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© 2015 TOEIC Short Conversations Exercise 14 SHORT CONVERSATIONS Exercise 14.

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1 © 2015 TOEIC Short Conversations Exercise 14 SHORT CONVERSATIONS Exercise 14

2 © 2015 TOEIC Short Conversations Exercise 14 DIRECTIONS TO GIVE THE TEST In this section you will find a number of listening comprehension tests which are based on the third part of the Test Of English for International Communication. These tests will help you practice and improve your business listening skills and you will also learn many new phrases. In the audio, you will hear a short conversations. On the screen, you will see a question and four possible answers. Choose the best answer to the question.

3 © 2015 TOEIC Short Conversations Exercise 14 1) What is the main purpose of the discussion? A. To schedule an appointment B. To issue a reminder C. To agree on an agenda D. To debate a mistake 2) What is the man's problem? A. He is busy B. He is sick C. He is injured D. He is tired 3) When will the man get his teeth cleaned? A. At 8 on Monday B. At 10:30 on Monday C. At 9 on Thursday D. At 10 on Thursday

4 © 2015 TOEIC Short Conversations Exercise 14 4) What are the speakers trying to do? A. Buy movie tickets B. Purchase some art C. Exchange some tickets D. Find a theater entrance 5) Why is the woman concerned? A. The tickets might be sold out B. She doesn't want to miss the opening C. She doesn't like any of the movies D. She doesn't like the Varsity 6) What will the man do next? A. Go to another theater B. Buy popcorn and a drink C. Go to another line D. Stay in the same line

5 © 2015 TOEIC Short Conversations Exercise 14 7) What are the speakers talking about? A. A concert B. A movie C. A play D. A soccer match 8) What does the woman say about Tory Brown? A. He's overrated B. He's handsome C. He's disappointing D. He's talented 9) How does the man feel the performance? A. Let down B. Inspired C. Enraged D. Bored

6 © 2015 TOEIC Short Conversations Exercise 14 10) What does Frank want to do? A. Have time off on Friday B. Work overtime on Monday C. Get some extra work hours D. Change his regular work schedule 11) What can be inferred about Tim? A. He is not Frank's colleague B. He wants to make more money C. He will switch shifts with Kelly D. He is usually unhelpful 12) What does the woman suggest that Frank do? A. Talk with the manager B. Take Friday as a sick day C. Wait one more week D. Change shifts with her

7 © 2015 TOEIC Short Conversations Exercise 14 13) Where is the conversation taking place? A. In a church B. In an office C. In a classroom D. In a park 14) What problem does the woman have? A. She will be late for work B. She cannot make the meeting C. She is struggling with her presentation D. She worked late yesterday 15) What does the man offer? A. To help B. To write her report C. To get coffee D. To make copies

8 © 2015 TOEIC Short Conversations Exercise 14 16) What is the relationship between the speakers? A. Salesman-buyer B. Employer-employee C. Manager-assistant D. Colleague-colleague 17) What is the man's problem? A. He doesn't have enough money B. His order is too heavy C. He needs the order within a week D. He ordered the wrong materials 18) What does the woman suggest? A. Adding more weight B. Ordering more items C. Buying from another company D. Using faster shipping

9 © 2015 TOEIC Short Conversations Exercise 14 19) What are the speakers mainly discussing? A. The man's business B. Contractors C. Tenants D. An eviction notice 20) What position does the man hold? A. Tenant B. Landlord C. Contractor D. CEO 21) What does the man say about his job? A. He loves it B. He has mixed feelings C. It's easy money D. It's too much trouble

10 © 2015 TOEIC Short Conversations Exercise 14 22) Why is Willie being transferred to Singapore? A. To meet with clients B. To get more experience C. To open a new office D. To take over as Asia director 23) How is Willie qualified for his new position? A. He speaks a foreign language B. He is good at accounting C. He has previous experience in Asia D. He comes from China 24) According to the man, why will Willie be busy? A. Sales have increased B. He is traveling to Thailand C. The office is short-staffed D. A new office is opening

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