Make up a vector and try all of these on it!
Concatenation MATLAB lets you construct a new vector by concatenating other vectors: A = [B C D... X Y Z] where the individual items in the brackets may be any vector defined as a constant or variable, and the length of A will be the sum of the lengths of the individual vectors. A = [1 2 3 42] is a special case where all the component elements are scalar quantities.
Concatenation Example octave:27> a a = 12 34 567 25 34 octave:28> b b = 78.600 45.600 12.200 octave:29> c=[a b] c = 12.000 34.000 567.000 25.000 34.000 78.600 45.600 12.200
Slicing (generalized indexing) A(4) actually creates an anonymous 1 × 1 index vector, 4, and then using it to extract the specified element from the array A. In general, B( ) = A( ) where and are both index vectors, A is an existing array, and B can be an existing array, a new array, or absent altogether (giving B the name ans). The values in B at the indices in are assigned the values of A from.
Rules for Slicing ■ Either the dimensions of must be equal to the dimensions of or must be of size 1 ■ If B did not exist before this statement was implemented, it is zero filled where assignments were not explicitly made ■ If B did exist before this statement, the values not directly assigned in remain unchanged
Representing Mathematical Vectors An unfortunate clash of names Vectors in mathematics can be represented by Matlab vectors The first, second and third values being the x, y and z components Matlab vector addition and subtraction work as expected. Matlab magnitude and scaling works as expected. Dot product is just the sum of A.* B Cross product has a Matlab function
Engineering Example—Forces and Moments So given a pair of forces A and B acting at a point P, find: The resultant force, and The moment of that resultant about the origin
Vector Solution clear clc PA = [0 1 1] PB = [1 1 0] P = [2 1 1] M = [4 0 1] % find the resultant of PA and PB PC = PA + PB % find the unit vector in the direction of PC mag = sqrt(sum(PC.^2)) unit_vector = PC/mag % find the moment of the force PC about M % this is the cross product of MP and PC MP = P - M moment = cross( MP, PC )
A Transposed Array
Array Manipulation We consider the following basic operations on vectors: Creating an array Extracting data from an array by indexing Shortening an array Mathematical and logical operations on arrays
Creating an Array – Constant Values Entering the values directly, e.g. A = [2, 5, 7; 1, 3, 42] the semicolon identifies the next row, as would a new line in the command Using the functions zeros( rows, cols), ones(rows, cols), rand(rows, cols) and randn(rows, cols) to create vectors filled with 0, 1, or random values between 0 and 1 octave:32> m = [1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6] m = 1 2 3 4 5 6
Indexing an Array The process of extracting values from an array, or inserting values into an array Syntax: A(row, col) returns the element(s) at the location(s) specified by the array row and column indices. A(row, col) = value replaces the elements at the location(s) specified by the array row and column indices. The indexing row and column vectors may contain either numerical or logical values
Numerical Indexing The indexing vectors may be of any length It should contain integer (non-fractional) numbers The values in the indexing vectors are constrained by the following rules: For reading elements, all index values must be 1 <= element <= length(array dimension) For replacing elements, all index values must be 1 <= element
Replacement Rules 1. Either: All dimensions of the blocks on either side of the replacement instruction must be equal, or There must be a single element on the RHS of the replacement 2. If you replace beyond the end of any dimension of the existing array, the size in that dimension is automatically increased. Any element not specifically replaced remains unchanged. Elements beyond the existing dimension length not replaced are set to 0.
Logical Indexing The indexing vector length must be less than or equal to the original array dimension It must contain logical values (true or false) Access to the array elements is by their relative position in the logical vectors When reading elements, only the elements corresponding to true index values are returned When replacing elements, the elements corresponding to true index values are replaced
Logical indexing in matrices example octave:32> m = [1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6] m = 1 2 3 4 5 6 octave:34> m ( m<=4 ) = -1 m = -1 -1 -1 -1 5 6
Operating on Arrays Four techniques extend directly from operations on vectors: ■ Arithmetic operations ■ Logical operations ■ Applying library functions ■ Slicing (generalized indexing) The following deserves an additional word because of the nature of arrays: ■ Concatenation
Array Concatenation Array concatenation can be accomplished horizontally or vertically: R = [A B C] succeeds as long as A, B and C have the same number of rows; the columns in R will be the sum of the columns in A, B and C. R = [A; B; C] succeeds as long as A, B and C have the same number of columns; the rows in R will be the sum of the rows in A, B and C.
Reshaping Arrays Arrays are actually stored in column order in Matlab. So internally, a 2 × 3 array is stored as a column vector: A(1,1) A(2,1) A(1,2) A(2,2) A(1,3) A(2,3) Any n × m array can be reshaped into any p × q array as long as n*m = p*q using the reshape function.
3.6 Engineering Example—Computing Soil Volume Consider the example where you are given the depth of soil from a survey in the form of a rectangular array of soil depth. You are also given the footprint of the foundations of a building to be built on that site and the depth of the foundation. Compute the volume of soil to be removed.
Survey Data
Building Footprint
Solution clear clc % soil depth data for each square produced % by the survey dpth = [8 8 9 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 8 7 8 8 8 7... 9 8 8 7 7 8 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 8 7 8]; % estimated proportion of each square that should % be excavated area = [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0... 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.6]; square_volume = dpth.* area; total_soil = sum(sum(square_volume))
4.1 Concept: Code Blocks A code block is a collection of zero or more MATLAB instructions identified for one of two reasons: 1. you wish to execute them only under certain circumstances, or 2. You wish to repeat them a certain number of times Some languages identify code blocks by enclosing them in braces ({...}); others identify them by the level of indentation of the text. MATLAB uses the occurrence of key command words in the text to define the extent of code blocks: if, switch, while, for, case, otherwise, else, elseif, end Code blocks are identified with blue coloring by the MATLAB text editor. They are not part of the code block, but they serve both as instructions on what to do with the code block, and as delimiters that define the extent of the code block.
4.2 Conditional Execution in General Basic conditional execution requires two things: A logical expression, and A code block If the expression is true, the code block is executed. Otherwise, execution is resumed at the instruction following the code block
Compound conditionals By introducing elseif and else, we allow for the possibility of either conditional or unconditional execution when a test returns false as illustrated.
4.3 if Statements The general template for if statements is: if elseif. elseif else end
General Observations A logical expression is any statement that returns a logical result. If that result is a logical vector, v, the if statement behaves as: if all(v) While indentation has no effect on the logical flow, it helps to clarify the logical flow. The MATLAB editor automatically creates suitable indentation as you type.
4.4 switch Statements The template for a switch statement is: switch case case. case otherwise end
General Observations The switch statement is looking for the parameter to have an exact match to one of the cases. One case specification may have multiple values enclosed in braces( {…}). The default case catches any values of the parameter other than the specified cases. The default case should trap bad parameter values.
4.5 Iteration in General Iteration allows controlled repetition of a code block. Control statements at the beginning of the code block specify the manner and extent of the repetition: The for loop is designed to repeat its code block a fixed number of times and largely automates the process of managing the iteration. The while loop is more flexible in character. Its code block can be repeated a variable number of times. It is much more of a “do-it-yourself” iteration kit.
4.6 for Loops The template for a for loop is: for = end The for loop automatically sets the value of the variable to each element of the vector in turn and executes the code block with that value.
4.7 while Loops The code block will be repeated as long as the logical expression returns true. The while loop template is: while % must make some changes % to enable the loop to terminate end
4.8 Engineering Example— Computing Liquid Levels Give a tank as shown, how do you calculate the volume of liquid? The answer of course is “it depends on h.” If h <= r, do one calculation; otherwise if h < (H-r) do a second; Otherwise if h <= H, do a third; Otherwise there is an error!
The Solution if h < r v = (1/3)*pi*h.^2.*(3*r-h); elseif h < H-r v = (2/3)*pi*r^3 + pi*r^2*(h-r); elseif h <= H v = (4/3)*pi*r^3 + pi*r^2*(H-2*r)... - (1/3)*pi*(H-h)^2*(3*r-H+h); else disp(‘liquid level too high’) continue end fprintf(... 'rad %0.2f ht %0.2f level %0.2f vol %0.2f\n',... r, H, h, v);
5.1 Concept: Abstraction Procedural abstraction permits a code block that solves a particular sub-problem to be packaged and applied to different data inputs. analogous to the concept of data abstraction where individual data items are gathered to form a collection. We have already used a number of built-in procedural abstractions in the form of functions. They allow us to apply a code block about which we know nothing to data that we provide.
5.1 Concept: Encapsulation Encapsulation is the concept of putting a wrapper around a collection that you wish to protect from outside influence. Functions encapsulate the code they contain in two ways: the variables declared within the function are not visible from elsewhere, and the function’s ability to change the values of variables (otherwise known as causing side effects) is restricted to its own code body.
5.2 Black Box View of a Function are the formal parameters – the names given to the incoming data inside the function. are the actual parameters provided to the function by its caller. They may have names different from the formal parameter names They are correlated to the formal parameter names by their position
5.3 MATLAB Implementation The template for defining a function is: function ( ) % must return the results The function code must be stored in a file whose name is the name of the function. Functions return data to the caller by assigning values to the return variable(s) MATLAB throws an error if a function does not make assignments to all the return variables.
5.4 Engineering Example—Measuring a Solid Object We need to compute the volume and wetted area of this object. This requires one function that computes the volume and wetted area of a cylinder We have a range of disk heights for which we require this information.
Solution The function stored in cylinder.m function [area, volume] = cylinder(height, radius) % function to compute the area and volume of a cylinder % usage: [area, volume] = cylinder(height, radius) base = pi.* radius.^2; volume = base.* height; area = 2 * pi * radius.* height + 2 * base; The test script clear clc h = 1:5; % set a range of disk thicknesses R = 25; r = 3; [Area Vol] = cylinder(h, R) % dimensions of large disk [area vol] = cylinder(h, r) % dimensions of the hole % compute remaining volume Vol = Vol - 8*vol Area = Area + 8*(area - 2*2*pi*r.^2)
Background Two relationships between characters and numbers 1. Individual characters have an internal numerical representation: The shapes we see in windows are created by a character generator. 2. Strings of characters represent numerical values: Numerical values are stored in MATLAB in a special, internal representation for efficient numerical computation. Whenever we need to see the value of a number, the internal representation is converted into a character string representing its value in a form we can read. Similarly, to enter numerical values, we create a character string and have it converted to the internal representation
Concept: Mapping Mapping defines a relationship between two entities. e.g. the idea that the function f(x) = x 2 defines the mapping between the value of x and the value of f(x). We will apply that concept to the process of translating a character (like ‘A’) from its graphical form to a numerical internal code. Character mapping allows each individual graphic character to be uniquely represented by a numerical value.
Concept: Casting Casting is the process of changing the way a language views a piece of data without actually changing the data value. Under normal circumstances, a language like MATLAB automatically presents a set of data in the “right” form. However, there are times when we wish to force the language to treat a data item in a specific way; we might want to view the underlying numerical representation as a number rather that as a character, in which case we have to cast the variable containing the character to a numerical data type. MATLAB implements casting as a function with the name of the data type expected. In essence, these functions implement the mapping from one character representation to another.
MATLAB Implementation of Casting >> uint8('A') % uint8 is an integer data type % with values 0 - 255 ans = 65 >> char(100) % char is the character class ans = d >> char([97 98 99 100 101]) ans = abcde >> double('fred') ans = 102 114 101 100 >> fred = 'Fred' fred = Fred >> next = fred + 1 next = 71 115 102 101 >> a = uint8(fred) a = 70 114 101 100 >> name = char(a + 1) name = Gsfe
String Operations Since strings are internally represented as vectors of numbers, all the normal vector operations apply: Arithmetic and logical operations Concatenation Shortening Indexing Slicing
Conversion from Numbers to Strings Use the following built-in MATLAB functions for a simple conversion of a single number, x, to its string representation: int2str(x) if you want it displayed as an integer value num2str(x, n) to see the decimal parts; the parameter n represents the number of decimal places required—if not specified, its default value is 3 sprintf(…) provides finer-grained format control Its first parameter is a format control string that defines how the resulting string should be formatted. A variable number of value parameters follow the format string, providing data items as necessary to satisfy the formatting.
Format Control in sprintf(…) Characters in the format string are copied to the result string. Special behavior is introduced by two special characters: '%' introduces a conversion specification: %d (integer), %f (real), %g (general), %c (character) and %s(string). Each conversion requires a value parameter in the sprintf(…) call. A number may be placed immediately after the % character to specify the minimum number of characters in the conversion. The %f and %g conversions can include '.n' to indicate the number of decimal places required. '\' introduces escape characters for format control. The most common: \n (new line) and \t (tab).
Conversion from Strings to Numbers:input(…) When possible, allow input(...) to do the conversion. The function input(str) presents the string parameter to the user in the Command window and waits for the user to type some characters and the Enter key, all of which are echoed in the Command window. Then it converts the input string according to the following rules. If the string begins with: a numerical character, MATLAB converts the string to a number An alpabetic character, MATLAB constructs a variable name and looks for its definition an open bracket, '[', an array is constructed the single quote character, MATLAB creates a string If a format error occurs, MATLAB repeats the prompt. This behavior can be modified if 's' is provided as the second parameter to input(…), in which case the complete input character sequence is saved as a string regardless of content.
Conversion from Strings to Numbers: sscanf In its simplest form, CV = sscanf(str, fmt) scans the string str and converts each data item according to the conversion specifications in the format string fmt. Each item discovered in str produces a new row on the result array, CV, a column vector. If you convert strings this way, each character in the string becomes a separate numerical result in the output vector. MATLAB allows you to substitute thecharacter '*' for the conversion size parameter to suppress any strings in the input string. For example: str = 'are 4.700 1.321 4.800000' B = sscanf( str, '%*s %f %f %f') B = 4.7000 1.3210 4.8000
Miscellaneous Character String Operations disp(…) shows the contents of a variable in the Command Window fprintf(…) formats data for the Command Window exactly as sprintf does to produce a string.
String Comparison Strings may be compared as vectors; however, they must then obey vector comparison rules strcmp(…) and strcmpi(…) compare strings of any length. >> 'abcd' == 'abcd' ans = 1 1 1 1 >> 'abcd' == 'abcde' ??? Error using ==> eq Array dimensions must match for binary array op. >> strcmp('abcd', 'abcde') ans = 0 >> strcmp('abcd', 'abcd') ans = 1 >> 'abc' == 'a' ans = 1 0 0 >> strcmpi('ABcd', 'abcd') ans = 1
6.5 Arrays of Strings Character string arrays can be constructed by either of the following: As a vertical vector of strings, all of which must be the same length By using a special version of the char(…) cast function that accepts a variable number of strings with different lengths, pads them with blanks to make all rows the same length, and stores them in an array of characters
Engineering Example—Encryption Encryption is the process of somehow changing a message in the form of a string of characters so that it can be understood at its destination, but is unintelligible to a third party who does not have access to the original encryption scheme. Early encryption schemes involved shifting characters in the alphabet either by a constant amount or according to a one-time message pad. However, these schemes are relatively easily cracked by examining letter frequencies.
Our Approach We will use a scheme that makes use of the MATLAB random number generator to create a random character shift unique to each occurrence of characters in a message, so that letter frequency cannot be used to determine the encryption technique. At the destination, as long as the random number generator is seeded with an agreed value, the message can be reconstructed by shifting back the message characters. A few minor modifications wrap the characters on the alphabet to remain within the set of printable letters.
The Solution - encryption %% encryption section % seed the random generator to a known state rand('state', 123456) loch = 33; hich = 126; range = hich+1-loch; rn = floor( range * rand(1, length(txt) ) ); change = (txt>=loch) & (txt<=hich); enc = txt; enc(change) = enc(change) + rn(change); enc(enc > hich) = enc(enc > hich) - range; disp('encrypted text') encrypt = char(enc);
The Solution - decryption % good decryption % seed the random generator to the same state rand('state', 123456); rn = floor( range * rand(1, length(txt) ) ); change = (encrypt>=loch) & (encrypt <= hich) dec = encrypt; dec(change) = dec(change) - rn(change) + range; dec(dec > hich) = dec(dec > hich) - range; disp('good decrypt'); decrypt = char(dec)
String Functions num2str(a,n) Converts a number to its numerical representation with n decimal places disp(...) Displays matrix or text fprintf(...) Prints formatted information input(...) Prompts the user to enter a value sscanf(...) Formats input conversion sprintf(...) Formats a string result strcmp(s1, s2) Compares two strings; returns true if equal strcmpi(s1, s2) Compares two strings without regard to case; returns true if equal
1-301 11.1 Plotting in General The fundamental container for plotting is a MATLAB figure Simple plot of x versus y: plot(x, y) Plot enhancements axis, colormap, grid on, hold on, legend, shading, text, title, view, xlabel, ylabel, zlabel Use subplot(r, c, n) for multiple plots on one figure
Exercise: Try this simple graph octave:38> x=0:0.05:10*pi; octave:39> y=exp(-1.*x).*sin(x); octave:40> plot(x,y) Don’t forget the semi-colons!
1-303 Plot Enhancements 1. clf 2. x = -2*pi:.05:2*pi; 3. subplot(2,3,1) 4. plot(x, sin(x)) 5. title('1 - sin(x)'); 6. subplot(2,3,2) 7. plot(x, cos(x)) 8. title('2 - cos(x)'); 9. subplot(2,3,3) 10. plot(x, tan(x)) 11. title('3 - tan(x)'); 12. subplot(2,3,4) 13. plot(x, x.^2) 14. title('4 - x^2'); 15. subplot(2,3,5) 16. plot(x, sqrt(x)) 17. title('5 - sqrt(x)'); 18. subplot(2,3,6) 19. plot(x, exp(x)) 20. title('4 - e^x');
1-304 11.2 2-D Plotting Basic function for 2-D plots: plot(x, y, str) x and y are vectors of the same length str specifies optional line color & style control Plot options subplot, axis, hold on, title Parametric plotting Allows the variables on each axis to be dependent on a separate, independent variable
1-305 Multiple 2-D Plots
1-306 Special 2-D Effects % Code for the first three plots 1. clear 2. clc 3. close all 4. x = linspace(0, 2*pi); 5. subplot(2, 3, 1) 6. plot(x, sin(x)) 7. axis([0 2*pi -0.5 0.5]) 8. title('Changing Data Range on an Axis') 9. subplot(2, 3, 2) 10. plot(x, sin(x)) 11. hold on 12. plot(x, cos(x)) 13. axis tight 14. title('Multiple Plots with hold on') 15. subplot(2, 3, 3) 16. plot(x, sin(x), 'ó') 17. hold on 18. plot(x, cos(x), 'r:') 19. axis tight 20. title('Multiple Plots with hold on')
1-307 Transforming a Circle to an Airfoil
1-308 11.3 3-D Plotting 2-D plots in MATLAB are actually 3-D plots (select the Rotate 3D icon on the tool bar) Linear 3-D Plots Extend 2-D plots by adding a set of z values Use plot3(x, y, z, str) Linear Parametric 3-D Plots Allow variables on each axis to be dependent on a separate, independent variable Other plot capabilities bar3(x, y), barh3(x, y), pie3(y)
Exercise: Try this simple 3-D plot octave:38> x=0:0.05:10*pi; octave:39> y=exp(-1.*x).*sin(x); octave:41> z=cos(x); octave:46> plot3(x,y,z)
1-310 3-D View of a 2-D Plot
1-311 3-D Line plots
1-312 Parametric Line Plots
1-313 11.4 Surface Plots Production of images based on mapping a 2-D surface create a plaid Basic capabilities meshgrid(x, y): compute mappings for the 3-D coordinates mesh(xx, yy, zz): plots the surface as white facets outlined by colored lines surf(xx, yy, zz): plots the surface as colored facets outlined by black lines
Exercise: Try this Surface Example facets = 120; len = 2; radius = 1; thr = linspace(0,2*pi,facets); xr = [0 len]; [x th] = meshgrid(xr, thr ); y = radius * cos(th); z = radius * sin(th); surf(x,y,z);
1-315 Designing a Cube Surface plot
1-316 Cube Surfaces
1-317 Simple Surface Plot
1-318 Compound Surface Plot
1-319 Using External Illumination
1-320 Designing a Cylinder Plot
1-321 Cylinder Plot
1-322 Sphere Plot
Bodies of Rotation Created by rotating a linear curve about a specified axis i.e. rotate z = f(x) about the x or z axes (not y) Rotate z = f(x) about the x-axis y = r cos(θ), z = r sin(θ) Rotate z = f(x) about the z-axis x = r cos(θ), y = r sin(θ) 1-323
1-324 Rotating About the X Axis
1-325 Rotating About the Z Axis
1-326 Bodies of Rotation
1-327 Rotating Arbitrary Shapes
General Rotation Techniques Rotating about an Arbitrary Axis 1-328 Calculate the matrix that will place your axis of rotation along the x-axis Transform x and z with that rotation Rotate the results about the x-axis Invert the transformation on the resulting surface
1-329 A Solid Disk
1-330 A Klein Bottle
Reading Excel Data octave:51> help csv2cell csv2cell is the dynamically-linked function from the file /usr/lib/octave/site/oct/api-v13/i686-pc-cygwin/octave-forge/csv2cell.oct -- Function File: C = csv2cell (FILE) -- Function File: C = csv2cell (FILE, SEP) -- Function File: C = csv2cell (FILE, SEP, PROT) Read a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file and convert it into a cell. SEP changes the character used to separate two fields. By default, two fields are expected to be separated by a coma (`,'). PROT changes the character used to protect a string. By default it's a double quote (`"'). MATLAB actually has very nice csvread and csvwrite. Octave…doesn’t
Reading into Cells octave:61> cells=csv2cell("Names.csv") cells = { [1,1] = Name [2,1] = Mark [3,1] = Barb [4,1] = Matthew [5,1] = Katherine [6,1] = Jennifer [1,2] = Gender [2,2] = 1 [3,2] = 2 [4,2] = 1 [5,2] = 2 [6,2] = 2 [1,3] = Age [2,3] = 44 [3,3] = 45 [4,3] = 15 [5,3] = 12 [6,3] = 9 }
Another way to read Excel Data octave:60> help dlmread dlmread is the dynamically-linked function from the file /usr/lib/octave/site/oct/api-v13/i686-pc-cygwin/octave-forge/dlmread.oct -- Loadable Function: DATA = dlmread (FILE) -- Loadable Function: DATA = dlmread (FILE,SEP) -- Loadable Function: DATA = dlmread (FILE,SEP,R0,C0) -- Loadable Function: DATA = dlmread (FILE,SEP,RANGE) Read the matrix DATA from a text file The RANGE parameter must be a 4 element vector containing the upper left and lower right corner [R0,C0,R1,C1] The lowest index value is zero.
Using dlmread octave:62> data = dlmread("Names.csv",",") data = NA 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 44.00000 0.00000 0.00000 2.00000 45.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 15.00000 0.00000 0.00000 2.00000 12.00000 0.00000 0.00000 2.00000 9.00000 0.00000
How do we get just the data we want? octave:79> [rows cols] = size(data) rows = 6 cols = 4 octave:80> col3 = [zeros(rows,1) zeros(rows,1) ones(rows,1) zeros(rows,1)] col3 = 0 0 1 0
Can’t use 0’s and 1’s – must be true/false octave:88> col3==1 ans = 0 0 1 0 octave:89> index = col3==1 index = 0 0 1 0 octave:90> data(index) ans = 0 44 45 15 12 9
But that first row is just from the header! octave:93> ages(2:1:rows) ans = 44 45 15 12 9
Exercise Study the world! Country Country code Year (2004) Population in thousands Exchange rate with US$ Per capita GDP
Getting you started octave:95> pops=dlmread("pops2004.csv",","); octave:96> [rows,cols]=size(pops) rows = 189 cols = 11 octave:97> col4=[zeros(rows,1) zeros(rows,1) zeros(rows,1), ones(rows,1) zeros(rows,1) zeros(rows,1) zeros(rows,1) zeros(rows,1) zeros(rows,1) zeros(rows,1) zeros(rows,1)]; popdata = pops(col4==1); octave:99> x=1:1:rows; octave:100> plot(x,popdata) Alternatively: col4 = popdata(:,4)
Country populations in 2004
Exercise Questions If you sort the data (hint: “help sort”), what does the curve of world populations look like? Are all populations equally likely? How about the curve of exchange rates or per capita GDP? What’s the highest CGDP? What’s the lowest? What’s the highest exchange rate? What’s the lowest?
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