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Lynn Inference Mini-Lesson. Iowa Teacher Development Academy 2006 Inference: Explicit teacher modeling Today we will be talking about inferences. Inferring.

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1 Lynn Inference Mini-Lesson

2 Iowa Teacher Development Academy 2006 Inference: Explicit teacher modeling Today we will be talking about inferences. Inferring is the ability to “read between the lines” to discover the author’s meaning that is implied, but not directly stated. Good readers make inferences as they read to help better understand the author’s message. This is an important comprehension strategy you will use as you read many different texts.

3 Iowa Teacher Development Academy 2006 Inference: Explicit teacher modeling “Remy hated trying to talk while driving. There was far too much to think about. Traffic behind and ahead. Traffic to the left and traffic to the right. Curbs and signs and red lights and turns. Foot on brake and hands on wheel.”  Cooney, C., Driver’s Ed, Dell Laurel-Leaf, 1994, p. 5.

4 Iowa Teacher Development Academy 2006 Inference: Guided Practice “He knew he was not teaching. He was merely there and they were merely there. Time passed and then they left. Year after year he and they drifted through an eight- week session.”  Cooney, C., Driver’s Ed, Dell Laurel-Leaf, 1994, p. 8.

5 Iowa Teacher Development Academy 2006 Inference: Independent Practice “Morgan’s parents had far greater plans for their son than normalcy. They expected straight A’s, brilliance in field and gym, leadership in student government, astonishing achievement in some unusual and fascinating activity, plus a clear complexion.”  Cooney, C., Driver’s Ed, Dell Laurel-Leaf, 1994, p. 21.

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