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Challenged by God. Jonah Was sent to Ninevah - Jonah ch 1 v 1 - 3 But disobeyed God God commanded Jonah to go to Ninivah for second time - Jonah ch 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Challenged by God. Jonah Was sent to Ninevah - Jonah ch 1 v 1 - 3 But disobeyed God God commanded Jonah to go to Ninivah for second time - Jonah ch 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Challenged by God

2 Jonah Was sent to Ninevah - Jonah ch 1 v 1 - 3 But disobeyed God God commanded Jonah to go to Ninivah for second time - Jonah ch 3 v 1 - 2 Jonah swallows his pride and speaks to king. Whole kingdom repents Jonah gets angry and God teaches him a lesson

3 Moses The slave who becomes a Prince who becomes an outlaw who eventually becomes a leader Exodus ch 3 v 9 - 14 Challenged to go and speak to Pharaoh Exodus ch 14 v 13 -16 Challenged to Lead

4 Saul/Paul Saul Persecuted the Christians Acts ch 9 v 1 - 16 Challenged to change 2 Corinthians ch 11 v 24 - 31 Challenged to continue

5 Peter Matthew ch 14 v 22 - 33 Challenged to step out of the boat Challenged to keep his eyes on Jesus

6 How are we challenged? Thru Prayer Thru Gods word Thru other people Circumstances

7 What are we challenged to do? Be a missionary Talk to people To lead people Change our lives To persevere - Hebrews ch 12 v 1 - 2 Study Spend time with God Forgive - Colossians ch 3 v 13

8 The Great Challenge aka The Great Commission Matthew ch 28 v 19 - 20 A challenge for all Also a promise to all

9 What next? We need to listen for the challenges Be prepared and ready - 1 Peter ch 1 v13-16 Go

10 Access this slide again

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