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The Second Command- ment m/2007/07/10-commandments-of- supporting-your-family.jpg.

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Presentation on theme: "The Second Command- ment m/2007/07/10-commandments-of- supporting-your-family.jpg."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Second Command- ment m/2007/07/10-commandments-of- supporting-your-family.jpg

2 Second Commandment Do not misuse God’s name Exodus 20:7

3 Other commonly used words: Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. “In Vain” means “for the wrong purpose”

4 So Another translation says: Do not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God. Luther tells what those wrong uses include:

5 Martin Luther’s comment: He explains that, based on our fear and love of God, we would not curse, swear, use witchcraft, lie or trick people (deceive them), making use of God’s name …

6 Swearing would mean … Saying that God could punish you if you are not telling the truth. We do swear in court, but this command tells us not to do it in ordinary life.

7 Cursing would be … Telling someone that you hope God would hurt them.

8 Using witchcraft would be: Doing things like those that God forbids in Deuteronomy 18:10-11 Do not let your people practice divination, or look for omens, or use spells or charms, and don’t let them consult the spirits of the dead.

9 What do those words mean? Divination is looking at an object, like leaves in a tea cup or the lines on your hand, to tell the future. Omens are telling the future by things that happen, such as an eclipse of the moon or a bird making a sound.

10 Not to lie or deceive (trick) Some people lie, and then say “So help me God.” Others say “O God” as a fill word, showing lack of respect.

11 Luther continues … By saying what we would do: that we would call upon God in every trouble, and that we would pray, praise, and give thanks to God.

12 End of Commandment 2 Why is it called “number 2? “ The Ten Commandments are written in Exodus 2, but those verses do not tell us which is number one or two, so different groups number them in different ways. For example:

13 The Jewish way: Exodus 20, verses 2 and 3: says: I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.” SO … when the Jews write the ten commandments, they say this entire verse, and call it number one.

14 Most Churches Use “no other Gods” as the first commandment, But they differ as to which is the second commandment:

15 Which is the second commandment? This power point uses “name of God” as the second commandment, but some churches say “no graven images” for their second commandment. That puts all the other commands one number off.

16 You can tell Which system is being used by looking at “Thou shalt not kill.” In this power point’s system it is number 5. In the other common system it is number 6.

17 Then at the end … This system has two commands for coveting (the 9 th and 10 th commandments), while the other system puts all the coveting commands together into the tenth commandment.

18 Which system is correct? Both are OK because they Bible does not give the numbers. Both systems were in common use in Europe.

19 The End Written by Jim Found Design by Lizzy O Copyright notice: Pictures from Microsoft Word Clip Art files.

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