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RIA to visualize the health of a project Team #4 Final presentation April 17,2008.

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Presentation on theme: "RIA to visualize the health of a project Team #4 Final presentation April 17,2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 RIA to visualize the health of a project Team #4 Final presentation April 17,2008

2 Team Information Team Members Karthik Nittala Email: Srinivas Veesam Email: Satya Veni Achanta Email: Rachana Mandava Mentor Mr. Abbasi Dhilawala Email: Instructor Dr. Kwok-Bun Yue Email:

3 Client Information Tietronix Software Inc., 1331 Gemini Ave, Suite #300, Houston, TX-77058. Website:  Tietronix develops software and technology for the worlds most selective customers including NASA and Fortune 1000 companies.  Tietronix is a full service provider of custom software applications and advanced technology solutions. 3Health of a Software Project.

4 Team Roles RoleTeam member Team LeaderKarthik Nittala WebmasterRachana Mandava, Satya Achanta ImplementationAll Testing and debuggingAll Research and designAll DevelopmentAll DocumentationAll 4Health of a Software Project.

5 Contents  Introduction  Project Abstract  System Architecture  Previous work  Requirements  Use Case Diagram  Technologies Used 5Health of a Software Project.

6 Contents Contd..  Rules  Screen Shots  Project Demo  Time Line  References 6Health of a Software Project.

7 Introduction  A UI to monitor and visualize the health of a project  Calculate the health of the project using JBoss Rules  UI built using an RIA(Rich Internet Application) development environment, FLEX. 7Health of a Software Project.

8 Project Abstract  Animation of the process flow.  The system uses the existing database to collect data for the rules.  Calculating the health of a project.  System alerts may be generated. 88Health of a Software Project.

9 System Architecture 9 Health of a Software Project.

10 Previous work  UI built using Scalable Vector Graphics(SVG).  Displays status of process based on simple metrics.  Doesn’t compute health of project. 10Health of a Software Project.

11 11 Health of a Software Project.

12 Requirements  Animation of a software process flow diagram.  Identify the set of rules that calculates the Health of the project.  Alerts. 12Health of a Software Project.

13 Process flow diagram 13 Health of a Software Project.

14 Use Case Diagram 14 Health of a Software Project.

15 Technologies Used  FLEX :- Framework to build Rich Internet Application.  Papervision3d.:- An open source realtime 3d engine.  JBoss Rules :- A rule based inference engine.  MS SQL Server :- A relational Database Management System.  Tomcat Web Server:- A Web Container.  XML:- Flexible text format to carry data  Java Server Pages:-To trigger rules and generate XML. 15Health of a Software Project.

16 Rule Based Inference Engine  What is a rule based inference engine?  Why use a rule based inference engine? oDeclarative: what you want it to do, not how oLogic and data separation oScalability and Flexibility oUnderstandable Rules 16 Health of a Software Project.

17 What is production Rule system? Manages execution order of rules Conflict Resolution strategy Matches facts and data, against Production Rules to infer conclusions which result in actions. process of matching the new or existing facts against Production Rules 17 Health of a Software Project.

18 Steps to develop Rules 18 List the attributes Build rules in English, based on those attributes Define classes to represent facts Write rules in drl files to work with those facts 18Health of a Software Project.

19 Example: if-then-else equivalent Example: if-then-else equivalent If process status = active then Status = 1.0 Time elapsed so far in hours = (today – planned start) % complete so far = (value from the database) Planned % complete so far = (Time elapsed so far in hours / Adjusted total hours to work) If planned % complete so far > 10 then Status = (%complete / planned %complete so far) End if 19 Health of a Software Project.

20 Example: JBoss Rules equivalent Example: JBoss Rules equivalent rule "calculate status when activity active" salience 11 when act : Activity( activityState == "active", plannedPercentComplete > 10.0 ) then modify (act) { act.activityStatusValue = act.percentComplete / act.plannedPercentComplete } modify (act) { act.plannedPercentComplete = -1.0 } act.runQuery("update Capstone_workflow..ActivityData_1202484213721 set activityStatusValue = " + act.activityStatusValue + " where packageName ='" + act.packageName + "' and processName = " + act.processName + " and version = " + act.version + " and processInstanceName = " + act.processInstance + " and activityName = "+ act.activityName ) System.out.println (" :: Status Value = " + act.activityStatusValue); end 20 Health of a Software Project.

21 Time Line 21Health of a Software Project.

22 References:-  e/index.html e/index.html    22Health of a Software Project.

23 Thank You..!!! 23Health of a Software Project.

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