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The Carers Association Frank Goodwin Chairperson.

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Presentation on theme: "The Carers Association Frank Goodwin Chairperson."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Carers Association Frank Goodwin Chairperson

2 What & Who we Are Registered Company Non-Profit NGO Members are mainly Carers

3 Who we Are Carers are relatives or friends Non-paid workers in the home Providing essential care for those with serious illness or disabilities.

4 History of Carers Association 1987 – 2009 1987: Conference on Carers of Older People 1987 : 5 people decided to form a Carers Association Priorites were: Lobbying, Publicity & Support Groups

5 Carers Association Today National NGO 18 Centres around Ireland 200 Staff Turn over in 2008: €5.8 Million 1,000 members, 10,000 on database

6 Our Services Advocacy Training Support Groups Careline (Phone) Information Website Home Respite Care Drop-in centres

7 Facts about Family Carers

8 Census Question

9 Facts from Census 2006 160,917 Carers = 4.8% of population 62% female. 11% over 65 years of age. 40,883 provide full time care 90,544 are in paid working & Caring (56%).

10 CARERS’ WORK ECONOMIC VALUE 3.7 million hours a week €2.5 billion per year.

11 Research Findings CARERS ISSUES 1.Access to information on rights, entitlements 2.Availability of respite and emergency care 3.Stress and emotional strain of caring 4.Recognition of the role and contribution of Carers 5.Assistance applying for statutory entitlements 6.Isolation and loss of independence 7.Financial difficulties.

12 Government Financial Support Carers in 2008 43,569 Carers receive the Carers Allowance each week. 2,628 Carers received Carers Benefit. 54,426 Carers received the Respite Care Grant, once a year.

13 CARERS ALLOWANCE & RESPITE GRANT Maximum Rate = €220 per week Respite Grant once a year for verified full time carers = €1,700 Other entitlements: Medical Card etc The above are all Means Tested

14 SUMMARY Carers are an integral part of our health and social services provision Carers work 3.7 million hours per week Save the State €2.5 billion per year

15 Challenge CUT BACKS Due to Government Policy & Action, there is and will continue to be greater demands & stresses on Family Carers. Due to an ageing population there will be more older people to be cared for at home than ever before.

16 CUT BACKS Home Helps Home Care Packages Home modification Grants Rural Transport

17 CUT BACKS Delayed admission to hospitals Early discharge from hospital Waiting lists for nursing homes Priority given to hospitals for nursing home admissions

18 Proposed Budget Cut Backs Respite Grants Half Rate Carer’s Allownace Christmas double payment 3-5% cut in all Social Payments.

19 What we are doing about it Empower Carers Lobbying Elected Members of Parliament Lobbying Local elected Representatives Meeting key Ministers & Opposition Working with other NGO

20 It’s not about charity It’s about Equality & Justice

21 Thank you

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