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Presentation on theme: " 1 Goals: 1. Introduce LinkedIn. 2. Teach where to find LinkedIn’s Privacy Policy. 3. Provide overview of privacy related issues. 4. Discuss."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Goals: 1. Introduce LinkedIn. 2. Teach where to find LinkedIn’s Privacy Policy. 3. Provide overview of privacy related issues. 4. Discuss ethical implications of creating and using a LinkedIn account. 5. Present the basic information that LinkedIn requires for new account creation. 6. Demonstrate how to sign up for a LinkedIn account. 7. Teach where to find the account settings in a LinkedIn account. Student Outcomes: 1. Student can navigate to the appropriate webpage to sign up for a free LinkedIn account. 2. Student can locate LinkedIn’s Privacy Policy. 3. Student knows the information that is required to open a LinkedIn account. 4. Student is aware that providing honest, professional information is critical. 5. Student can locate the account settings in the LinkedIn account in order to view and/or modify default privacy settings. Gina Wilson LS 527 Fall 2012 Dr. S. Herring Individual Instructional Session ‘How To Create a LinkedIn Account’ Target Audience: People 50+ (computer literate) Looking For a 2 nd career Unemployed/job hunting Employed/ job hunting Professionals desiring to network Setting: Public Library (room with presentation screen and 6-12 computer stations) Session can accommodate 6-12 attendees Part 1: PowerPoint Presentation and Discussion Part 2: Guided Practice (computer lab)

2 How To Create A LinkedIn Account Gina Wilson 2

3 3  World’s largest professional network  187+ million members (9/30/12)

4 4 “I often refer to Linkedin as the great cocktail party in the sky.” LinkedIn: Busting 8 Damaging Myths About What It can Do For Your Career, Kathy Caprino. 13 Sep. 2011. Kathy Caprino,

5 5 Give me a green check when you return. “What is LinkedIn?” 2 minute video

6 LinkedIn- a professional networking site 6 ConnectSocially Facebook ConnectProfessionally Facebook

7 Yes or No Using LinkedIn is a great way to make friends. 7

8 8 linked + in l i n k e d i n. c o m Registering for a free account is easy. Join Now Write It Down! Name, Email, Password Privacy Policy

9 Step 1: Read the Privacy Policy (optional but recommended) 9 Join Now Write It Down! Name, Email, Password Privacy Policy

10 No Excuses! Read the Privacy Policy before opening your account. 10 Join Now Write It Down! Name, Email, Password Privacy Policy

11 Step 2: Name, Email, Password (required) 11 Join Now Write It Down! Name, Email, Password Privacy Policy

12 Write down your LinkedIn account information. 12 Linked In Account Info Email: Password: gobble123 Join Now Write It Down! Name, Email, Password Privacy Policy

13 Final Step: Join Now 13 Join Now Write It Down! Name, Email, Password Privacy Policy

14 After joining LinkedIn, you are required to provide this information: 14

15 Creating a LinkedIn account is easy. 15 Read the privacy policy (next to ‘Join Now’ button) Enter your 1 st and last name Enter your email (personal email recommended) Create a password (6-16 characters) Write your account info down! Select ‘Join Now’ Provide required info: country, zip code, job status, title, company, language

16 Multiple Choice: Which of the following is not required to open a free LinkedIn account? a) First & Last Name b) Account Password c) Telephone number d) Email 16

17 17 A final word of advice: Check Your ‘Settings’. 1 2

18 18 Once you begin using your account, information is visually organized and easy to find.

19 19 You are ready to get the most from your professional network!

20 Gina Wilson LS 527 Fall 2012 Dr. S. Herring 20 Gina Wilson 334-636-5399 My Libguide: m/content.php?pid=394436 How To Create A LinkedIn Account Questions?

21 21 Gina Wilson LS 527 Fall 2012 Dr. S. Herring For ILI Session Design: Grassian, Esther S., and Joan R. Kaplowitz. Information Literacy Instruction, Second Ed. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, 2009. Print. Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. The Association of College and Research Libraries Division. American Library Association. 2000. Chicago, IL. Web. For PowerPoint Presentation: Caprino, Kathy, M.A.,’LinkedIn: Busting 8 Damaging Myths About What It Can Do For Your Career’. 13 Sep. 2011. for-your-career/ for-your-career/ Microsoft Excel-graphics and clipart. facebook logo. ‘What Is Linked In?’. LinkedIn information, images, stats and screenshots. CREDITS

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