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Paige, Julia, Stephanie, and Grace. Golden Barrel Cactus Desert Brittlebush Chain fruit Cholla Joshua Tree Jumping Cholla Has leafs covered with a thick.

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Presentation on theme: "Paige, Julia, Stephanie, and Grace. Golden Barrel Cactus Desert Brittlebush Chain fruit Cholla Joshua Tree Jumping Cholla Has leafs covered with a thick."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paige, Julia, Stephanie, and Grace

2 Golden Barrel Cactus Desert Brittlebush Chain fruit Cholla Joshua Tree Jumping Cholla Has leafs covered with a thick mat of short hairs. It got it’s name from the pioneers who thought the tree reminded them from Joshua in the bible. If touch you will be painfully stuck to a spiny segment that seems to have jumped off of the plant. Around 5 to11 feet tall During droughts animals rely on the juicy fruits for food and water.

3 Jackrabbit- Big ears help get rid of extra heat. Desert Bighorn sheep- They live in small pockets of dry desert mountain ranges, foothills near rocky cliffs, and water when it is available. Thorny Devil- The Thorny Devil (Moloch horridus) has spiny orange yellow and black skin with a pretend second head on the back of its neck. They lift their tail and walk along with slow, jerky motion like a wind- up toy.

4 Bobcat- The average bobcat weighs an average of 15-20 L.B.S. Coyote- Eats primarily mice, rats, ground squirrels, gophers, lagomorphs, and carrion

5 The top predators are the hawk and the fox and the lowest in the food web are insects, rodents, and lizards.

6 Succulent- A plant, having fleshy tissues that conserve moisture, rich in interest.

7 In the desert it is very hot and dry and does not get a lot of rain.

8 Copper: copper helps us make things like pennies and made the statue of liberty Cactuses: cactuses help the desert when it rains; they store and conserve water in the hot and dry weather. Zinc: helps heal.

9 -The Desert Biome is located in north Africa, southwest Africa, southern north America, Australia, central Asia, southern Europe, and desert in south America extending in to southern south America.

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