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Graduate Programs, The AAU and Faculty Mentoring of Graduate Students Department Chair’s Forum Winter Quarter, 2006 February 24, 2006.

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1 Graduate Programs, The AAU and Faculty Mentoring of Graduate Students Department Chair’s Forum Winter Quarter, 2006 February 24, 2006


3 Why is it important that growth of the graduate student population has not kept pace with growth of the undergraduate population? Graduate students are the research engine of a research university. UCR aspires to become a major research university and a member of the AAU. Members of the AAU are all major research universities. To become a member of the AAU, UCR must have the profile of an AAU university. Doctoral education is a Phase II AAU membership indicator.

4 AAU InstitutionGraduate Students Total Students % Graduate Students SUNY Buffalo Michigan State University University of California, Irvine SUNY Stony Brook Purdue University Princeton University Rutgers The University of Kansas University of California, Santa Barbara University of Missouri-Columbia Iowa State University Brown University Tulane University University of Nebraska-Lincoln Rice University University of Oregon Syracuse University Brandeis University University of California, Riverside 9,438 8,040 3,609 7,692 6,757 1,997 7,298 6,241 2,985 6,120 4,741 1,568 5,238 4,222 1,948 3,864 6,192 1,346 1,964 27,276 43,448 23,742 22,355 38,564 6,632 35,236 28,603 20,847 27,003 26,971 7,595 13,214 22,988 4,805 20,339 18,639 4,397 17,053 34.6 18.5 15.2 34.4 17.5 30.1 20.7 21.8 14.3 22.7 17.6 20.6 39.6 18.4 40.5 19.0 33.2 30.6 11.5 Comparison of the % Graduate Students for the Bottom One-Third of AAU Universities




8 Fall Quarter 19951996199719981999200020012002200320042005 Number of Academic Graduate Students 12711233131912701289143915401641184818791924 Faculty Headcount 477469476474493515553571604621607 Academic Graduate Students per Faculty Total Number of Academic Graduate Students Fall Quarter, Faculty Headcount and Academic Graduate Students per Faculty Member

9 Fall Qtr19952005 Faculty Headcount210257 Number of Graduate Students 520643 Graduate Students per Faculty 2.5 Faculty Headcount, Number of Graduate Students (Fall Quarter), and Graduate Students per Faculty Member in CHASS

10 Faculty Headcount Total Number of Graduate Students Graduate Students//Faculty Anthropology14624.43 Art History7233.29 Comparative Literature15221.47 Creative Writing and Writing for the Performing Arts 9353.89 Dance/Dance History9293.22 Economics20492.45 English25903.60 History26883.38 Music10141.40 Philosophy17382.24 Political Science13362.77 Psychology25662.64 Sociology20643.20 Hispanic Studies10232.30 Visual Arts781.14 Total2576472.50 Number of Faculty, Graduate Students and Graduate Students per Faculty for CHASS Departments

11 Number of Dissertation Committees Chaired Number of Faculty Who Chaired this Number of Dissertation Committees 172 143 94 82 75 6 511 415 322 227 145 150 / 211 (71%) CHASS Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Chairs from 9/1998 to 2004 Faculty in Departments with terminal Master’s degrees not included in total number of faculty

12 Fall Qtr19952005 Faculty Headcount205237 Number of Graduate Students 506659 Graduate Students per Faculty 2.52.8 Faculty Headcount, Number of Graduate Students (Fall Quarter), and Graduate Students per Faculty Member in CNAS

13 DepartmentFaculty Headcount Total Number of Graduate Students Graduate Students/Faculty Biochemistry12473.92 Biology19542.84 Botany & Plant Sciences25542.16 Chemistry251104.40 Earth Sciences13262.00 Entomology25712.84 Environmental Sciences26461.77 Mathematics24522.17 Nematology561.20 Cell Biology & Neuroscience13393.00 Physics30712.37 Plant Pathology14302.14 Statistics7304.28 Total2376362.68 Number of Faculty (Headcount), Graduate Students and Graduate Students per Faculty for CNAS Departments

14 Number of Dissertation Committees Chaired Number of Faculty Who Chaired This Number of Dissertation Committees 141 121 101 92 81 75 613 517 418 331 241 178 209 / 237 (88.1%) CNAS Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Chairs from 9/1998 to 2004

15 Fall Qtr19952005 Faculty Headcount2368 Number of Graduate Students 38291 Graduate Students per Faculty 1.74.3 Faculty Headcount, Number of Graduate Students (Fall Quarter), and Graduate Students per Faculty Member in BCOE

16 DepartmentFaculty Headcount Total Number of Graduate Students Graduate Students per Faculty Chemical and Environmental Engineering 13614.69 Computer Science and Engineering 241265.25 Electrical Engineering19772.92 Mechanical Engineering12352.92 Total682994.40 Number of Faculty (Headcount), Graduate Students and Graduate Students per Faculty for BCOE Departments

17 Number of Dissertation Committees Chaired Number of Faculty Who Chaired This Number of Dissertation Committees 61 52 42 311 28 114 38 / 68 BCOE Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Chairs from 9/1998 to 2004

18 Graduate Program Number Grad. Students, Fall 2005 PhDs Awarded 3/98 to 8/05 Graduate Program Number Grad. Students, Fall 2005 PhDs Awarded 3/98 to 8/05 Education English Chemistry Psychology Botany/Plant Biology Economics Physics History Sociology Environmental Toxicology Entomology Biochemistry Plant Pathology Biology (EEOB) Computer Science Dance, Dance History & Theory Political Science 209 90 101 62 39 49 72 88 64 34 48 50 16 50 124 29 36 75 71 58 46 44 41 38 37 30 29 28 27 26 25 Philosophy Anthropology Mathematics Statistics Soil & Water Sciences Genetics, Genomics & Bioinformatics Electrical Engineering Geological Sciences Biomedical Sciences Comparative Literature Hispanic Studies Microbiology Chem. & Environ. Eng. CMDB Cell Biol. & Neuroscience Environmental Sciences Total 38 62 57 33 13 19 77 25 16 20 23 12 55 57 17 15 1879 25 24 22 20 19 18 15 13 10 7 5 4 3 949 Number of Grad. Students, Fall 2004, & Number of PhDs Awarded, 3/98 to 8/05 by Grad. Program

19 Cost of GSR vs. PostDoc GSR Salary:Step II$15,988 / 12 months (49% time) Step III$17,728 / 12 months (49% time) Step IV$19,151 / 12 months (49% time) Fees + benefits:~$9,000 Overhead (49.5%) Total:Step II~$33,000 Step III~$35,270 Step IV~$37,500 POSTDOC Salary$31,688 (minimum) Benefits~$7000/year Overhead$19,200 Total:~$58,000

20 Fall Qtr19951996199719981999200020012002200320042005 CHASS Fac. Headcount210207204201211 220229245262257 Grad. Students520493509485481503526556598623643 G.S./Faculty2. 2.5 CNAS Fac. Headcount205204209205204216234237240236237 Grad. Students506476501463466498522551605615659 G.S./Faculty2. BCOE Fac. Headcount2322242936435255636668 Grad. Students3837465079144180208270302291 G.S./Faculty1.7 Number of Graduate Students (Fall Quarter), Faculty Headcount, and Graduate Students per Faculty Member in CHASS, CNAS and BCOE

21 Faculty Headcount Master Students Ph.D. Students Total Grad. Students PhD/FacultyG.S./Faculty Anthropology14161624.364.43 Art History723 3.29 Comparative Literature15220221.331.47 Creative Writing and…1435 2.5 Dance/Dance History9425292.783.22 Economics20148492.402.45 English251575903.003.60 History263256882.153.38 Music1014 1.40 Philosophy1738 2.24 Political Science13432362.462.77 Psychology2466 2.75 Sociology2064 3.20 Hispanic Studies10 13231.302.30 Visual Arts7881.14 Total2571494986472.362.50 Number of Faculty, Graduate Students and Graduate Students per Faculty for CHASS Departments

22 DepartmentFaculty Headcount Master Students Ph.D. Students Total Grad. Students PhD/FacultyG.S./Faculty Biochemistry121730472.503.92 Biology19450542.632.84 Botany & Plant Sciences25153542.122.16 Chemistry25110 4.40 Earth Sciences13620261.542.00 Entomology251655712.202.84 Environmental Sciences261333461.271.77 Mathematics24448522.002.17 Nematology5661.20 Cell Biol & Neuroscience13138392.923.00 Physics30170712.332.37 Plant Pathology14228302.002.14 Statistics630 5.00 Total237655716362.412.68 Number of Faculty (Headcount), Graduate Students and Graduate Students per Faculty for CNAS Departments

23 DepartmentFaculty Headcount Master Students Ph.D. Students Total Grad. Students PhD/FacultyG.S./Faculty Chemical/Environ Eng13655614.234.69 Computer Science24221041264.335.25 Electrical Engineering191760772.252.92 Mechanical Engineering12827352.252.92 Total68532462993.624.40 Number of Faculty (Headcount), Graduate Students and Graduate Students per Faculty for BCOE Departments

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