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E-SENS Electronic Simple European Networked Services eHealth Pilot Testing Strategy.

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Presentation on theme: "E-SENS Electronic Simple European Networked Services eHealth Pilot Testing Strategy."— Presentation transcript:

1 e-SENS Electronic Simple European Networked Services eHealth Pilot Testing Strategy

2 Goal Member States in WP 5.2 to initiate the piloting stage Which steps to take? eHealth Pilot Initiation Guide and Progress Monitoring

3 At a glance Pilot - Stage 1 (scope) OpenNCP: Released v2.2.0 Update local installation of OpenNCP Testing epSOS Testing Strategy o Critical Test Data o Representative Test Data End-To-End Functional Testing o Performed by Health Professionals Evaluations Questionnaire o Performed by Health Professionals Progress Monitoring (method and tool) eHealth Pilot Initiation Guide and Progress Monitoring

4 From epSOS Testing Strategy… Test Data Definition: Patient Identification Data – Provide ID information for a number of patients acting as Country A, present in the testing environment of the PN, and the necessary credentials (e.g. unique patient identifier, name/surname/birth date, depending on the nation); Document Data – 7 types of documents: PS CDA Level 3 (fully structured) and CDA Level 1 (.pdf embedded in the CDA envelope), eP CDA Level 3 (fully structured) and CDA Level 1, eD CDA Level 3 (fully structured) and CDA Level 1, Patient Consent CDA Level 1. Technical Data – e.g. MVC, MTC and LTR, XML Schemas, any other non patient /document data necessary for testing. eHealth Pilot Initiation Guide and Progress Monitoring

5 From epSOS Testing Strategy… Test Data Generation: Patient Identification Data – All relevant Patient Information to use in e- SENS Pilot Participating Nation; structure, Character Sets, Syntax of the Info (e.g. patient address) has to be the same as in the “real world” scenario. Document Data – Test Documents for End-To-End Validation: CRITICAL TEST DATA – A pre-defined set of well-formed and not well-formed PS, eP and eD documents in the English Language based upon the epSOS Schema and MVC. PNs have to transform them into their own CDA format and language. Not well-formed: (medical documents containing values that are not specified in the MVC or cannot be translated) REPRESENTATIVE TEST DATA – Sample Documents provided by PN’s representative of typical data generated by the underlying NI – National Infrastructure. eHealth Pilot - Testing Strategy

6 From epSOS Testing Strategy… Critical Test Data Previously created to cover the widest extent of underlying standard/profile. Purpose: ensure the robustness of the system under test. It cannot be used to test Nation Connector from country A, but can be used to test Country-B NCP and Portal. Question: Can we re-use the CTD used in epSOS? More work to be done in order to get them. MM: the epSOS documents can be reused since they ‘ve been prepared by health professionals; MM: the epSOS documents were created according to the specifications available at the moment, so it is necessary to update those documents to the current specification of PS and eP. The XML files in Gazelle may not be updated according to PS and eP changes to specification. MM: there is a FAQ on CTD (4 pages document) that MM will share. eHealth Pilot - Testing Strategy

7 From epSOS Testing Strategy… Representative Test Data Generated by PN’s. Used as reference data for documents generated by a specific PN. Work as the basic test for functional end-to-end tests. Specifications for generating these documents from epSOS: ?? MM: there will be no specification on RTD MM: there will be the request for having at least 3 PS or eP documents provided directly by NI. eHealth Pilot - Testing Strategy

8 From epSOS Testing Strategy… End-To-End Functional Tests: Performed by PN’s Healthcare Professionals HP’s and / or semantic experts of the PN’s acting as Country B do several patient data exchanges from PS and/or eP/eD. After, they are asked to fill an electronic questionnaire. Question: can we re-use the questionnaire used in epSOS? MM: yes ! It should be available in Gazelle (contact IHE, EXPAND Maintenance Shop ) eHealth Pilot - Testing Strategy

9 Questions at this point Is this “simpler” strategy adopted from epSOS feasible? MM: it is usable, but there are something missing: Full list of test in Gazelle, check witch one need to be updated; add new ones if needed (negotiation with IHE, may be needed); Take in consideration the EXPANDATHON for 9-11 of December Where can we improve this PPT in order to be completely “clear” on what is needed by each MS? MM: take the table listing the different test (from epSOS delivery 3.9.2 and 3.C 1) and ask to make a selection of the test that need to be performed under e-SENS. Include the overall testing strategy picture. Where can we find more info about Testing Strategy from epSOS? D. 3.C.1 & D. 3.C.1 Appendix B 3.9.2 eHealth Pilot - Testing Strategy

10 Questions at this point How will we store and share the Patient ID’s from each MS? RA: Clean the document and fill it with e-SENS valid CTD and RTD. RA: Store in the BSCW (in excel file) Can we re-use the CTD generated in epSOS? YES!!! Can we re-use the questionnaire used in epSOS? YES!!! Confirm with IHE Where can we find specification about documents to be generated by each MS? eHealth Pilot - Testing Strategy

11 Thank you! eHealth Pilot - Testing Strategy Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: groups/EU-eSENS-4998775 Contact us: Visit e-SENS:

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