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1 PREFALL LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME GRUNDTVIG Madrid, ENSA General Assembly June, 2nd 2010 Madrid, ENSA General Assembly June, 2nd 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "1 PREFALL LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME GRUNDTVIG Madrid, ENSA General Assembly June, 2nd 2010 Madrid, ENSA General Assembly June, 2nd 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 PREFALL LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME GRUNDTVIG Madrid, ENSA General Assembly June, 2nd 2010 Madrid, ENSA General Assembly June, 2nd 2010

2 2 WHO GLOBAL REPORT ON FALLS PREVENTION IN OLDER AGE, 2007 WHO GLOBAL REPORT ON FALLS PREVENTION IN OLDER AGE, 2007 Population Ageing is a Triumph of Humanity but also a Challenge to Society

3 3 Can you do it, even if you are not over 65 yet?

4 It is well known that 30% among adult and senior citizen, experience at least one fall a year. Falls for older people are already one of the most important public health concerns in term of Morbidity, Mortality and Cost to Health and Social Service. Hip fractures represent the more significant percentage of all “fractures fall related”. About one out of five hip fracture patients dies within a year of their injury; most of these patients are hospitalized for more than one week; one out of four, who lived independently before the event, has to stay in a nursing home for at least a year after the surgery.

5 In Europe every year 500.000 new hip fractured are registered. This number is going to skyrocket in the near future due to the increasing of life expectancy. The total direct costs for hip fractures exceed € 4 billion a year for the hospitalization only. Within one year this number doubles once considering nursing home, doctor’s servicing, rehabilitation and home health care.

6 PREFALL Creating an European Blueprint for Fall Prevention Veneto Region (Local Health Authority N.9 Treviso – Orthopaedic Division) Universidad Permanente de Alicante (ES) Surrey County Council (UK) Municipality of Halandry (GR) Conseil General du Val-De-Marne (FR) Tartu City Government (EE)

7 Objectives InformationEducation Physical Activity Elderly for Elderly

8 The project encourages initiatives for transferring knowledge, methods and good practices for senior citizen education, equipping seniors with the skills that they need to cope with the main risk factors for falling strengthening their contibution to the learning of other older adults. Eventually the project will promote the set out of a physical activity training programme and zero in on specific older adults need, as part of different goals: a) to prevent fall and their devastating effects; b) to keep elderly in active life, out of health institutions living longer in an autonomous way.

9 1. A reduction of the mortality rate 2. A decrease in hospitalization and health care costs 3. A decrease in the number of hip fractures surgery 4. A significant reduction of the waiting list for the outgoing patients

10 The main goal is always to improve the quality of life for the elderly

11 11 Thank you for your attention! Dott. Roberto De Rosa ULSS 9 TREVISO

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