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Sidnummer 2016-05-27 1 Dewey in Sweden - still a project? Harriet Aagaard The National Library of Sweden EDUG meeting 11 April 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Sidnummer 2016-05-27 1 Dewey in Sweden - still a project? Harriet Aagaard The National Library of Sweden EDUG meeting 11 April 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sidnummer 2016-05-27 1 Dewey in Sweden - still a project? Harriet Aagaard The National Library of Sweden EDUG meeting 11 April 2013

2 Sidnummer 2016-05-27 2 Dewey in Sweden 1921Sweden developed a Swedish classificationssystem, SAB 2005Report on Cataloguing and Classification –Proposal to switch to DDK 2008The National Library decided to switch 2008The Swedish Library Association recommended public libraries and school libraries to switch 2009The Dewey project, May 2009 – December 2011 2012-The Swedish Dewey Editorial Office

3 Sidnummer The Dewey project 2009 - 2011 Magdalena Svanberg, projectmanager Projectgroup 6 persons 9.3 years of work (for one person) Mixed translation - 40 % –SAB (the Swedish Classification System) –The Abridged edition –All superordinate classes to translated classes –All tables Training Mappings 2016-05-27 3

4 Sidnummer Mappings DDK – SAB –Database with table of mappings –SKOS DDK – SAO (The Swedish Subject Headings) –SAO is an additional access point in the Swedish WebDewey 2016-05-27 4 200 C 4 2013-03-04

5 Sidnummer Mappings used in Libris 2016-05-27 5

6 Sidnummer Mappings used in WebDewey Search 2016-05-27 6 Used in Libris to search a subject by DDK classification

7 Sidnummer Mappings DDK - SAB 2016-05-27 7 Separate routine Manual work Intellectual work Takes time

8 Sidnummer Mappings DDK - SAO 2016-05-27 8 Part of the work for new Subject Headings

9 Sidnummer Mixed translation? Good enough? Too few terms in the Swedish index Have to search both in the Swedish and the English index Less efficient Affects quality? 2016-05-27 9 Full translation – in time!

10 Sidnummer 2013-01-22 10 Mixed translation- example Swedish index entryEnglish index entry Ensamstående män T1--08652T1--08652Single men T1--08652T1--08652 Single men 306.8152306.8152 Single men--psychology 155.6422155.6422 Single men--social group 306.8152306.8152

11 Sidnummer Pansoft – translations & updates 2013-01-22 11

12 Sidnummer Libraries using DDK The National Library 25 University Libraries 12 Special Libraries 5 Public Libraries BTJ (Literary agency used by public libraries) 2016-05-27 12 ?

13 Sidnummer 2016-05-27 13

14 Sidnummer Training Autumn 2010 - 2011 13 full week courses (200 librarians) –Including 1 day Introduction 1 day Introduction (800 librarians) – 13 + 5 extra 2012 - 2013 –4 full week courses Need for a new model ! 2016-05-27 14

15 Sidnummer Future training 290 kommuner (municipalities) School libraries University libraries –New libraries –New staff –Special areas –Law –Literature –Medicin –Music –etc 2016-05-27 15

16 Sidnummer Web based training Powerpoint – Camtasia –Audio –Webcamera Introduction Number building Special topics in DDK Shelving How to start with DDK etc 2016-05-27 16

17 Sidnummer Shelving 17 2016-05-27 How to go from SAB to DDC? New books? All books? What shelving information?

18 Sidnummer A national standard for shelving A national standard for fiction for adults A national standard for children’s literature – fiction & nonfiction 2016-05-27 18 Skön Eng Poesi Fre Drama Kapitel Rim & Ramsor Unga

19 Sidnummer The Swedish Dewey Editorial Office 2013-03-04 19

20 Sidnummer National bibliography - Working group 2016-05-27 20 Dewey support team Quality control Best practises

21 Sidnummer National reference group University libraries Maria Gullberg – Malmö högskola Bo Jernberg – Linköpings universitet Helene Stenman – Umeå universitet Public libraries / School libraries Lina Berglund – Malmö stadsbibliotek Astrid Wolff Feychting – Umeå stadsbibliotek BTJ (literaty agency used by public libraries) Elisabet Viktorsson The National library. The National bibliography Olof Osterman 2016-05-27 21

22 Sidnummer Web based meetings Adobe Connect 2016-05-27 22

23 Sidnummer DDK & end users For shelving –Finding a book –Browsing by subject For search –Subject searces in the catalogue 2016-05-27 23

24 Sidnummer 2016-05-27 24 Simple search Limitations by subject

25 Sidnummer 2016-05-27 25

26 Sidnummer 2013-03-04 Useful for librarians

27 Sidnummer We need to make Dewey work harder 2016-05-27 27

28 Sidnummer Next generation Libris 2016-05-27 28 Big data analysis & DDK Metadata of books fulltext Big data analysis of fulltext DDK must be able to work together with Big data analysis Subject headings

29 Sidnummer Still a project? 2016-05-27 29

30 Sidnummer 010-7093612 2013-01-22 30 Thank you!

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